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17 FEBRUARY 1984
Clearwater Public Library
9:30 a.m. ~ 10:15 n.m.
Mr. Pate Hutchens, Chairman
Dr. David Berry
~1rs. Herbert E. (Helen) Di ller
Mr. Fred Korosy .
Mrs. Helene Lanzke
Mrs. Faye Sollid
Mrs. Diane Vollbracht
Mrs. Ann Wickersham
~trs. Luei Ie Williams
Mrs. Linda Mielke, Library Director
Mr. Frank Barnicle, excused
Ms. Margot Pequignot, excused
, ~. '
Chairman Pate Hutchens called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. The
minutes of the last meeting were approved as submitted. Mr. Hutchens reported
that he has introduced himself to City Manager Tony Shoemaker, as the new
Board Chairman, and that he and ~Ir. Shoemaker discussed seve:ra1 matters
inCluding Amendment I. Mr. Shoemaker is seeking help from all advisory boards
on the Amendment 1 issue.
The Advisory Board annual dinner is Tuesday, February 21, 1984, at
Ruth Eckerd Hall.
Mr. Hutchens has asked ~trs. Faye Sol lid to serve as Library Board liaison
to the Friends of the Library Board in Mr. Hutchens' place.
Mr. Hutchens distributed some information on Amendment I from a Common
Cause seminar he attended. Mrs. Mielke distributed statistical information
on library circulation for fiscal year 1982/83. Mrs. Mielke noted that the
Beach Branch has not kept up with the growth experienced by other branches in
the library system. Steps are being taken to try to remedy this situation.
Mrs. Mielke anticipates the cir~lation at the new branch library to be
approximately 200,000 per year. Other statistics \~ill also increase with the
new facility, such as children's services, reference questions, etc.
Mrs. Mielke and Mrs. Sollid have been working on the subject of lighting
for the new facility. A company in Pennsylvania will be sending information
on the subject to Mrs. Mielke. The architect has recommended a drop ceiling
instead of a vaulted one for the ne\'1 library to solve ilny lighting problem.
Mrs. Wickersham noted that the drop ceiling would also help acoustically us well.
Mrs. Nielke discussed the Margaret Truman lecture and gala reception to be
held Pebruary 25, 1984, at Main Library.
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Minutes of the Meeting February 17, 1984
Page 2
Mrs. Mielke noted that she has no news to report concerning a possible
gift from an individual to the Foundation, as discussed at last month's meeting.
Progress is being made~ and Mrs. Mielke will keep the Board informed.
Mr. Korosy questioned the decrease in the number of overduBs sent as
reported on the statistical report. Mrs. t.1iel ke explained that staff "got
behind" in processing of overdue notices~ but that situation is now in hand.
The new computerized circulation system will automatically print overdue
notices to patrons in the future.
Reporting on the status of the architectural work on the new facility,
~1rs.. Mielke stated that in order to get the most responsible bid, the basic
plan for bid would be 15,000 square feet, although the final square footage
agreed upon might be more or less than this figure. A contract with a firm
in Ft. Lauderdale for interior design has been finalized. The purchase of
furniture and furnishings takes approximately one year and will be started
within the next few weeks. Structural changes to the plans include
(1) dropping the ceiling, and (2) adding windows along the building, except
in the meeting room. Though a date has not been set~ Mrs. Mielke anticipates
groundbreaking in r>lay. She wi 11 check \d th the architect fol' a firm date.
Mr. Hutchens attended a seminar for Common Cause. Amendment.J was
discussed and ral;i..~ disclosed~ such as a provision in the Amendment for
raising property taxes up to 5% each year. Board members agreed that citizens
arc not aware of this information and should be informed. Mr. Hutchens reported
on a suggestion at the seminar to post signs on buildings stating how often
the building would remain open if Amendment 1 passed.
Mrs. Mielke has prepared an Amendment 1 budget which will be reviewed
by the City Commission and recommendations made.
Dr, Berry discussed the importance of the phrasing of the ballot for
Amendment 1. Mrs. Mielke offered to try to find the proper wOl'ding of the
Mrs. Mielke reported that the siti.ng of the sign announcing the new
library was actually in the wrong location and has been relocated properly.
There was an announcement of the Friends of the Library's Banquet on
April 24, 19B43 to be held at Bill Irle's Banquet Hall~ 6:00 p.m. social hour,
7:00 p.m. dinner.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m.
Susan Doel, Secretary