02/19/1988 ;'~5',' . ' . .. ..' , . : .... .. ;" . . '. J~ . '. .'.". ". '" ' , c"'c " ), , , " t':'t" '.' '.. , ' . <" , (" ~ ':, I :.' . , " . ,\", . >, . ~ . .., .. . ~. ~, . ' . . . c ' , ". ,,:,,:', ('. ;,:J~\i;'~i~{if.:':: ,.... .' , " LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES c '. ' !. , , DATE 'F'~r '/~jfl'~ , , " J- /5t:S-- . .', '. ...... .~' . . .... ~ . I.... " . . . . I' . .; ~l CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Minutes of tho Meeting 19 FEBRUARY 1988 Clea~water Public Library 9:30 a.m. - 10:35 a.m. PRESENT: ABSENT: Mr. Frank Barnicle, Chair Mr. William Donovan Mr. Frederick Dunn Ms. Carol Nielsen . Mr. Bernard Panush Mr. Theodore Serril! Hrs. Faye Sollid Mrs. Virginia Watson Mr. Sydney White Mrs. Linda Mielke, ex-officio Mrs. Susan Hyman, excused Ms. Margot Pequignot. excused Chairman Frank Barnicle called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Mr. White moved to approve the minutes as submitted. The motion was seconded and approved. Mr. Barnicle reported that a piece of literature Mrs. Mielke had acquired from the Legal Department clarified some of the financial responsibility concerns the Board had discussed earlier, but still showed inconsistencies. Mr. Barnicle read the information which placed responsibility for income and cash gifts to the Library Board with the City Manager and City Commission, except for gifts of books or bequests made directly to the Library Board. Mrs. Mielke reported on a telephone conversation with City Attorney, Al Galbraith, in which he felt that there are inconsistencies in the Code concerning the Library Board. Mr. Barnicle suggested two committees be established: one to look at the powers and financial aspects of the Board, and one to look at making information availa- ble to prospective members and other concerns. After some discussion, it was agreed that one committee should look at the basic ordinance and conflicts, present a package to the Board, and then make a recommendation to the City Commission. Mr. Dunn was asked to Chair this committee and accepted. Hr. Dunn selected Ms. Nielsen and Mrs. Sollid to serve on the committee, and Nr. Barnicle asked Mrs. Hyman and Mr. Donovan also to serve. Mr. Dunn will call a committee meeting. Hr. Barnicle discussed the subjects of meeting absences, number of c.;onsecutive terms, and required financial disclosure statements. Mrs. ~1ielke reported that a letter of intent has been submitted to the Stnte Library for grant funds as a combined effort with Largo Library and Pine1las County to establish subregional Talking Book Library Service in Pinellas County. The service would be housed in Largo Library and Clearwater's North Greenwood Branch. There was some discussion of the need for two libraries offering this service in the same county. Mrs. Mielke reviewed how the talking book service works. Nrs. Mielke reported that the Clearwater Countryside Library construction project is on schedule. She anticipates hiring new staff in June. Employment requests are in the Personnel Department. There is a possibility for promotions for Library staff members. Nr. Serrill remarked he will try to get pictures of the construction project for his paper, The Pine11as Review. ~lr. Serrill questioned the progress of book ordering for Clearwater Countryside Library. Mrs. Mielke stated that books are steadily being ordered, processed, and placed at Clearwater East Library until Countryside opens. .... ' CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Ninutes of the Meeting February 19. 1988 Page 2 Mr. White expressed concern over the condition of some books in the Library collection. He noted that several new books fall apart at the binding after only a few circulations. Mr. \-lhite also questioned who is responsible for pen or pencil markings inside books. Nrs. Mielke reported that many times new hooks are returned to the publisher due to poor binding. She agreed that badly damaged books should be taken off the shelves, hut added that staff are not able to review each hook returned for inside damage. There was some discussion of staff placing bookmarks inside the books at checkout to discourage patrons from laying the open books down to reserve their place. thereby breaking the binding. Mr. \<1hite asked whe thaI' the book drops cause much damage to books. Mrs. ~lielke felt that only a small amount of the damage problem results from the book drops. She will suggest that staff spot check returned books for damage. Mr. Dunn questioned the consequence of stealing books. He suggested using labels inside those books in IIhigh theft" subject areas, such as computer science. However, Hrs. Hielke noted that this is not enough of a problem to warrant such action. There was some discussion on the effects of amnesty periods. Mrs. Mielke reported they don't work that well and upset those patrons who have always paid fines. She suggested amnesty could be a topic for discussion at another Board meeting. Hr. Serrll! asked about police protection nt totain Library. HI's. Hielke noted that this is the season for an increase in vagrants in the Library. ~ir. Serrill asked if a recommendation might be necessary for increased police patrol during library hours. His ~oncern stemed from an incident involving a female friend and her children. Mrs. Mielke asked Mr. Serrill to propose such a resolution, since the downtown patrol officer was removed for other duty. ~lr. 5errill resolved that the City provide increased police vigilance with respect to the Library facilities, especially during the winter months. The resolution was seconded and approved. Mrs. Mielke will notify the City of the resolution from the Board. Mr. Barnicle reported that the Greater Clearwater Public Library Foundation. Inc., has asked for representation from the Library Board. Nr. Barnicle asked Mrs. Hyman, Vice Chair for the Library Board, to serve in that capacity Dnd she has accepted. The March Board meeting will be March 18 at Clearwater East Library in the conference room. The meeting waG adjourned at 10:35 a.m.