01/21/1983 , ' ,', .' ' " " ..' . 4 . , .' ~~:~:{~':..~~~" "i:~ T ~ . c., '. ,~ " '. . . c, , " ,"", .. ..:\ '. . . . . , . .. ' , ,',; . ~\ c ", , ..' . . , ' . . < '. . .. ." ..... . . . . . I.."' . . , " , ' " ' ", j ,,'.' . "...;', .~ " ':<', ,:,\.'/~:".~~:., " . . .' . c , . . . ,. L~:" '. c.-,..".....,..,,,..'"':~.....~~..,~ ,c,:-~ ,,+,'. I~"~., >..~~~., ~I, ' .'. _, \ ~. . . . , .' LIBRARY BOARD . ..' j" MINUTES , " ; .,.' DATE "rI4~~.1 ~/'tf:J , ' -1- /!-! b L-/ t,,1 ::.,;J .,. ~ '" , . :. ;:i:~ hi,.,,,, _,. .. CLEARWATr:n PUBl.lC LIBRARY BOARD HI NUTES 01: THE ~iEE1'l NG 21 .JANUARY 1983 Clearwater Public Library 9:35 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. PRESENT: ABSr:NT: Mr. Homer Royer, Chairman Mrs.. Herbert E. (Helen) Diller Mr. George E. Harris ~tr. Pate Hutchens Mrs. Faye Sol lid Mrs. Diane Vollbracht ~Irs. Ann Wickersham Mrs. Lucile Williams Mrs. Linda Mielke, Library Director Ms. Candace H. Gardner, Vice-Chairman Mrs. Arta Gates, excused Mr. Fred Korosy, excused GUESTS: Mr. Edward Geoghegan, President of Morningside- Meadows Homeowners Assn. Mr. Vito Nigrelli, Morningside-Neadows Homeowners Assn. Mr. Curtis Barre, interested citizen Chairman Homer Royer called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m. The first order of business was reorganization of officers. Mrs. Williams nominated Homer Royer for Chairman, seconded by George Harris. ~1r. Hutchens moved that nominations for Chairman be closed and that the Board cast a unanimous vote by acclamation. Motion was seconded by Mrs. Williams. Vote was unanimous in favor. For the office of Vice-Chairman, ~lr. Hutchens nominated Mrs ~ Wickersham, seconded by Mrs. SoIlid. Mrs. Williams moved that the nominations for Vice-Chairman be closed and that the Board cast a unanimous vote by acclamation. Motion was seconded by Mr. flarris. Vote was unanimous in fovor. For the office of Secretary, Mrs. Wickersham moved that the Board re-appoint Susan Doel as Secretary. Notion was seconded by Mr. Hutchens. Vote was unanimous in favor. Mr. Barre asked that the Board give the east Clearwater residents something to work for, lito knock on doOl's forlt, should there be another referendum for libraries. Mr. Royer introduced Edward Geoghegan. President of Morningside~Mcadm"s l~meowners Association, to discuss an cast side library. Mr. Geoghegan referred to the unsuccessful attempts in the past to acquirc a library in the east side of Clearwater. Mr. Geoghegan stated that he is practical and open-minded, and would encourage the Board to also be open-minded to other options for libraries--to have more than one goal. fie asked that the Board accept an offer that will provide library service in east Clearwater. Mr. Geoghegan suggested the following reasons why he feels the last bond issue for libraries did not pass: 1) the two different designs for cast Clearwater and Countryside facilities caused a problem (competition], 2) the size of the bond issue was too large. As far as a bond issue in the near future, r-Ir. Geoghegan docs not feel people arc going to be in the mood to spend money in these poor economic conditions. . . . .' .,' ., '.' ~, ;:'; i. ;r..~l,;.. ~ : .> . .;,1' /.:' ,<.' I' , ~. .' " . ~. t. c..,o\:i.rt.: : ".~. .~...,.,.. " " c' . . . Clearwater Public Library Board Minutes of the Meeting January 21, 1983 Page '2 When asked about the cost of condemning and relocating thc Cocounts business, Mr. Gcoghegan estimated the cost would be around $500,000. General discussion followed concerning the location of Coconuts facility for a library, the possibility of a noise problem from the playground by Coconuts, und the addition of one or two full service libraries in east Clearwater and/or Countryside. Mr. Vito Nigrelli, also a member of Morningside-Meaclows Homeowners Association, spoke to the Board of his contact \>lith another homeowners association, Tropic Hills, concerning support for a library in cast Clearwater. Generally, Mr. Nigrelli found positive support for libraries, but heard comments against the large cost of the libraries on the last bond issue. He heard strong support for a reasonable library in east Clearwater. Mrs. Mielke reported that the St. Petersburg Public Library has received State Aid without county support, but is now open to cv~ryone living in Pinellas County free of charge. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m. Susan Doel, Secretary .1 " "J..:lI..;.. ...h.....' ~" , '