12/16/1988 " .' ." < .', ' .. . I < '" I . . ,l'\~ " " ~: I: .~ : :. . ~> > , ' ., . , I ' , 'I L. , L ' :. c' - '., ,,0' . . " " .'.,""" . '.- ,.1:.... . , : { ~ '," :-", " ':' ':' ,ii-:r''':i!:?f:~~:~ ,LIBRARY 'BOARD \ . .'. MINUTES , ,"',. . : DATE" m J OJ' , ,-1- /6 :2 ~ CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Minutes of the Meeting DECEMBER 16, 1988 Clearwater Public Library 9:30 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. .,..-1....,..1. PRESENT: Mr. William Donovan, Chair Mr. Frank Barnicle Dr. David Berry Mr. Frederick Dunn Mrs. Susan Hyman Ms. Carol Nielsen Mr. Bernard Panush Mr. Theodore Serri!1 ~lrs. Faye Sollid Mrs. Virginia' Watson Mrs. Linda Mielke, ex-officio ABSENT: Mrs. Katherine Merriam~ excused GUESTS: Mr. Shirley Hunt, Greater Clearwater Public Library Foundation, Inc. Chairman William Donovan called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. The minutes of the November meeting were approved as submitted. Mrs. Mielke discussed the'proposa1 for a Library Cooperative in Pinellas County. The City Commission agreed not to join the Cooperative at this time, since the proposal does not address Clearwater's financial objections and lack of minimum standards for membership. Mrs. Mielke distributed copies of and discussed a portion of the proposal concerning allocations, showing Clearwater's share of the funding if Clearwater joined. Mrs. Mielke discussed minimum standards, an important issue in the Cooperative proposal. She noted that those libraries who join will still maintain their autonomy and will remain municipal libraries in terms of status to receive grants, etc. Mrs. Mielke did report that there is a legal question concerning the decision that those cities not participating in the Cooperative cannot use the other Cooperative libraries. She feels this violates the State Library rules for State Aid which Safety Harbor and St. Petersburg now receive. Mrs. Watson questioned the availability of interlibrary loan among the local libraries. Mrs. Mielke reported that Clearwater has an automated interlibrary loan system capable of international searches. Mrs. Mielke also stated that there are no automation or building plans in the Library Cooperative p~oposa1. Mrs. Mielke felt the Library Cooperative Plan needs more work. There was further discussion on this topic. Mr. Panush moved that the Library Board endorses the City Commission action in not joining the Library Cooperative at this time. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. l>lr. Dunn distributed copies of a propos~d Board Hember Manual which was prepared by the Long Range Planning Committee. The Board was asked to review the proposal and be prepared to discuss at next month's meeting. Mrs. Mielke will provide statistical information and a policy manual of the Clearwater Public Library System for the Board Manual. .Mr. Dunn suggested the idea of a meeting with the Chairman of the Library Board, Chairman of the Long Range Planning Cooonittcc, and the Library Director with citizens from each community around a Clearwater Library facility for input on the needs of the community in the library. Mrs. Mielke felt the entire Board should be present for such meetings. The Board discussed those items recommended in the Ordinance , ". <. .' "" . . ". ~ ". " ' . . " ", '. .~ ~.."," ~ " f' ~ Clearwater Public Library Board Minutes of the Meeting December 16, 1988 Page 2 Clarification report sent to the City Attorney for review. City Attorney, Al Galbraith. has not responded to these recommendations. Mrs. Mielke will ask Mr. Galbraith to attend the next Board meeting to address these questions. Mrs. Hyman's report on the last Foundation meeting she attended on December 1, 1988, is attached. The slide presentntion referred to in the Foundation report may be shown to the Library ,Board at their convenience. In response to the issue of rephrasing the roles of the library support groups as noted in the Foundation report, Mrs. Mielke distributed copies of the roles for Board review. After comments and recommendations from the Board. Mrs. Mielke will review the roles with each support group again. Mrs. Sollid reported on the last Friends of the Clearwater Library Board meeting. Mrs. Sollid emphasized that the Friends Board wished to delete the statement that they may form a political action committee form their role description. Mrs. Mielke not~d that the Friends of the Clearwater Library Board is willing to perform that function if needed, but prefers not to include it in their role descri,ption. Mr. Barnicle has asked not to be reappointed to the Friends Board. The Friends donated $50.00 to the Library for books in memory of Gene Owens, former Friends Board member. Mrs. Sollid encouraged attendance at the next Friends book review on Silence of the Lambs at Main Library on January 12, 1989. Welcome Neighbors will be placing brochures on the Clearwater Countryside Library in the area north of State Road 60 to Curlew Road. The Friends' treasury reflects a balance of $4,954.54. This concluded the Friends' meeting report. Library Board discussion followed on the following: * number of library cards issued at Countryside * hours of operation at Countryside * request for new positions in next year's budget * concern with over use of volunteers at Countryside * mid year budget request for book stipend * discus5ion of the next year's budget at February's board meeting , ' Mr. Barnicle suggested that the reference to a financial disclosure statement in the proposed Board Member Manual should be spelled out that only the source of income needs to be disclosed, not actual monetary figures. Board members agreed this would prevent a misunderstanding of what is required when filing a financial disclosure statement. Mr. Dunn will include in the revised manual. The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m. Susan Doel, Secretary ".... ~ .f . ~ . ~. \ . Report on Foundation Board Meeting 12/1/88 1. Sale of Tribute books going well and will be a success. 2. The facilities committee, which has to do with the renovation of Main. will be revamped and restructured to include members who have expertise in various fields such as a builder, a banker, etc. No actual contact has been made with the city officials as yet; however, they are aware of Foundation's goal. 3. Discussion was had regarding the coexistence and relationship of the Foundation to the Library Board. The roles of the library support groups as explained in their recent communication need to be rephrased. The Foundation plays a role not only in fund raising, but its second function is to enrich service in libraries to the Greater Clearwater area, 'and to provide service for the underserved areas. Therefore, the Foundation will be concerned with servicing neighboring communities and will help to facilitate this when the proper time arises. 4. In conjunction with this role, the motion was pasued to Beek a grant of $10,000.00 to have a needs and feasibility study done for a -, Research Library with Bayboro Campus of USF. If the grant study proves positive, then there is a good possibility that such a Research Library might be made part of the Main'Branch, thereby being an added enhancement for the renovation. 5. The membership committee intends to make a push for added enrollment after the first of the year. 6. Discussion was had regarding the need for a public relations person; possibly someone from the Junior League will fill this position on a volunteer basis. 7. There is also a slide presentation available for the viewing of local organizations regarding the library to: 1) enhance memberships, 2) gain organizational support, and 3) for information. The Board will view this next month. Respectfully submitted, Susan Hyman