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20 DECEMBER 1985
Clearwater Public Library
9:30 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
Mr. G. Melvin Douglass
Ms. Margot Pequignot
Mr. Pate Hutchens, Chairman
Mr. Frank Barnicle
Mrs. Susan Hyman
Mr. Martin J. Moran
Mr. Bernard Panush
Mr. Theodore A. Serril!
Mrs. Faye Sollid
Hrs. Diane Vo!lbracht
Mrs. Lucile Williams
Mrs. Linda Mielke, ex-officio
Ms. Althea Andersen, ePLS staff
Mrs. Carolyn Moore, CPLS staff
Chairman Pate Hutchens called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m. The
minutes of the November meeting were approved as submitted.
In preparation for election of officers in January, Mr. Hutchens
opened the floor for nominations for Board Chairman. Mrs. So11id nominated
Pate Hutchens, seconded by Mr. Barnicle. ~lr. Serrill moved that nominations
for Chairman be closed, seconded by Mrs. Vollbracht. The Board unanimously
approved the motion. Mr. Hutchens opened the floor for nominations for Vice
Chairman. Mr. Panush nominated Frank Barnicle, seconded by Mr. Serrill.
Mr. Serrill moved that nominations for Vice Chairman be closed, seconded
by ~lrs. Williams. The Board unanimously approved tqe motion. Mr. Hutchens
stated that Susan Doel will serve as Secretary to the Board for another year.
Board members may make additional nominations at the January meeting at which
time voting for Chairman and Vice Chairman will take place.
Mrs. Hielke and Ms. Andersen reported on a recent survey concerning
Beach Branch Library hours. The majority of Beach Branch patrons favor
the library open mornings and afternoons rather than the present schedule
which includes two evenings. Patron use during the evening hours is minimal.
The Library staff is in favor of changing to daytime hours. Mr. Panush moved
to change evening hours to morning hours at Beach Branch. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Moran. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.
Mrs. Mielke will inform Mr. Shoemaker, City Manager, by memo of the Board's
and staff's recommendation.
Mrs. Mielke reported that North Greenwood Branch closed on December 13,
1985, for renovation. Books are being moved to Clearwater East for patron use.
Mrs. Mielke stated she did not receive encouragement on the idea of storefront
rental during the renovation period.
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Hinutes of the Heeting December 20, 1985
Pa'ge 2
Mrs. Vollbracht questioned the idea of Sunday hours at Main Library.
Mrs. Mielke stated the City Commission was not in favor of Mrs. Mielke's
proposal for additional Sunday hours when the Library's budget was
discussed. Mrs. Mielke said she feels it is an important day for the
Library to' be open, and she will try again on this issue. Mrs. Mielke
will prepare an outline for the Board to review in January to assist
them in preparing a recommendation for Sunday hours in next year's budget.
Mrs. Mielke would like to report back to the Board in January or
February an the loan period issue after the staff committee has met and
prepared their report.
Mrs. Mielke discussed the status of staining on the exterior walls
of Clearwater East Library. The staff is ready to recommend using City
water around the building and well water for watering the grass. The
sprinkler system will also be changed.
Mrs. Mielke reviewed statistics for a one-month period at Clearwater
Circula tion
Non-resident cards
Statistics show that new patrons at Clearwater East are by-nnd-large from
East Clearwater. not Countryside.
The Board discussed the turnout for Scholarts Choice 'programs at Main
and Clearwater East. Hrs. Moore discussed a program Broward County Public
Library has implemented entitled I\Let~s Talk About It.1I The program is
similar to Scholar's Choice and Clearwater Public Library System has been
invited to participate next year. Mrs. ~lielke reported that she will apply
for funding from American Library Association for this project.
Hr. Hutchens discussed Mrs. Mielke's report on a building program far
a Countryside library. ~lrs. Mielke will meet with Mr. Shoemaker, City
Manager, to discuss her report and will have a summary for the Board at
January's meeting.
Mrs. Vo1lbracht asked about a vending machin~ for coffee in Main
Library for the patrons' use. Mrs. Mielke will consider this matter.
Mr. Serrill asked that additional pu~licity be done on the new
non-resident fee structure.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m.
Susan Doe1. Secretary