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18 DECE~1BER 1981
Library Conference Room
9:30 B.m. - 10:15 a.m.
Mr. Homer Royer, Chairman
Ms. Candace H. Gardner, Vice-Chairman
Mrs. Herbert E. (Helen) Diller
~1rs. Arta Gates
Mr. George E. Harris
Mr. Pate Hutchens
Mr. Fred Korosy
~1rs. Fay SoUid
Mrs. Lucile Williams
Mrs. Linda Mielke, Library Director
Ms. Erin Brasfield, Student ex-officio
Ms. Alitia Galicki) Student ex-officio
Mr. Walter A. Krick, excused
Mrs. Ann Wickersham, excused
Mr. Ed Nichols, President of Friends of
the Clearwater Library "
Chairman Homer Royer discussed possible "punchlinesll which could be
used by Board members in talking to citizens about the referendum for
community libraries. Mrs. Mielke mentioned services which could be
emphasized for the community libraries. The signs prepared by the City
have bt:en placed on the two sites for the proposed community libraries.
Mrs. Gates noted that the money from the 1970 GOB referendum was
used for the downtown library renovation and expansion, and she feels that
information should be explained to citizens who question where that money
went. Mrs. SoUid stated that citizens feel a library was promised for
east Clearwater years ago and will want to know what guarantee they \I/i 11
have that the upcoming GOB money will be spent on the east Clearwater
si te now. Mrs. ~tie lke noted that the ordinance was written so that the
money can only be spent ,on the proposed community libraries on those
designated sites. ~tr. Nichols added that the money spent on the Main
Library was necessary to prepare that facility to handle the necessary
work required for other facilities, such ns book processing and interlibrary
Mr. Royer reported that industry considering relocation to Florida
is interested in communities with good schools, a good library system,
and available cultural arts. Mrs. Sollid noted that home property values
are kept up when library facilities are built close to home areas.
Mrs. Mielke discussed the Pinel Ins County legislative agenda and the
library item included in the agenda. The bill is asking for an exemption
in the rules for state aid for PineIlas County municipal libraries.
~trs. Mielke distributed copies of the bill that our local legislators arc
sponsoring to ask the state for an exemption to the rule that you must be
a county system to qualify for state aid. Mrs. Mielke noted that both
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Minutes of the Meeting December 18, 19B1
Page 2.
the State Library and the othcr county library systcms in Florida arc
opposed to this request for an exemption to the rules. Mrs. Mielke
would have preferred giving the State Library more compromising
room rather than asking for a special excmption. The result of the
legislative meeting on this bill will be known in February. There was
no discussion in opposition to the proposed rule change.
Mr. ,Nichols asked the Board for assistance in contacting some of
the civic and service organizations to permit speakers on the referendum
issue. ~1r. Nichols reported that the Homeowner's Coalition is neutral
on the tax revolt issue and that they may try to come out in favor of
the }ibrary referendum.
Mr. Nichols reported that one billboard located on Drew Street is
completed. Bumper stickers and decals are also ready for distribution.
Mr. Nichols distributed packettes to 'Board members for the campaign.'
Mrs. Sollid reported that the St. Petersburg Junior College Library
fee for non-students has increased from $5.00 to $15.00.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m.
'Susan Docl, Secretary