04/08/1988LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES DATE 9- 2- CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Minutes of the Meeting APRIL 8, 1988 Clearwater Public Library 9:30 a.m. 11:20 a.m. PRESENT: Mr. Frank Barnicle, Chair Mr. William Donovan Mr. Frederick Dunn Mrs. Susan Hyman Ms. Carol Nielsen Mr. Bernard Panush Mr. Theodore Serrill Mrs. Faye Sollid Mrs. Virginia Watson Air. Sydney White Mrs. Linda Mielke, ex-officio ABSENT: Ms. Margot Pequignot, excused GUESTS: Mr.' Shirley Hunt, Executive Director, Greater Clearwater Public Library Foundation Chairman Frank Barnicle called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. The minutes of last month's meeting were approved as submitted. The discussion centered on the revision and approval of the Ordinance Review Committee's report as distributed at the March Board meeting. Mr. Barnicle asked that the report be read one point at a time with an informal vote after discussion of each point. A motion on an official recommendation may be made at the end of all discussion. The revised committee report follows point by point and in revised order as agreed by the Board during discussion: GENERAL STATEMENT The Clearwater Library System is approaching the end of its building program with the construction of the new Countryside library. In addition, the city is nearly completely built up on the land within the city boundaries. The number of cardholders is very high in relation to the total residents. The system is now moving to a new phase which emphasizes additional services and "enhancements" to the community. * Should there be a library board? i Yes, since it serves a useful purpose in the community. VOTE: ACCEPTED UNANIMOUSLY * Who does the library board represent? The citizens of Clearwater, City Commission, of the Clearwater Library. VOTE: ACCEPTED UNANIMOUSLY and patrons 4W ¦ ti Clearwater Public Library Board Minutes of the Meeting April 8, 1988 Page 2 * What should be our relation to . . . The City Commission The board should be advisory to the Commission. VOTE: ACCEPTED UNANIMOUSLY The library director The board acts as the community representative and is advisory to the Director. The Director provides professional skills, knowledge, and acts as the board's reference in developing its recommendations to the Commission. VOTE: ACCEPTED UNANIMOUSLY The general, public Interests of the public should be encouraged by whatever methods the board may deem necessary. VOTE: ACCEPTED UNANIMOUSLY Policy and procedures The board should assist the Director to develop basic library policy, subject to the final approval of the City Commission. VOTE: ACCEPTED UNANIMOUSLY Procedures to implement the policies are the responsibilities of the Director and staff. VOTE: ACCEPTED UNANIMOUSLY Inter-relations with library associated groups The board should maintain contact with the Friends of the Library, the Greater Clearwater Library Foundation, and other interested groups, in their efforts to support the library. VOTE: ACCEPTED UNANIMOUSLY * What should the board do and how active should they be? Long range planning Top priority now is to lay the base for next five years. The board and the Director should determine what additional services and facilities are needed to improve the library, set goals and objectives to guide the future development of the library. This plan should then be submitted to the City Commission for its approval. VOTE: ACCEPTED UNANIMOUSLY Clearwater Public Library Board Minutes of the Meeting April 8, 1988 Page 3 Budgets The board should review the budget to be approved by the City Commission to see that it supports the long range plan for the library system. We should also meet with the Commission as part of the budget process. VOTE: ACCEPTED UNANIMOUSLY (DELETE STATEMENT ON PART TIME AND VOLUNTEER WORKERS. . .} VOTE: ACCEPTED UNANIMOUSLY Funds donated to the library The City Code (Sec. 115.03) designates the City Commission as the recipient of cash and library income, with the board administering donations in kind. At the very end of 115.03 it states that .the board shall have the authority to administer "memorial funds" in the name of an individual should it be requested by the donor. A later section (Sec. 115.24) states that the board "shall accept donations for the library and administer these funds." The board feels that funds given to the library as general donations or for specific purposes should be held for the library in a City managed trust fund, with the board only auditing their use. (There shall be no limitations on outside support groups soliciting funds and using them for approved library purposes.] After much discussion on the last sentence, it was agreed that Mr. Dunn would consult the City Attorney for proper legal wording of this sentence. VOTE: ACCEPTED UNANIMOUSLY (DELETE STATEMENT ON SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES) VOTE: ACCEPTED UNANIMOUSLY * Terms on the board All members should be appointed for a period of three years, regardless of the time left of the member they replace. Their term should start at the next scheduled meeting of the board. Reappointment should be effective immediately upon the end of the first term. VOLE: ACCEPTED UNANIMOUSLY 1 r Clearwater Public Library Board Minutes of the Meeting April 8, 1988 Page G The City Commission should elect enough members in a year to maintain the eleven member board. All members-of the board shall be residents of the City of Clearwater, as defined by the applicable statutes. VOTE: ACCEPTED UNANIMOUSLY * What other subjects are appropriate for the board to consider? The terms "neglect of duty" should be more clearly defined. The board thinks that its usual meaning is the failure to attend enough meetings without properly notifying the Director of a future absence. VOTE: ACCEPTED UNANIMOUSLY There may be merit to the suggestion that the chairperson and vice chairperson of the board be elected in May and take office at the start of the September meeting. VOTE: ACCEPTED UNANIMOUSLY Chairman Barnicle appointed Ms. Pequignot, Mrs. Sollid, and Mrs. Mielke to serve as the. Nominating Committee for nominations of officers for the May, 1988, meeting. Mr. Barnicle requested the Board refrain from a formal overall vote in the form of a motion, since a few points need some further clarification. Air. Dunn will retype the recommendation and mail out as soon as possible to Board members. Mrs. Mielke will send out to the Board the initial budget forms (organization chart, Function & Services Summary, and Reduction Options) submitted to the budget office. Airs. Hyman reported on the April Foundation meeting she attended. The Chamber Music Concert & Reception was most successful. Letters will be mailed to area professionals to promote memberships. There was discussion of expanding library service to nearby communities on a cost per service basis, proposed through a citizen-based initiative from each community. Future Foundation projects included: a) "Bookbrain" - a computer database of interesting reading for youth with funds raised by youth through a book-a-thon for equipment and software purchases for each facility. b) $3,000 donation toward the purchase of the MacArthur Foundation Video Classics series (a $6,000 purchase). w Clearwater Public Library Award Minutes of the Meeting April 8, 1988 ; Page 5 Mrs. Sollid reported on the membership status of the Friends of the Clearwater Library; 425 paid members, 43 life members, 93 former members. There is a possibility of a fiction writing course in the future by a well-known author at a,very reasonable cost. The Friends of the Clearwater Library banquet will be April 16, 1988, at Clearwater Beach Hotel. 'tickets are $18.00 per person. The meeting was adjourned at 11;20 a.m. Susan Doel, Secretary ;E I