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19 FEBRUARY 1982
Mayol" s Confel'ence Room
9:30 a.m. -'10:45 a.m.
Mr. Homer Royer, Chairman
Ms. Candace H. GardnerJ Vice-Chairman
Mrs. Herbert E. (Helen) Diller
Mrs. Arta Gates
Mr. George E. Harris
Mr. Pate Hutchens
Mr. Fred Korosy
Mr. Walter A. Krick
Mrs. Fay SoUid
Mrs. Lucile Williams
Mrs. Linda Mielke, Library Director
Ms. Alicia Galicki, student ex-officio
Mrs. Ann WickershamJ excused
Ms. Erin Brasfield, excused
Mr. Sam Casella, Downtown Development Board
Mr. Ed NicholsJ President of Friends of the
Clearwater Public Library
Mrs. Carolyn MooreJ Clearwater Public
Mrs. Elizabeth Brookins, Clearwater Public
Chairman Homer Royer called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Mr. Royer
thanked all those who worked on the referendum for community libraries. Board
members analyzed the failure of the bond referendum:
1. Should publicity have been brought out earlier? Should more background
work have been done?
2. The wording of the ballot contained no heading for Libraries--the
libraries were mentioned only at the end of the paragraph.
3. Would a drive to register voters have encouragcrl vote'r turnout?
4. Issues should have been made clear--possibly door-to-door to inform voters.
Mr. Nichols thanked all those who \\larked for the referendum. He felt the
caInpaign was "fairly effective, 11 but fe It that more time should have been spent
talking to groups in the Clearwater Beach area.
Some Board members asked the following points concerning proposed libraries
in Clearwater:
1. Could one library be built between Countryside and Morningside?
2. If the referendum had been for one library in East Clearwater would
it have passed?
3. Should the City go for one library in East Clearwater quickly?
Mrs. Gates asked about parking availability for the Northeast Branch Library,
since the lot behind the branch library is not a City-owned lot and is used by
school employees. Mrs. Mielke will check into this matter and report back to
the Board.
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Minutes of the Meeting February 19, 1982
Page 2
~Ir. Sam Casella of the Downtown Development Board presented the design
competition for a bandshell in Coachman Park. Mr. Casella explained that the
Downtown Development Board has set aside funds ($l3s000) to be used toward
the bandshell construction if private contributions could be raised (approximately
$100,000-$150,000) to build a bandshell. The bandshell \.,rould be owned and
operated by the City of Clearwater. The design competition would be advertised
to architects throughout the state. The structure would be approximately 1,000-
2,000 square feet, with no permanent seating but permanent restrooms will be
available if possible. Mr. Casella asked for the Board's input on the bandshel1
concept. Mrs. Mielke questioned the construction of a permanent structure rather
than something that could be stored when not in use,
~lrs. Diller asked that the following statement written by her be placed in
the minutes: "I say to the Board that this is another example of the attempted
rape of a public park for commercial purposes. This Board under no circumstances
should endorse having lovely little Coachman Park used'in this way. A building
to seat 70 musicians, house restrooms, etc. means a large structure. Its
infrequent use could never merit the cost in money and destruction to the park.
Why not try a bandshcll in Crest Lake Park? Or East Clearwater? No, you think
this facility would lure customers to downtown merchants. We should never, never,
as a Board endorse the rape of a park that so much enhances the Clearwater Public
Library. We had a bandshell there before and it rotted away, became infested
with termites, and had to be torn down. The park is one of the Library's greatest
assets and we must fight, if necessary) to preserve Coachman Park.1I
Mr. Casella asked that the following statement' also be put in the record:
"The bandshell is not intended to be a commercial facility; it is intended to
be a facility owned and operated by the City of Clearwater. No one is to have
any commercial interest in this or to make any commercial profit out of it, We
believe that the public in Clearwater has expressed a desire to enjoy the bayfront,
to enjoy the park to its fullest. We believe that is a lovely location to have it."
Some Board members felt as individuals they could respond to Mr. Casella's
presentation, but did not feel it was a Library Board issue.
Mr. Casella showed the Board an illustration of the proposed bandshell
location. Concerns expressed by the Board were as follows:
1. Donlt block the view.
2. Consider designing a portable structure,
3. Concern over restroom location.
4. Ask the City to go for a referendum on this issue.
5. Consider other uses of materials for construction instead of concrete.
Nr. Casella noted the Board's concerns and will take those notes back to the
Downtown Development Board for discussion,
Mrs. Oi 11er questioned the Oowntm.,rn Development Board IS d ght to legally put
a bandshell in Coachman Park, stating that the Board was a private entity--a
qlerchants group. Mt'. Casella stated that the Downtown Development Board is not
a private or merchants group, but it is a public agency established by a
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Minutes of the Meeting February 19, 1982
Page 3
referendum of voters of the City of Clear~'later and downtown development district.
All meetings are open to the public. ~lr. Casella stated that the Downtown
Development Board itself is not proposing to put the bnndshell in the park--
that the City of Clearwater will design, construct, own, and operate the
bandshell. The Downtown Development Board is offering to contribute money if
sufficient private contributions can be raised. The Downtown Development Board
has offered to appoint a committee to raise the funds.
Mrs. Sollid noted that the atmosphere and area around the Library needs to
be relaxed 'and special, with the park area preserved for that atmosphere.
Mrs. Sollid agreed with Mrs. Diller that Crest Lake Park might be a better
site for a bandshell than Coachman ,Park.
Mr. Casella completed his discussion of the bandshell.
Mrs. Mielke reported on Mr. Ed Nichols' nomination for the FLA Trustees
and Friends Library Award and noted that support letters from the Board could
also be submitted. Mr. Korosy moved that a letter from the Board be'submitted
in support of Mr. Nichols' nomination. Mrs. Diller seconded the motion
which was approved unanimously.
Board members will discuss the issue of community libraries within the
next few months.
The City's Appreciation Dinner for Advisory Board members will be Tuesday,
February 23, 1982, at the Holiday Inn Surfside.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.
Susan Doe1, Secretary