04/06/19931 f LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES DATE ??C'? ¦. 3. Present: Tony Bacon, Chair Dr. David Berry Douglas Cowley Jack Wilson Joanne Laurenti Herbert Wickersham Dr. Arlita Hallam, Lorraine Bickell, CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD LIBRARY COOPERATION COMMITTEE Meeting of April 6, 1993 7:00 p.m. -- 8:45 p.m. ex-officio guest Absent: Chair Tony Bacon called the meeting to order. The minutes of the March 23rd meeting were approved. Library Reports: Doug Cowley - Mr. Cowley visited with Largo librarian, Barbara Murphey. Ms. Murphey said to watch for cuts in the operating budget, as it had happen@d to Largo. Their capital increased showed general budget up, but, in actuality, operating budget was down. , Circulation is over 700,000 per year; reference also increased. There is a 50/50 split between growth in patrons--mare residents and non-residents increased. Ms. Murphey is a Clearwater resident and thought Clearwater should join. She felt we needed to do public relations outreach if we joined the Coop. Jack Wilson -- Mr. Wilson visited with Nancy Mellican, Oldsmar. She believed the impact would be positive for everyone--that no library could have everything. Mr. Wilson has changed his mind completely about the Coop membership--he feels we should be a member. Oldsmar had no cuts in their budget from joining the Coop. They've used funds to upgrade everything. Tony Bacon - Mr. Bacon met with Liz O'Brien, Tarpon Springs. Ms. O'Brien lives in Clearwater. Tarpon Springs has many unincorporated areas--only 15% of those non-residents use their library. Most Coop money has gone for staff. 60% of Coop money is used for staff; 30% for materials; 10% for other. They've had a 300% increase in business. She feels Clearwater should join the Coop. There have been no budget cuts in local funds. Tarpon Springs keeps two separate accounts: one for Coop grant funds; one for City funds. They have a job information center in the library loft. Tarpon's biggest problem is people who don't want the library expanded because of its location on the bayou. Dave Bern - Dr. Berry met with Julia Noah of Dunedin. Coop membership had a positive impact: circulation up from 259,078 in 1990 to 283,174 in 1992 for books; non-print from 66,223 to 85,446 .i in 1992. They've received $1,266,906.27. They've added seven staff. Dunedin keeps a separate account for Coop Funds. Ms. Noah felt Clearwater's membership would impact their use--some people live closer to Dunedin than to our libraries. Dunedin used funds to buy furniture, equipment, to automate, paint buildings, acquire a huge video collection, etc. The City has increased support from $739,983 in 90/91 to $743,981 in 91/92. Dunedin has benefitted greatly. Dr. Berry feels very strongly that we should join. Herb Wickersham - Mr. Wickersham met with Barbara Ponce of Pinellas ark. She reports no down side. Pinellas Park has increased staff from 13 to 25. They could not get anywhere near what the Coop has offered without it. They have purchased computers. The local budget increased two years; then last year all departments were cut across the board. (see attached table) Karen Wilcox - Mr. Bacon submitted comments from Karen Wilcox, Tarpon- Springs media specialist, on the Coop. (see attached) Lorraine Bi.ckell - Mrs. Bickell is a USF student. in researching her paper on the Coop, she stated her opinions have changed. She is now more interested in serving people--felt she was more selfish before. No one library can have everything. She sees that other member libraries have really improved--that there won't be a financial drain for Clearwater. Lorraine only heard a few negatives: 1) St. Petersburg tried to cut local funds; board and supporters wouldn't let it happen; 2) St. Petersburg only gets one vote, yet it is large; 3) Palm Harbor's director is saving local funds from operating budget for capital project (building)', which impacts the per capita figures they report to the Coop. No other libraries save money from their operating budgets for capital projects. The Board discussed putting Coop funds in the program budget. The Committee is ready to report that we have a consensus. Tony Bacon will draft the position paper to be presented to the Board. Dr. Hallam will meet with the Mayor on April 21 to discuss Coop membership. Board members agreed that the change is that surrounding libraries have improved. The fears are gone. There are major advantages to joining the Coop. No more meetings will be necessary. Submitted, ?I / it? Iiai ham X 1 ) :,;m m ;:. 