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16 ~tARCH 1984
Clearwater Public Library
9:30 a.m. - \0:25 n.m.
~\r5. Luci Ie Wi llinms, excused
Mr. Pate Hutchens, Chairman
Mr. Frank Barnicle
Dr. David Berry
Mrs. Herbert E. (Helen) Dillcr
Mr. Fr~d Kol'osy
Mrs. Helenc Lanzke
Ms. Margot Pequignot
Mrs. Faye Sol lid
Mrs. Diane Vollbracht
Mrs. Ann' Wickersham
Mrs. Linda ~lielke, Library Director
Commissioner Rita Garvey
Chairman Pate Hutchens called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as submitted.
Mrs. Mielke reported that we will go to bid by April 1, 1984.
An interior design\ firm is now working on an interior floor arrangement
that will be workable. The dute for a groundbreaking was discussed
with several Board members noting that they will be gone for different
periods of time over the next few months.
Mrs. Mielke discussed the automated circulation system. The
City's Building & Maintenance Division will be renovating the third
floor of Main Library for a computer room to store the system. The
new branch will open using the new circulation system, although all
branches will not be on the system right away. The public will not
have access to terminals at first, but they wi 11 eventually. Board
members discussed possible public resistance to using computer terminals
instead of the standard card catalog; howeverJ Mrs. Mielke has read that
it is not really an issue and very little training is involved. With
the card catalog on-line, there will be more use of the catalog and
the library. The library will begin placing bar code labels on each
borrower's card and on the books in the near future.
Mrs. Mielke reported on the success of the Adler Literary Arts
Festival this year. Board members remarked on the fine press coverage
of the event.
Mrs. Mielke distributed copies of the present City Charter to the
Board. The City is revie\'iing the Chart'er for possible revision.
Commissioner Garvey described the public response to the library
system as fantastic at this time. However, Commissioner Garvey did think
the public docs not realize there is going to be a new branch in cast
Clearwater. Commissioner Garvey feels that adequate press coverage at
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Minutes of the Meeting March 16, 1984
Page 2
the groundbreaking ceremony wi 11 he Ip to inform the citizens that
the branch is really coming.
Amendment 1 was discussed. Commissioner Garvey discussed t.he
subject of art work in the library. She stated that there is a very
positive response from the community. ~Irs. Mielke discussed
this response from the community concerning the library's purchase
of the Rauschenberg art print. She mentioned the possibility of the
Friends of the Library establishing an art fund for the library i.n
the future.
( Board members discussed whether to close the T\lIig when the new
P~st branch library opens. Mrs. Mielke mentioned the possible need to
\ close Twig ear Her t.o U~C i.l'lc ~tuff member::; to assist in preparation of
\ the books for the new branch. Reasons to close the Twig carly included:
1) Need additional staff at f'.lain
, 2) Twig books need to be transferred to new facility
\ 3) Fire Department would like their training room back
Board members would like to discuss this issue at next month's meeting.
Mrs. Diller asked the Board to discuss the groundbreaking ceremony.
~lrs. Diller suggested aiming at 1,000 people to attend the ceremony
and making it a festive one. This subject will be further discuss~d
at next month's meeting.
Mrs. Diller questioned Commissioner Garvey on issucs of revising
the City Charter to allow for election of City Commissioners from
districts, and incr~asing the size of the City Commission.
The mecting was adjourned at 10:25 a.m.
Susan Doel, Secretary