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Mr. William Donovan, Chair
Dr. David C. Berry
Mr. Frederick Dunn
Mrs. Susan Hyman
Mr. C. Pate Hutchens
Mrs. Katherine Merriam
Mrs. Carol Nielsen
Mr. Bernard Panush
Mrs. Virginia Watson
Mr. Jack \~ilson
Mrs. Linda Mielke, ex-officio
Minutes of the Meuting
NOVE~tBER 17, 1989
Clearwater Public Library
9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Theodore Serrill, excused
Mr. Shirley Hunt, Exec. Director,
Greater Clearwater Public Library
Foundation, Inc.
Chairman William Donovan called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. The
minutes of the October meeting were approved as submitted.
Mrs. Mielke reviewed the original draft of the Wish List distributed to
the Board earlier. At the last Foundation meeting, Mrs. Mielke was asked to
make some changes in wording of the Wish List, especially in the area of
assurance that the City of Clearwater will work together with th~ Foundation so
that the Library budget will not suffer the consequences of fundraising.
There was discussion whether an ordinance would be necessary for such
assurance. Review of the present City ordinance concerning the Library Board
seems to cover use of donations to the Library Board. However. concern was
expressed regarding assurance the City would not cut back on the Library budget
if Foundation fundrais1ng purchases Wish List items.
Mrs. Mielke has asked the Chicago Public Library Foundation for related
information, and she will call Broward County for the same. Nrs. Nielke noted
that the money raised by the Foundation would be for an endowment and kept ongoing
in the bank.
In reviewing the items on the Wish List, Board members made suggestions
to include cooperating language in several items, i.e. Federal Funds in item 3,
the School Board in item 5, and Lions Club 1n item 7. Hrs. Mielke wi'll include
standards and mission statement in the revision of the Wish List. A revised
list will be brought back to the Board when completed.
The Board discussed replacement of lost or damaged books. ~lr. Dunn
questioned the number of missing books from the collection. Mrs. Mielke will
invite Linda Lange of th~ Library staff to talk about replacement at a future date.
Mr. Hunt, Executive Director, Greater Clearwater Public Library Foundation,
Inc., clarified the procedure of book purchases from the Tribute Fund. Purchases
are made annually on the date of the donation. Mr. Dunn suggested publicity
highlighting the Tribute Fund be displayed in each library facility year round.
Mr. Hunt noted the time involved on a volunteer basis to promote the fund.
Minutes of the Meeting November 17, 1989
Page 2
Mr. Wilson emphasized the need to inform the general public of this project.
He suggested Board members be provided with the physical mechanics of ' the
program so that they can promote it. Mr. Hunt will work on providing more
information explaining the procedure of the Tribute Fund to the public.
Mrs. Mielke reported that in response to the City Attorney's letter to
the Commission on Ethics in Tallahassee concerning the requirement of a
Financial Disclosure Statement, the answer is that it is no longer necessary
for the Library Board to file such n statement due to the "advisory" nature
of the Board.
Mrs. Hyman reported on the last Foundation Board meeting of Nov. 2, 1989,
which she attended as Library Board liaison (attached). Mr. Donovan will
attend the next Foundation Board meeting on December 7, 12:00 noon, in
Mrs. Hyman's absence.
Dr. Berry reported a good turnout at the November book review. The Friends
of the Clearwater Library organization is in good financial standing and has
contributed $1,000 to the Foundation's endowment fund. Book Sales are scheduled
December 1 & 2 at ~Iain Library, and December 8 & 9 at Clearwater East. The
Friends of the Clearwater Library were awarded the Public Awareness Award from
the Council of Florida Libraries. The Friends have received commendable remarks
on the FoeL Point newsletter. Dr. Berry commended Tom Duncan for doing a
tremendous job on both the book sales and the FOCL Point. The Friends may be
seeking sponsorship for the FDCL Point to offset printing costs of $400 a month.
Plaques ordered by the Foundation honoring donors of special services to
the Library were displayed. Plaques will be hung after location recommenda-
tion from the Foundation committee.
Mr. Donovan mentioned the American Library Association's Trustee Annual
Meeting in Chicago, IL, June 22, 1990. Mr. Donovan asked Board members if any
are interested in attending.
Mrs. Mielke distributed copies of the completed Advisory Board Manual.
A copy will be sent to City Clerk's office. The Board was pleased with this
completed project.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.
Susan Doel, Seely.
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Report on Foundation Board Meeting 11/2/89
John Slaughter, Chairman announced the date of the tlnnlJal meeting I
January 4, 1990. Everyone is invited to attend.
Several special events were reviewed: 1. The possibility of having
Sam Snead nsa guest at Sandy's Bookstore in early 1990; 2. The ferry
project is on hold; 3. The Cognoscenti Auction will be held again in the
spring with the emphasis on making it a very special annual event.
The slide show was presented and evaluated with some criticisms and
suggestions for improvement. It will be given for the first time to the
Countryside Kiwanis before the improvements are implemented.
Discussion of the wish list was had with several suggestions for
refinement by the Board members. Linda plans to reexamine it and make
some necessary changes in the wording, etc.
The Foundation Board is most anxious to have and welcomes input from
the Library Board. It was decided by the Chairman to include the Liaison
person on the agenda for any input from the Board that might be applicable.
The new beautiful bronze placques were delivered and were admired by
the Board members. The committee did a fine job all agreed. The placques
to be hun~ in the Main Branch honor such items as the "Database Placcll
.and its donors, the "Video Classics" and donors amongst other special
additions to the collection.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Hyman