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Minutes of the Meeting
NARCH 16, 1990
Clearwater Public Library
9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Mr. William Donovan, Chair
Mr. Frederick Dunn
~rr. C. Pate Hutchens
Mrs. Katherine Merriam
Mrs. Carol Nielsen
Mr. Bernard Panush
Mrs. Virginia Watson
Hr. Jack \o1i1son
Mrs. Linda Hielke, ex-officio
Dr. David C. Berry, excused
Mrs. Susan HymanJ excused
Mr. Theodore Serri11, excused
Chairman William Donovan called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. The
minutes of the February meeting were approved as submitted.
The Board reviewed a draft of a Cooperative Agreement with the Library
Board and the City of Clearwater concerning donations to the Clearwater
Public Library System. It was requested that the phrase (the lllong range
plan") be deleted from the draft (page 3, 1/4.). The Board agreed to delete
the phrase as specified.
Mr. Dunn questio~ed the status of the Library on the priority list for
Penny for Pinellas tax funds. Mrs. Mielke stated that roads have been given
first priority. Mrs. ~lielke has written to the City Manager requesting the
Library's status on the priority list. The Board requested Mrs. Mielke work
closely with the City Manager as the long range planning committee meets to
discuss the following two points and others:
1) \fuat is the total funding for Clearwater for the first year?
2) What is first and second year prioritizing?
This information will be helpful in the Library's long range plnnning procesR.
lo1r. t.Ji1son and Hrs. Hielke met to discuss a reference wish list for the
Clearwater Public tibrary System. Mrs. NieIke distributed copies of a proposed
wish list of reference materials. It was discussed and agreed that donations
to purchase any of these items should go through the Greater Clearwater Public
Library Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Mielke asked for the Board's approval of ~1rs. Jon, Regulski to serve
as Chair of the Long Range Planning Committee. Hr. Panush moved to accept
Mrs. Regulski as Chair. The motion was seconded. After some discussion, the
Board approved the motion.
Mrs. Mielke distributed the Library Dep~rtmentts preliminary Service
Options budget package which was submitted on March 9, 1990. The Boord
reviewed Mrs. Mielke's recommended budget reductions and enhancements. Some
Board members expressed concern with the proposed reduction of youth programs
and closing of meeting rooms. Nr. \.,Ii1son stated his concern with the state
of education in this country and encouraged library programming for youth.
Hrs. Hielke reported to the Board that the City Hanager will be presenting
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Clearwater Public Library Board
Minutes of the Meeting Harch 16. 1990
Page" 2
Department budgets to the City Commission after consultation with Assistant
City Managers. Mrs. Nielsen moved that the Board is in agreement with the
Library's preliminary budget submittal. but the Board wonts Mrs. Mielke to
have the opportunity to present the budget and Library Board concerns to
the City Commission. The TUotion was seconded and upproved unanimously.
Mrs. Mielke distributed copies of the February 13, 1990 meeting of
the PinelIns Public Library Cooperative Board of Directors meeting.
Mrs. Mielke touched on a few points from the minutes:
1) State representatives have a problem with the administrative
unit (3% set aside not enough).
2) State Aid is given to the administrative unit to serve
eVeryone in the county. This should include Clearwater;
however, that hasntc been decided yet.
3) Concerning State Aid match: the Cooperative's understanding
initially was that all local budgets were eligible for State
Aid match. The State now says it may only match the unincor-
porated area budget.
4) ,State says libraries must have minimum standards to enter
Mrs. Mielke encouraged the Board to read the minutes of the'Library
Cooperative meeting. Minutes of the Cooperative meetings will continue
to be forwarded to the Library Board.
In ~lrs. Hyman's absence, Mr. Donovan read Mrs. Hyman's report of the
March 1, 1990, Greater Clearwater Public Library Foundation meeting (attached).
Mrs. Mielke reported the Adler Literary Arts Festival is very successful
with the final event, an Author Brunch, scheduled March 25, 1990 at Main
The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a~m.
Susan Doel, Secretary
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Report on Heoting of Gnwtor Clonrwater Public Library Foundation, Inc.
Harch,.1, 1990
The Treasurer reported n gross sum of $28)000 which includes $5,825.00
in the Book Fund nt the pJ:CBt!llt time. There is the possibility of GTE
making n sizable donntlon to the Book Fund.
There is still a need for n sponsor of tile Dow Jones system-at Countryside
and also the possibility of finding, someone to take over Life Savings
Bank's support for the Dow Jonas at East.
,Discussion was held on the upcoming Cognoscenti Auction which has taken
a great deal of planning time. Tile committee is still looking for old
books and will issue a tax receipt [or those used or return unsuitable
books. The event will be very c~clting. Paid Foundation members may
attend. Discussion was had regarding Rpouses attending; although no
one will be turned away.
The Chairman is investigating the possibility of setting up charitable
annuities by the Foundation as other Foundations do for tax purposes and
estate purposes. It would requiro tho purchase of Doftware to do the
necessary mathematics, etc. It would be arranged through a bank or
insurance company. This is aomcthing still undergoing discussion.
The Executive Director is also setting up a package describing the
Foundation which is to be distributed to lawyeru, accountants and estate
planners in the area for future cash donations.
It was reported that Parndyne has approved n grnnt of $1,000 - 2,500 to
be used for the needa assessment study of a future Research Library.
A Bum of $10)000 is needed from some other businessea in order to get
started. Also this will be done in conjunction with the long range
planning committee.
" '
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Hyman