3 E =I, . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Comments froln Modifa Snecalist Karen Wilcox On a County-Wide Library Cooperative This system Provides state funds for books to those .libraric.!s in the program. Since Tarpon Springs (ex,•imple) has been in the prograrn, their <:ollection has-grown tremendously, necessitating one exparision, with plans for Another. Computerized Card Catalog - This is a wonderful Opportunity to locate titles that are available thrOUgilolrt the cour7ty. Titles available at the site you are using are highlighted, and availability is indicated. When 'a title you want. is available only at another site an inter--library loan request is initiated and the response time is immediate. This tYPe Of Count,>'. system was already in P147ce over 20 Years ago in 11illsborough county. Pinellas is truly behind the ti rues . Patrons are disapt?,ol nted when they discover- they canrrot use Clearwater public Library. Each of the libraries on the !'inellas system have some area of specialization, which is very valuable for patrons. and allows, selection of materials to be better. Note, Karen Wilcox is the media specialist with Sunset Hills Elementary School in Tarpon Springs. She has been a media, specialist for over 20 years and is a lifetime resident of Pinellas County. t 4 PINELLAS PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY COMPARATIVE DATA 1988 - 1992 The Pinellas Park Public Library joined the Pinellas County Library cooperative in 1989. The following figures reflect changes in their budget and service after coop membership: M • . . Illy" 1988/89 1990/91 1991/92 Librarians 4 5 5 Total FTE 13.75 21.25 21.25 City funds $446,270 $447,842 $623,835 County funds 0 $170,224 $181,638 State funds 0 $ 81,471 $ 74,310 Book budget $ 38,232 $ 87,874 $ 91,282 Operating expenses $453,863 $739,667 $847,772 Registered borrowers 14,116 18,643 21,060 Residents 13,867 18,642 21,057 Non--residents 249 1 3 Circulation 196,345 213,728 244,613 Reference questions 49,465 60,432 66,983 DATE: 4/8/93 TO: Tony Bacon and Library Cooperative Committee FROMt Herb Wickersham RE: Interview with Barbara Ponce, Director Pinellas Park Library . ,1 I met with Barbara Ponce on Friday, April 2 to discuss her impressions of the Pinellas Public Library Cooperative and how membership in the Cooperative had affected the Pinellas Park Library. Barbara said that after joining the Cooperative, Library usage increased slowly from approximately 14,000 to 22,000 borrowers. Her staff subsequently increased from 14 to 25. She now has 12 full--time staff, with the rest being part-time. Barbara pointed out that a small city like Pinellas Park could never hope to get the operating budget that they enjoy from the Cooperative. She said that her book budget alone rose from approximately $40,000 to $100,000. This increase has enabled her to buy books she could only hope for in the past. Barbara recognized that her Library would lose money if Clearwater joined the Cooperative. However, she felt that the dollars lost would be more than offset by the opportunity for Cooperative members to use the Clearwater Library. Before the Pinellas Park Library joined the Cooperative, they turned away as many as 100 people per day who wanted library cards but lived outside of their City boundaries. Barbara gave me a tour of the Library and pointed out the many items they had purchased with Cooperative money. She said that since they joined the Cooperative, her budget was reduced in only one year. In that same year the Fire and Police Departments were also reduced. She felt that the Library reduction had nothing to do with the Cooperative money she had received. Barbara does not feel there is a down-side to her Library's membership in the Cooperative. She was very enthusiastic about the Clearwater Library Board reviewing possible membership in the Cooperative. ti O. 41 PINELLAS tlernidetleSlorck Library Administrillor PUBLIC 12345 Slnrkey Road S the L LIBRARY 1.r11-t:il. 171, 34(01-2(,I I COOPEIZATI VIs (8t:1) S.17,-7179 (813) 531-5071 FA X March 26, 1993 Dr. Arlita Hallnm, Director Clearwater Public Library 100 North Osceola Avenue Clearwater, FL 34615 Dear Arlita, We are delighted that you are considering Clearwater Public Library's membership in the Cooperative. It will be an excellent service to both Clearwater's patrons who will now have free access to 17 other libraries and to those outside Clearwater who belong to the Cooperative service and