05/20/1988 ~ . .. . <' ,I . ..' j . I. \.' ".' .".' . . . ',' . . . , .' . , . " ,'.::< . ~"',;:' . . ,.,:.':." .' ,": .' .: ,~. =:.::. ,. , . ,.,', . , ., .LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES DATE ml9~ .)tJ )"i'" / '. , .-I-/S9g CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Minutes of the Meeting MAY 20t 1988 Clearwater Public Library 9:30 a.m. - 10:40 a.m. ~.~. .~: . ~ ~ PRESENT: ABSENT: 1\ Mr. Frank Barnicle, Chair Mr. William Donovan Mr. Frederick Dunn Mrs. Susan Uyman Ms. Carol Nielsen Ms. Margot Pequignot Mr. Theodore A. Serri11 Mrs. Faye Sol1id Mrs. Virginia Watson Mr. Sydney White Mrs. Linda Mielke, ex-officio Mr. Bernard Panush, excused GUESTS: Althea Andersen, CPLS Chairman Frank Barnicle called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Mrs. Sollid gave the Nominating Committee's recommendations for offices of Chair and Vice Chair for the term of September, 1988 to September, 1989. Mr. William Donovan was nominated for Chair and Mrs. Susan Hyman was nominated for Vice Chair. With no further nominations, Ms. Pequignot moved that nominations be closed. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. ~lr. Barnicle called for a vote on the election of Chair. The Board unanimously approved Nr. Donovan as Chair. Mr. Barnicle called for the vote on the election of Vice Chair. The Board unanimously approved Mrs. Hyman as Vice ChatI'. HI'S. Hielke gave a report on the Clearwater Countryside Library. The building and grounds look very nice. The interior work hasn't started due to a delay in making the windows. Mrs. Mielke expects furniture deliveries around June 30. 25,000 books are expected on the shelf at opening. Mrs. Mielke hopes the library will be open by school year (end of August) with a formal dedication planned for October 23. Mr. Serrill suggested the Board consider meeting at the Countryside Library for the September Board meeting. Ms. Andersen is looking for volunteers to shelve the new books at Countryside. Interviewing for new staff starts soon. Mr. Ed Nichols, Chair of the Countryside Library grand opening committee, is working on a full week of activities for October 23-30. Mr. Barnicle noted that the opening of Clearwater Countryside may alleviate the overcrowded parking problems at Clearwater East. Ms. Andersen noted that the small conference and larger meeting room at Clearwater East are heavily used and a schedule is already begun for booking the Clearwater Countryside conference and meeting room. Mrs. Mielke expects the branches to stabilize in use nnd circulation once Countryside is open. Mrs. Mielke reported on the preliminary stages of budget hearings before the City CommlsRlon. The Commission discussed hours of operation for libraries. Mrs. Mielke nlet with City Manager, Ron Rabun, after the budget hearing. She docs llntlciput~ more hearings to come. Mrs. Mielke noted that hours of the . . . . '. _.... L.' . . ' l.~. .... . Clearwater Public Library Board Minutes of the Meeting May 20. 1988 Page 2 branches will be cut in the fall due to last year's cut in requested positions for Clearwater Countryside (14 requestedt 8 approved). The mid-year budget will be discussed at the next Commission meeting in June. Mrs. Mielke has requested a security guard in the mid-year budget. Mr. Dunn questioned why the Library Board was not notified of the budget hearing date. Mr. Barnicle noted it was advertised twice in the newspaper. Mrs. Mielke agreed to notify Board members of future budget hearings and she will notify the City Clerk. Mr. Serrill asked if taxpayers' money for libraries goes to a special fund or the general fund. Mrs. Mielke stated there is no special fund for libraries. Mr. Serrill questioned whether the Library is being shortchanged now that there are more facilities to support. ~lr. Dunn commented that if the Library has a goodt conservative budget, then the Board should go to the Commission and ask for it. Mr. Barnicle summarized points from the budget hearing from his perspective. The City Commission compared Clearwater to Sarasota, which Mr. Barnicle thought was unfair since Clearwater has larger full service libraries in its system. The Commissioners were shocked at the reported average cost of books. Mrs. Mielke discussed the issue of security at Main Library. The security problem has grown mostly at ~Iain Library. She