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21 OCTOSEn 1983
Clearwater Public Library
9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Mrs. Faye Sollid, excused
Mr. Homer Royer, Chairman
Mr. Frank Barnicle
Mrs. Herbert E. (Helen) Diller
Mr. George E. Harris
Mr. Pate Hutchens
Mr. Fred Korosy
Mrs. Helene Lanzke
Mrs. Diane Vollbracht
Mrs. Ann Wickersham
Mrs. Lucile Williams
Mrs. Linda Nielke, Library Director
Mayor Kathy Kelly
Dr. David Berry, F.O.C.L. President
Mrs. Lois Maroon, C.P.L. staff
Mrs. Linda Lange, C;P.L. staff
Chairman Homer Royer called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Briefly,
Mr. Royer discussed the presentations by the Board to the City Commission
this past summer and the approved millage for Library Systems. Mr. Royer
reported that the Commission wants the Board to push for a time table on
the branch libraries.
Mrs. Helene Lanzke was introduced as a new Board member living on
Island EstateS.
lIlrs. Mielke discussed plans for the new branch library for cast Clearwater.
A tentative schedule is as follo\oJs:
Ready to go to bid for contractor by end of December. 1983;
Open bids by March, 1984;
Begin construction soon after ~1arch 1, 1984 t
Plan to open new branch by April, 1985.
The size of the new branch is planned for 12,270 square feet and will include
a meeting room. Mrs. Mielke reported no negative phone calls or letters have
been received concerning the proposed millage increase for library services.
Mrs. Mielke suggested changing the name of the existing Northeast Branch
to North Greenwood Area Branch, and using Skycrest Area Branch for the name of
the new branch library in east Clearwater. Mayor Kelly reported that the
Commissioners did not like the name for the new branch and suggested that the
Board discuss the matter. Board members decided to discuss this further at
the next Board meeting in November. However, the Northeast Branch will be
renamed the North Greenwood Area Brarich.
Mayor Kelly discussed correspondence between
from a large corporation concerning contributions
Mayor Kelly mentioned several projects under way,
library facilities, as possibilities for support.
meet with other corpOl'ations on the same mutter.
herself and u representative
to the Clearwater communit)'.
including plans for expanding
The Mayor also has plans to
Mrs. Mielke noted that tho
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Minutes of the Meeting October 21, 1983
Page 2
Library Foundation is close to incorporation. Mrs. Wickersham suggested
that perhaps support from an organization would be,the major -commitment
needed to get the foundation started.
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Mrs. Mielke discussed the increase in the non-resident fee for library
cards from $24.00 to $50.00 as determined at the October 6, 1983, City
Commission meeting. Calls and letters have been received at the Library and
City Hall concerning the increased fee. Board members expressed concerns that
such an increase in non-resident fee might bring unwanted publicity at this
time, and that the increase might exclude many children from being able to
use the library due to economic hardship. There was some discussion of the
need for the County to charge count)' residents for library service.
Mayor Kelly remarked that perhaps the fee increase for non-residents could be
. more phased in--a more gradual increase. The Board agreed that a more gradual
increase would be better accepted. Mayor Kelly asked Mrs. Mielke to attend
the 'next Commission work session to explain the Board's view to the Commissioners.
The Board viewed a brief demonstration of an automated circulation system.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Susan Doel, Secretary
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