who will now be able to utilize Clearwater's system. As you know, a letter of agreement must be in place by March 30th for us to consider Clearwater for funding beginning with the October 1st new fiscal year. This letter irzust include the basic criteria of the Interlocal Agreement signed by the original members as well as those policies and procedures adopted by the PPLC Board for all member libraries. The Interlocal Agreement is in effect as originally written with the exception of the funds distribution percentages. Per that agreement the Board realigned the percentages at the close of the second year of business. At present the local funds are allotted as follows: 5% to Administration, 2% to the Talking Book Library, 8% to the Reserves account and the balance - 85% to member libraries. That 85% is distributed per the original schedule - a maximum of 20%, a inininsum of 5% (unlesci the library's local suppui t Bills below that amount in which case the library receives an even match to its local funds). 't'he remaining libraries receive proportionate shares of the balance. The State Aid portion of the Interlocal is invalid. The State rirandntes that State Aid be centrally administered and we must begin to move tip to that requirement over the next three years. 't'herefore, in FY 93-94 - 113 of all Slate Aid will be expended through this office, 2/3 will be designated for member libraries which must submit invoices to us for payment based on their allotted shares. In FY 94-95 that goes to 2/3 here, 1/3 allotted and in FY 95-96 the total must be centrally expended. We will no doubt fund many shared services out of State Aid, such as the courier, support for the 't'alking Book Library and the Administrative office and services, possibly the Answer Center if it is to be continued, printing of cards, registration forms, etc., much yet to be determined. ..o r t A. I lallam Lciter/Page 2 04 As far as C:Ut11IT1o1t poIMCS and procedures are concerned the following are in effect: 1) Non-resident fee is $100 per household per year. 2) Common due dales for circulation. 3) Common charges for overdues. 4) Specific identification requirements for new patrons. 5) Each library sets its own policy for non-print materials (videos, CD-Rom, etc.). 6) The Cooperative adopted policy re Unattended Children is an option for each library to adopt. 7) The County ordinance re Overdue Materials may be used though each city having its own ordinance may use it by choice. The Library Directors review these policies and the PPLC Board adopts them. '111cre are several committees at work on various aspects of the Cooperative member libraries goals, objectives, long-range plans, etc. On a business note - perhaps the most important dale is the deadline for audits, March 31. We must receive them promptly in order to meet the County budget deadlines to be Included in the funding for the subsequent year. The County is our major source of funds. There are two small cities in the Cooperative (without libraries so they pay an annual per capita membership fee) and we hope others will .join. Our State Aid allocation is based on local operations support so the amount each city and the County provides for operations is a very important figure. I am sure there are many other details to be discussed. We will meet frequently once Clearwater's decision is made. I hope this information helps to clear the way and I certainly look forward to having you among our group. If I may be of further information please call. Let's hope 1994 will be your starting date. Best wishes, Bernadette Storck Administrator BRS/brw y? ?~ A 5 ? t Notes from ''?1=?}.t wi.t'n Nr,s, L?Giryta +r ?a MI.rr'jirry, Llir•k---tor , Larcici ! . x trt•? ?r•y• . y. C Met w-L th Hr S . 1`JE..!Y'?+1l'/ Or1 J~Ioriclci`? , Opr`1 1 , 1. `' ',? , zit t r}4' Lr-?rca + I z dr-•«r^y . VirS : I'lUr'F ri ; ?J--?EfLn m -a -OLir^ 0-f thQ ) i br-ai-y . 1 was ],fiipre:3=-i-'kT h'y' Ll'iE? of patr,ofis in thel 17.bi-" Ar,y clnd tI-)a iTic?tri',' ?(:.t!'.'1tie=i tcti:l.f?? (JI•?CC?. !''C?1?(71? CJ•{, ;a.1 'I -;,e - -inv(.) 1vkFd in vAr IUU.s r_-.s f;Li r15C C?f t'he I ibr,aar,•1'11E,-, r,jE„a k_:k t; r,st^'7• I-ia {r _ L ::~ k t I c- .Lo'a •r cir the `a i -SU,_al I f :+.r, P-Nir-ed , ;:Iii J dI"'e,i ;iii trtci e 1t'iJ= 'r??a?. +7 xii geI e'r.-t1 ogy. Iylrt^' " I•?{ !r? r1.}; rM.anC?!- 1::a that tn 2 fig:, 1 ?Y 1 frip Z,c t 0,1 th :: xL) rar"yR +i^cak71 i yr ? lilP,-,mbrxii-sh Lp l" ac r3eem 1C1 C„ iI-CLO at ian . 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