will meet with the City Manager and Polir.e Chief on this matter. Mrs. Mielke distributed copies of several articles printed recently in the newspaper. The Board discu~~ed the potential for lawsuit due to latchkey children in the library. Mr. Serrill stated that Mrs. Mielke can report to the City Manager the deep concern of the Board on this issue. Mrs. Mielke noted the liability problem in using vQlunteers to assist with latchkey children. The problems at ~rain do not seem to exist at East~ possibly due to the traffic situation which does not allow small children to walk to that facility. There was further discussion including the following concerns~ 1) offer alternatives to parents; 2) issue of civil rights--public building; 3) screening of volunteers. Mr. Barnicle asked for questions on any items in the ordinance clarification report as stated in last month's minutes. Still outstanding are the items concerning funds and penalty for "neglect of duty.'! The Board discussed the negative effects of putting limits of penalties on "neglect of duty" (failure to attend a certain number of meetings). Mr. Serrill moved to accept the minutes of last month's meeting which included point by point the itams being reviewed. The motion was seconded and the minutes were approved unanimously. Mr. Serrill complimented the Ordinance Revision Committee on their work. Mr. Dunn will immediately go to the City Attorney for assistance in establishing the method of handling funds and the clarification of "neglect of duty." Mr. Dunn will send the Ordinance Revision Committee a letter . ." ~' . " ~ ..' . ' . , . .' . . .' . . > ,. Clearwatur Public Library Board Minutes of the Meeting May 20, 1988 Page 3 regarding setting up a manual for present and future Board members. The committee will probably meet during the summer on this project. This brought up a discussion of summer meetings for the regular Board. Board members did not feel it necessary to schedule regular summer meetings. Should a critical issue arise, a Board meeting will be called. ~lr. Barnicle will inform the Board of the outcome of Mrs. Mielke's meeting with City Manager Rabun and Police Chief Klein on security. Mr. Dunn requested that the Library include the Library Board meetings on the printed monthly calendar for the public. Mrs. Hyman reported on the last Board meeting of the Greater Clearwater Public Library Foundation, Inc. A $3,000 donation was made to the Foundation toward the purchase of a video classics series of 200 hours of programming. The purchase price for this collection is $6,000, leaving $3,000 still to be raised. The Foundation Board felt they should hold a function or publicize their existence during Clearwater Countryside's opening week activities. Mrs. Mielke invited Library Board members to a reception sponsored by the Foundation for new City Manager, Ron H. Rabun. at Main LibrarYt May 26, 5-7 p.m. 'c There was discussion concerning the matter of publicizing the Library Board meetings by the use of the Library's calendar. There was concern.that "trouble makers" would attend. Several Board members felt it was a worthwhile risk to further publicize the meetings. Howevert no consensus was reached. ~lr. Barni~le read an article on library awareness of government officials monitoring library stacks looking for suspicious characters and the librarians' stand against giving in to government inquiries of patron files. Mr. White announced with regret his resignation from the Board effective July 1 as he is moving to Palm Harbor. Mr. Dunn moved to express the Board's appreciation to Sydney White for the long time he has served on the Board and the contribution he has made during his term. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. Mr. Barnicle expressed his thanks to the Board and Linda Mielke as his term as Chairman expires. ~lr. Dunn moved to express the Board's appreciation to ~lr. Barnicle for his contributions as Chairman of the Board. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. The Board will adjourn for the summer and resume with the September 16 meeting at Clearwater Countryside Library. The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 a.m. Susan Doelt Secretary. :;,~~'::,:~<,;', . '. ' . . '"', , ," ." .'..,..; ,~~,' " , -1" , ~;-:'. '" . . , . .' ' _t, ...~.