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18 OCTOBER 1985
Clearwater Public Library
9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Hr. Pate Hutchens, Chairman
Mr. Frank Barnicle
Mr. C. Melvin Douglass
Mrs. Susan Hyman
Mr. Martin J. Moran
Mr. Bernard Panush
Mr. Theodore A. Serrill
Mrs. Faye Sollid
Mrs. Diane Vol1bracht
Mrs. Linda Mielke. ex-officio
Ms. Margot Pequignot. excused
Mrs. Lucile Williams. excused
Mrs. Linda Lange. ePLS Staff
Mrs. Carolyn Moore, CPLS Staff
Chairman Pate Hutchens called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
~lr. Serril1 moved that the minutes of the last meeting be approved
as submitted. The motion was seconded and approved.
Mrs. Mielke discussed the Beach Branch Library's hours of operation.
The staff is in the processing of determining whether the two evenings
(Tuesday and Wednesday) that the Beach Branch is open should be changed
back to morning hours. The usage of the Beach Branch on these two
evenings is minimal, A survey resulted in an overwhelming request by
patrons to return to morning hours. }Irs. Mielke reported that Ann.Garris
of the Beach Views will run a survey in her newspaper. Mrs. Mielke will
report back to the Board the results of that survey on Beach Branch hours.
Mrs. Mielke reported that bids were out this month on the renovation
project at North Greenwood Branch. The Board will discuss later the
possible closing of the branch during certain phases of construction.
~Irs. Mielke discussed loan periods. renewals. fines. inter- and
intralibrary loans, and reserves presently used at the Clearwater Public
Library System. I-trs. Noore reviewed a la-question questionnaire collected
at three library facilities. The survey revealed most people preferred
a l4-day checkout period and are in favor of the reserve system. There
was much discussion of the pros and cons of the reserve systeul. Mr. Panush
suggested: 1) eliminating reserves on best sellers. 2) extend the loan
period to 10 days on 7-day books, and 3) increase fines to 20C per day.
The use of a "rental" collection was also discussed. Nr. Panush moved
that the reserve system be eliminated on best sellers. The motion was
seconded. After some discussion Mr. Serrill moved that the reserve
issue be tabled until the next meeting. This motion was seconded and
carried. Nrs. Mielke will prepare a recommendation on this issue.
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Minutes of Meeting October 18, 1985
Page 2
Mr. Hutchens announced the Friends of the Library Reception on
October 26, 1985, at 7tOO p.m. at Clearwater East Library.
Hrs. Mielke announced that the referendum vote in Palm Harbor was
in favor 3 to 1 for the Palm Harbor Library. Mrs. Mielke has written
to Mrs. Jeanette Malouf, the Palm Harbor Librarian, offering assistance.
The Board discussed the issue of proposed increased parking rates.
Mr. Panush moved that the Board request present parking rates be
maintained and not increased. The motion' was seconded and carried.
Hrs. ~lielke will write a resolution on this issue.
The Board would like to discuss outreach services and the progress
of a Countryside Library at next month's meeting.
Mrs. Mielke reported that the consultant for the County Library
study is Robert McClarren of North Suburban Library System in Wheeling, lL.
Hr. McClarren attended the: latest Mayorsl,meeting on the county system
issue. The draft of Mr. McClarrcn~s study is due in January, 1986.
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Mr. Moran mentioned the problem of cars coming down the street next
to the Main Library into the parking lot at a high rate of speed.
Mr. Moran suggested perhaps speed bumps could'be used to eliminate
this problem. Mrs. Hielke agreed to call Traffic Engineering to suggest
a study of this problem.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Susan Doel, Secretary