03/19/1993 ::.,:::.;~),~;;.,. .', , .'... ~ ~>'., ,,' \ ' .. , . ". ' . " , . . . " . " . . c.- ' i' ".' . , , . : ~, . . .' , . . , " l :.> . . I" . tl,~,o' :, ' . . ;1.:', ' ~';.! <: , " .. . '.'1 , ,;.. "".1"'"':''' ','I.;'. .'..' '. 'J ......... <' ~ ~ /.: .. . , . +:' . . . '.j : "\ . .., ,.. 'f,"....;. ., LIBRARY BOARD " . ,. < ' MINUTES DATE '/>>MtM1f 1"3 " . ! - / SO 3 \. . 'I. CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD I Hinutes of the Heating March 19. 1993 Clearwater Public Library 9:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. PRESENT: ABSENT: Dr. David Berry, Chair Mr. Wilbert Bacon Mr. Douglas Cowley Mrs. Estelle Dunn Mrs. Brenda Hunter Mrs. Thalia Kelsey Mrs. Joanne Laurent! Mrs. Katherine Merriam Mr. William Raffaniello Mr. Herbert Wickersham Mr. Jack Wilson Dr. Arlita Hallam. ex-officio none GUESTS: Becky Wogoman, CPLS Staff Shirley Hunt, GCPLF Dr. Berry called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Mrs. Merriam moved to approve the minutes of last month's meeting as submitted. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. MOTION CARRIES. Dr. Berry discussed the proposed gifts ordinance as approved at last month's meeting. Dr. Berry raised the questiOlt whether the wording of the ordinance should address public funding, such as money received from the Cooperative. and asked the Board if they wished to re-open discussion' on the proposed ordinance concerning this point. The Board suggested treating these issues separately, putting the gifts , ordinance through now ~nd dealing with the Cooperative issue if and when it happens. Dr. Berry also mentioned that the words "Library Board" in paragraph 2, line 2. referring to soliciting funds. were requested to be deleted by the Board originally; it .still appears in the wording of the proposed ordinance. Dr. Hallam will review with the City Attorney. Dr. Hallam reported that this item will be reviewed at a City Commission work session at which the press will b~ present. The Board recommended Dr. Berry be spokesman for the Board at this work session. Dr. Berry will prepare a written statement for the Commission on the background of this issue. Dr. Hallam reported that the recommendation for the sale of the doll collection with proceeds to buy children's materials is on the City Commission agenda for April 1. Dr. Hallam distributed an executive summary of the Library's output measures survey. 2.770 surveys were returned systemwide. Dr. Hallam gave a report on Amnesty Month. The average return of books was 76 items per day. The oldest item returned was 11 years overdue. Dr. Hallam discussed a report distributed earlier to the Board showing usage and statistics for each Clearwater Public Library facility. Clearwater's usage is up. Dr. Hallam noted that the greatest demand is at the Countryside Library-- a facility with the least amount of staff. Dr. Hallam noted the City Commission . , ~ ': ,0 . .....,.'1 . _c r\ CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Minutes of the Meeting March 19, 1993 Page 2 has stated no new staff for fiscal year 93/94. Dr. Hallam suggested membership in the Cooperative would provide additional funds for staff and materials. Clearwater's share of the Cooperative money, if Clearwater had joined, would have been $657,565.72 for this year. Dr. Hallam reviewed the Cooperative statistics for area libraries and commented that these libraries' services and facilities have improved since the initial Cooperative idea began. ~lr. Bacon suggested a committee from the Board be appointed to study this issue and have a position paper ready by June 1. The following members ~ere appointed to this Committee: Tony Bacon, Chair Jack Wilson Herbert Wickersham Joanne Laurenti Douglas Cowley Dr. David Berry Dr. Arlita Hallam, ex-officio The first meeting of the Committee will be Tuesday, March 23J 7:00 p.m. at Clearwater Countryside Library. Dr. Berry appointed a Nominating Committee for offices of Chair and Vice Chair for next year. Mrs. Herriam will chair the Committee with Mrs. Laurenti and Mr. Wickersham serving. A Nominating Committee report will be given at the April Board meeting. Mrs. Merriam reported on the last Foundation Board meeting which she attended as liaison. Dr. Berry reported the Friends of the Clearwater Library will be having their annual meeting and President's Brunch on April 25, 2~OO p.m. Tuesday, April 13, is the City's Advisory Board Dinner. Becky Wogoman, Librarian II in Adult Services, gave a presentation on Database Place, a Reference service at the Clearwater Main Library which is a computer link to a larger company, DIALOG. Searches are done by 2 of the 6 Reference staff, accessing almost 400 database subjects. Since the searches can be expensive, print sources are always checked first for a patron before a search is done. The Clearwater Public Library System pays for searches up to $25.00, after which the patron picks up the cost. Hs. Wogoman distributed sample searches for the Board's information. Due to the limited staff available to perform this service, the Database Place is not marketed. At this time, the meeting was adjourned and Dr. Hallam invited the Board to tour Main Library. The next Board meeting will be April 16, 1993, at the Countryside Library.