- > " ,. . , , .' , , ::, ,'.::< : ~;:::~;~)}~:' ':""11'" : " , LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES \' DATE P}R~ 01~ Ifrtf 1-/60:1- -- . l' .~ J~f; ~i .. ~ ,,,;-.6... . _i/JV;- --:l.( a ~s f~114 ~~ , 1':;/11 I~ r/ CLEARWATER PUB/.Ie l.lnRAR'i BOA/{D IUIlUttHl u1 th~ NI:!I:!t1ng MAY 20t 198B Cluorwater PublIc Library 9:30 a.m, - 10:40 n.m. PRESENT: Mr. . Frank Barniclet Chair Mr. William Donovan Mr. Frederick Dunn Mrs. Susan Hyman Ms. Carol Nielsen M~. Margot Pequignot Mr. Theodore A. Serrill Mrs. Faye Sollid Mrs. Virginia Watson Mr. Sydney White Mrs. Linda Mielke, ex-officio ABSENT: Mr. Bernard Ponush, excused GUESTS: Althea Andersen, CPLS :\::'..;r~ 0 IS n0\r.t'f,~:", " I) : l "'-, '.. . L~ - ~ j . ' )\ ).llr'-'~-""----'''''d ", .1 I. . . 11"'\' JUL I A 1988 I \ \. ' r \JL I~ I CITY MANAGEP. ! 9:jtf a.m. I _.l Chairman Frank Barnicle called the meeting to urd!.!r at Mrs. Sollid gave the Nominating Committee's recommendations for offices of Chair Bnd Vice Chair for the term of September, 1988 to September, 1989. Mr. William Donovan was nominated for Chair and Mrs. Susan Hyman was nominated for Vice Chair. With no further nominations, Ms. P~quLgnot moved that nominations be closed. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. Mr. Barnicle called for a vote on the election of Chair. The Board unanimously approved Mr. Donovan as Chair. Nr. Barnicle calh'd for the vote on che ~ltlctJun of VIet: ChaIr. Tht: Uuunl ullullillluU~ly uppruvcd Mni. HYlll811 us Vice Chair. Mrs. Hielke gave a report on the Clearwater CnuntrY6iu~ Library. The building and grounds look vcry nice. 'I'lIu Int;eriol' work huau't started du~ to n delay 1n making the windows. Mrs. Nielke expect~ furniture deliveries aruund June 30. 25,000 books are expected on the I'>huH at opening. Mrs. Mielke hopes the library will be open by school year (end or Augu~c) with a formal dedication planned for October 23. Mr. Serrill ~uggested the Board consider meeting at the Countryside Library for the September Board meeting. Ms. Andersen is looking for volunteers to shelve the new books at Countryulde, Interviewing for new staff starts soon. Mr. Ed Nichols, Chair of the Countryside Library ~rand opening committee, is worki,ng on i1 full week of activities for October 23-30. Mr. Harnicle noted that the opening of Clearwater Cuuntryside may alleviate the overcrowded parking problems at Clearwat~r East. Ms. Andersen noted that the small conference and larger meeting room at Clcnrwater East ore heavily used and a schedule.is already begun (or booking the Clcilrwi.lter Cuuntryside conference and meeting room. Mrs. l>lielke expects tlu: branches to stabilize in use and circulation once Countryside is open. Mrs. Mielke reported on the preliminary stagus of hudg~t hearings before the City Commission. The Commission discussed hourI:; I)f operation for libraries. Mrs. Mielke met with City Manager, Hon Rabun, after the budget hearing. She does anticipate more hearings to come. Mra. l>1ielkc tloted thHt hours of the . , .. -J-'" 11....- . 11,;(':;; ~ i'~;.'" W~( 5;.,.^,.~d f'J.o~ ": ~ (!n.{,);"v,..J f"!i!:uj ~M""; 7 lZ: d', el, :[-~(..c- ~'d.ty...L (vt1 "'{' (v.''<'{/ fi'u--Tqt cr~'d .. II Clearwater ~\llC Library Board ~U . /1 ~' y:\ ,I)^ j{.t.-t.t. ~ Minutes of t e Meeting May 20, 1988 I~ I ?t~1!P fjl(.+"O 1'ag8 2 . \.it> branches will b~cut in the fall due to last yuurts cut in for Clearwater Co ntrysida (14 reque8t~d. B upproved). Th will be discussed t the next Commission meeting 1n June. requested 8 securit~guard 1n the mid-year budget. Mr. Dunn qUestio~~ why the Library Board was not no fried of the budget hearing date. Mr. Barni~le noted it was advertised twic' in the newspaper. Mrs. Mielke agre~d to not15l Board members of fut~re bud et hearings and she will notify the City Cl~k. . ,4~ requested positions mid-year budget Mrs. Mielke has Mr. 