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Minutes of the Meeting
Clearwater Public Library
9:30 a.m. - 10:25 a.m.
Mr. Frank Barnicle, Chair
Mr. William A. Donovan
Hr. Frederick Dunn
Mrs. Susan Hyman
Ms. Carol Nielsen
Mr. Theodore A. Serrill
Mrs, Virginia Watson
Mrs. Linda Mielke, ex-officio
Mr. Bernard Panush, excused
Ms. Margot Pequignot, excused
Mrs. Faye Sollid, excused
Ms. Diane Steinle, St. Petersburg Times
Chairman Frank Barnicle called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
announced the resignation of Dr. James Frush who has moved to Alabama.
has not yet been made to replace Dr. Frush.
Hr. Barnicle
An appointment
The minutes of the May meeting were approved as submitted.
Nrs. Nielke summarized a Circulation Statistics Report prepared from data
collected by the Library's CLS! computerized circulation system. The Clearwater
Public Library System is experiencing overall growth. One category noted is the
ranking of the collection by use: fiction being the most used at Main Library,
with children's second~ and videotapes ranking 4th o~ 5th in usage. The East Library
sometimes passes the Main in the children's category. The smaller branches, North
Greenwood and Beach, remain consistent in their collection and circulation statistics.
The East Library's circulation is up 9% in a 17 month period. At this growth rate,
the East Library is projected to pass Main in major categories' usage by }lay, 1988.
Mrs. Mielke reports that almost 50% of Clearwater's population have library
cards. Statistics have more than doubled from 1975 to the present. Mrs. Hyman
asked if the library promotes library cards for students. Mrs. Mielke noted that
staff encourage all st~dents to have their own card.
~lr. Dunn questioned the parameter on fines set up in the Library's computer.
Mrs. Nielke reported a new fine accumulation cut-off of $10.00 has been established,
eliminating the large accumulation previously experienced. When a patron's fines
accumulate past the $10.00 mark, a printout of items is generated by the computer,
advising the patron of their outstanding fines. Staff is discussing yearly billing
which would also update valid card status.
Mrs. Mielke reported that the anticipated opening of the Clearwater Countryside
Library will be by beginning school year, 1988. The site was built up 18". Parking
lots will be accessible from S. R. 580 and Winding \.,rood Drive. Hrs. l-tielke noted that
this facility will be full service, much the same as Clearwater East, but she suspects
more demands for business materials at Countryside. Books are already being purchased
and stored for use at Clearwater Eost until Clearwater Countryside Library opens.
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Minutes of the Meeting September 18, 1987
Page 2
Mrs. 'Mielke reported that the Mayors' Council Report on a library cooperative
plan was turned over to the County. A number of cities said IIno" to the plan.
Mrs. ~lielke does not know what the County will do now.
Mr. Dunn and a friend have examined the Paradyne computer given to the
Greater Clearwater Public Library Foundation and stored on the Main Library's
third floor. Their finding is that the machine has limited use. However~ the
memory could be increased up to the maximum at a cost of approximately $100.00.
The Paradyne computer will not be able to be used to pullout information from the
large database on the CLSI computer. Mr. Dunn will report back with an update.
Mr. Barnicle congratulated Mrs. ~lielke on being appointed Secretary to
Florida Library Association.
The Friends of the Clearwater Library's annual luncheon will be held on
November 14, at Chateau Madrid.
Mr. Serrill suggested the Florida Library Association Conference have local
press coverage: Hrs. Hielke has mentioned this to the FLl\ Board.
Mrs. Hyman questioned the status of the Database Place. Mrs. Mielke
reported"that a seminar for banking individuals was successful. Staff members
at Main are using Database Place in regular reference service. The next target
group for a seminar will be lawyers. Mr. Serrill asked to be included in that
~lrs. Nielsen asked about the five-year plan discussed at a previous Board
meeting. Hrs. Mielke reported that the staff is working on this difficult
Nrs. Hyman mentioned that the grounds at Clearwater Eal:lt Library need mainte-
nance. She suggested an outside trash container and policing of the grounds for
litter. Mrs. Hielke will have the East maintenance person routinely check the area.
Mrs. Watson asked if a branch tour might be scheduled for Board members.
The Board agreed to meet at a different facility for the next few months for
their Board meeting. The next Board meeting will be held at Clearwater East
Library in the Conference Room.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 a.m.
Susan Doel, Secretary