'Serrill asked if taxp erst money for librarie goes to a special fund or the general fund. Mrs. ielke stated th~re is no special fund for libraries. Mr. Serril! questione whether the Library is being shortchanged now that there are more facilities support. Mr ~l commented that if the Library has a good. conservative budg t then th Bard hould go to the Commission and ask for it. Mr. Barnicle summarized points from the b · hearing from his pcrspective. The City Commission compared Clearwater to araso ~ which Mr. Barnicle thought was unfair since Clearwater has larger full service libraries in its system. The Commissioners were shocked at the reported average cost of books. Mrs. Mielke discussed the issue of security at Main Library. The 'security problem haa grown mostly at Na!n Library. She will meet with the City Manager and Police Chief on thia matter. Mrs. Mielke distributed copies of several articles printed recently in the newspaper. The Board discussed the potential for lawsuit due to latchkey children in the library. Mr. Serrill stated that Mrs. Mielke can report to the City Manager the deep concern of the Board on this issue. Mrs. Mielke noted the liability problem in using volunteers to assist with latchkey children. the problems at Main do not seem to exist at East. possibly due to the traffic ~ltuation which does not L111uw 9IULlll chllur~1I Lo wulk tu thut luclllty. Tht!r~ wa~ 1urther discussion including the following concerns: 1) offar alternatives to parents; 2) issue of civil r1ghts--public building; 3) screening of volunteers. Mr. Barnicle aaked for ques~ions on any items in th~ ordinance clarification report as stated in last month's minutes, Still outstanding are the items concerning funds and penalty for IIneglect of duty." The Board discussed the negative effects of putting limits of penalties on "neglect of duty" (failure to attend a,certain number of meetings). Mr. Serril] moved to accept the mlnutell or la~t llIulllh's lllC~Llllg which included point by point the items being reviewed. The motion was seconded and the minutes were approved unanimously. Mr. SerrlJl complimented ~he Ordinan e Revision Committee on their work. .Iu ....... bv(rv. _', .s;-1p.c ? ~-- I' /.,,- I Wff M . Dunn will immedia~tely go to "the City A~tornt!y (or lIssistance in /1 (<.';:(.t/}4) r establ shing the method of nand'Hng-"funds and the dari f lcat ion of "neg lec /7~'7'/-Jfr' ? of dut." Mx, Dunn will send the Ordinance RevisJoll COl1lmittee a letter i)o J - ;r: ",I ~ lute. d ~t"..v~S'z: .. . -' ,.....; ....-"..-r /-~oLG.s :> I I-J' //1 pi -r~ wi~J.J .~ ftrr;,.f '. A~ 1//1 /~ ~ .. -a:. ~ Mr. Dunn requested that the Library include th~ Library Board meetings on the printed monthly calendar for the public. /~. Clearwater Public Library Board Minutes of the Meeting May 20, 1988 Page 3 reBarding Butting up a manual for prescnt and futuru Hoard members. The committee will probably meet during the summer on this project. This brought up a discussion of summer meetings for the regular Board. Board members did not feel it necessary to schedule regular summer meetings. Should a critical issue arise, a Board meeting will be called. Mr. Barnicle will inform the Board of the outcome of Mrs. Mielke's meeting with City Manager Rabun and Police Chief Klein on security. Mrs. Hyman reported on the last Board meeting of the Greater Clearwater Public Library Foundation, Inc. A $3,000 donation wa~ made to the Foundation toward the purchase of a video classics series of 200 hours of programming. The purchase price for this collection is $6,000t leaving $3,000 still to be raised. The Foundation Board felt they should hold u function or publicize their existence during Clearwater Countryside's opening week activities. Mrs. Mielke invited Library Board 'members to a reception sponsored by the Foundation for new City Manager, Ron H. Rabun, at Main Library, May 26, 5-7 p.m. There was discussion concerning the matter of publicizing the Library Board meetings by the use of the Library's calendar. There was concern that "trouble makers" would attend. Several Board members f~lt it was a worthwhile risk to further publicize the meetings. However, no consensus was reached. Mr. Barnicle read an article on library awareness of government officials monitorin~ 1 ibrary atacks lookin~ for E>\lRpi ci OUR chnrnct l~rn nnd th~ librnrianR I stand against giving in to government inquiries of patron files. Mr. White announced with regret his resignation trom the Board effective July 1 as he is moving to Palm Harbor. Mr. Dunn moved to express the Boardts appreciation to Sydney White for the long time he has served on the Board and the contribution he has made during his term. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. Mr. Barnicle expressed his thanks to the Board and Linda Mielke as'his term as Chairman expires. Mr. Dunn moved to express the Hoard's appreciation to Mr. Barnicle for his contributions as Chairman of the Board. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. The Board will adjourn for the summer and resume with the September 16 meeting at Clearwater Countryside Library. The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 B.m. Susan 00e1, Secretary ....,.., ~,. "'-. Library Ordinanaoe Committee Report, Page 1 CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM CITY ORDINANCE REVISION COMMITTEE March 10, 198~ F. Dunn, Chairman W. A Donovan Mrs. Susan Hyman Mrs. Carol Nielson Mrs. Faye Sollid The committee held a meeting March 10, 1988. summary of the committees recommendations subJeots below; Committee; The followini is a relating to the GENERAL STATEMENT The Clearwater Library System is approaching the end of its building program with the construction of the new Countryside library. In addition, the city is nearly completely built up on the land within the city boundaries. The number of cardholders is very high is relation to the total residents. The system is now moving to a new phase which emphasizes additional services and 'enhancements' to the community. Should there be a library board? Yes since it serves a useful purpose in the community, Who does the library board represent? ~ The citizens of Clearwater. What should the board do and how active should they be? Y J\ Long range planning Top priority now is to lay the base for next five years. The board and the Director should determine what additional services ~~d facilities are needed to improve the librarYJ set goals and objectives to guide the future development of the Library. This plan should then be submitted to the city council for their approva.l. ~ Budgets The board should review the budget to be submitted to the city council to see that it supports the long range plan for the library system. We should also meet with the council as part of the budget process. We~sh?uld~ry to g~part ~e ar~oluh~eer 'w~kers in~o~he s~tem. e money ~aved could t~ be.~ut into more books~and se ~ices. f The board should assist the Director to develop library policy, subject to the final approval City Council. basic of the Library Ordinanace Committee Report, Page 2 ,/ 3~- Policy and procedures Procedures to implement the policies are the responsibility of the Director and staff. ~ Inter-relations with 1 i brary associated groups, The board should maintain oontact the Library and the Greater Foundation to assure that their ---:long-..r,anse-plan~~b~ ., 4 ~ ~ Funds donated to the library The city code <5eo.115.03) designates the City Council as the recipient of cash and library income, with the board administering donations in kind. At the very end of 115.03 it states theat the board shall have the authority to administer 'memorial funds' in the name of an indivdual should it be requested by the donor. with the Friends of Clearwater Library efforts support the A later section <Sec. 115.24} states that the board "shall accept donations for the library and administer these funds". The board feels that aRY funds given to the library as general donations or for specific purposes should 'be ~-.g-i-veA--:te-:the--I..;j. L,y arret held for the library in a c1 ty managed trust fund, with the board only auditing their use. ~ (3 What should be our relation to; Tbe city council The board should be advisory to the Council. The library director The board acts as the community representative to the Director and is advisory to the Director, The Director ~proVides professional skills, knowledge and aots as a reference to the board in developing its recommendations to the Director and the Council. The general pyblic j ;.: /Llfr7te~' , ~ 'There{should~e occasions when the public can meet with the board. This could be through an occasional open meeting or a special meeting. ~ What revisions the 1 i brary. ....'............. should'~e made in the city charter dealing with " . ." Library Ordinanace Committee Reportt Page 3 '.... "".,. Scope oi...'activities and').esponsibilit'ies This ~~pe~dS upon deo~~~ on the above. Terms on the board f}~ All members should be ~d- for a period of three years, regardless of the time left of the member they replace. Their term should start at the next soheduled meeting of the board. The City Council should elect enough members in a Year'~ to maintain,t~ ,eleven member board. All~...JB~zpP..~s of ~ the board ~ be reg~9~ or (~ of~ the Bt6.'be:~=IC~-a-and the city of Clearwater, ~ def-ined-by=the"'-appH-cab-l~tR-atutes . What other subjects are appropriate for the board to consider? The terms "neglect of duty" should be more clearly defined. The board thinks that its usual meaning is the failure to attend enough meetings without properly notifying the Direotor of the future absenoe. There may be merit to the suggestion that the president ~ f* of the board be elected in September and to serve until f,...f.. ...-tbo----be~Q___e~ak-. This would give them a full. continuous period to work with the board and the director. There does not seem to be any reason for a break in the board presidents term in January. (added by F. Dunn after the meetins. ) , ---~..~- t. THE LIBRARY AND ITS BOARD SUPPLEMENT I '--' DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE LIBRARY DIRECTOit OF THE ADVISORY BOARD 1. Act AI technical Idvlaor to 1. Recomml!nd n competent the Doard, IUllelt neoded and quaUnl!d librarian ror policies for Board i!mployment. conaldrZ'tlon; recommend employment of all personnel and supenlse their work. 2. ,Cany out the potlcles ot the library as adopted. 2. Determine and adopt wrilwn policies governing the operation and program oC the Ilbmry. OF THE OPERATING BOARD 1. Employ a competent and qualified librarian. 2. Consider and recommend written pollcles to govern the operation and program of the library. \.....I 3. Suggest and carry out 3. Participate In efforts to 3. Determine the PUrpOSC3 or plans Cor extending the secure adequate Cunds to library and secure lIbrary's aervlces. carry on the Ubrary's adequate Cunds to carry on program. the library's program. 4. Prepare regular rl!ports 4. Know the program and 4. Know the program and embodying the Ubl'llry's needs of the library In needs of the Ubrary in current proiress and relation to the relation to tho Cuture needs; cooperate community; keep abreast community; keep abreast with the Board. of standards and library of standards Dnd library trends; assIst In planning trends; plan and carry out the library program. the library program. 5. Matntain an active 5. Establish, support and 5. Establish, support and pro g ram 0 C pub lie participate In a planned partIcipate In a planned relations. public relations program. publiC relations program. 6. Prepare an annual budil!t 6. Advise the lIbrary dlredor 6. Assist In the preparation (or the library In Intheprcpnratlono(the ottheannua1budget. consultation with the budget. Board and alve a current report or expenditures against the budget at each meeting. , 7. Know local and state laws; 7. Know tocal and state laws; 7. Know local and slate laws; actively support library actively support library actively support library legilllaUon In U~ state and ll1lislation In the state and leglslaUon In the state and nation. nation. naUon. 8. Select and order all books 8. Coopl!rale with the Ilbrary 8. Establish among the and other Ubrary dlrl!ctor In developl"i library policies those materials. llb rary policies deallna dealing with book and with book and material materiai selection. selection. 9. At.hmd all Board met!tlngs~ 9. Attend all Board mecllngs 9. Attend an Board meetings may sel'\'e as secretary oC and see that accUl'llte and see that accurate the Board. records are kept on file at records are kept on Ole at lhe t1brnry. the library. 10. Affiliate with the state and 10. Attend regional, state, and 10. Attend regional, state, and natlonal professional national trustee meetings national trustee meetings organlzatlons and attend and workshops, and and workshops, and proCeaalonal meetings and a f flll a t I! wit h the a f fill a t I.' wit h the workshops. ap proprlate professIonal appropriate professional organlzatluns. organizations. 11. Make use oC the services 11. Be aware of the ~ervlces oC 11. Be aware of the services oC and consultants of the the State LIbrary. the State Library. State Ubrnry. 12. Report regularly to the 12. Rl'port regularly to the 12. Report regularly to the Hbrary Board, to the proper authorities and to governing officials and to o (( I cia 1 S 0 C 10 c a 1 the genl!ral public. the general public. government, and to the ienersl public. Adapted from The Library Trustee: A Practical Guidebook by Virginia Young (R. R. Bowker, 1969) p. 10. 'J