04/17/1981 l~!. T;, ~ "' ~ , ' . .. ':. .' ,.I ,:' I'"" ' ' " ~ ~;. < , . '.. ,. .," , ", "',:\ < ',", , , , I ,. . , . , , , ' .L',' , ' :{ :,",':', ,:C . I " . , ' , ,', ',: >,' . ,1 , " " ,~. ,..., ' , , ' " ;i:~~ ':: '~~'.1:.~'~';;' , ~ ~ .., ~ > \.."'" I " , ... '.. ....... , .' '.,' ~,~, :'. ~;, ": ~ ..:;'.:: ~:!,)~ ~'\ , LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES . . , . " DATE , 19:PteJ / .11/91'/ . I ~.~,,', ILl / 7 ,'n.. Jk, , '. CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD ~fINUTES OF WE MEETING 17 APR!1. 1981 Mayor's Conference Room 9 : 30 AM - 10: 15 AM PRESENT: ABSENT: Mr. Homer Royer, Chairman Mrs. Herbert E. (Helen) Diller Ms. Candace H. Gardnert Vice-Chairman Mrs. Arta Gates Mr. George E. Harris Mr. Fred Korosy Mr. Walter A. Krick Dr. Georg Lowenstein ~tts. Ann Wickersham Mrs. Lucile Williams Miss Fredericka Dixont student ex~officio Mr. Claude r, Hutchens (excused) ~rrs. Aleta Cozart, Interim Library Director GUESTS: Mrs. Linda Lange, Head of Technical Services, Clear\Y'ater Public Library Mr. Charles Finton, interested citizen Chairman Homer Royer called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM. Minutes of last meeting were acc~pted as received by mail. Mr. Royer reported on the appointment of Mrs. Linda Mielke as the new Library Director. Mrs. Mielke will be reporting for work in approximately 30 days. She holds a 8achelors degree in Business Administration and a t-rasters degree in Library Science. Mrs. Mielke will be moving to Clearwater from Baltimore, Maryland. Mr. Royer r~ported that tlle Friends of the Library Board decided against using their funds for a survey to determine voter preferences on library services, and would rather use those funds for campaign expenses for a bond referendum. The feelings of the Friends Board members were that results of such a survey would be negative; th~t people would not be willing to pay more for library services at this time; and as a result, the poll would work against library expansion. The Friends Board voted to be neither for nor against the poll itself, and felt that the Library Board should pursue the poll on its own if Library Board members disagree with the Friends Board's feelings on this idea. If the Library Board still felt the survey was desirable after discussion, the Friends Board requested that the Library Board ask the City Manager to pay for the survey. Feelings of the Library Board members were that people often react negatively to poll questions; that a poll can be slanted because of the wording of the questions or the way the interviewer portrays the question over the phone; and that using an advertisement poll in local papers often reveals only stron~ pros or strong cons. Board members agreed to put all efforts into a campaign to educate the public for a 'bond referendum (should that be the reconunendation to the City Commission) rather than into a poll ahead of time. Mr. Royer contacted ~fr, Roy Ayres, Building Director for the City of Clearwater, regarding building costs. Mr. Ayres reported that, based upon a recent nationwide surveYt library building costs (depending on size) number of occupants) etc.) would fall between $35-$45 per square foot. 10:::".,." . , , Ii;yJ""~ , " :.',: .I~'~ ;:: .,' ", CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Minutes of the Meeting April 17, 1981 Page 2 Considering inflation, $40-$45 per square foot \<lould be the approximate figures to use for budget planning. F1orida'tends to run n higher than the national average for cons~ruction costs. Based on formerly proposed sizes for branch facilities in East Clearwater and Countryside, Mr. Royer reported the approximate costs for branch fncilities would be as follows: Hast Clearwater: 18,000 sq. ft, Countryside: 14,000 sq. ft. 32,000 sq. ft. X $45.00 = $1,440,000 ($1,500,000 would require approximately 2S~ on each $1,000 in taxation) '~ Approximate costs for larger facilities would be as follows: East Clearwater: Countryside: 22,000 sq. ft. 16,000 sq. ft. 38,000 sq. ft. X $45.00 = require approximately 33~ on $1,710,000 each $1,000 in taxation) ($1)800,000 would ~rr. Royer noted that the Library Board should make its recommendation to the City Commission at next month's meeting before the Board adjourns for the sununer months. Mr. Royer discussed an article in FloTida- Libraries publication, MarchI April, 1981 issue, regarding the legal b:tsis for the public library and aid fOT county libraries. , ' Mr. Krick suggested the Board make known in its reconnnendation to the City Commission that a library facility be located on a site already designated in Countryside or some substitute site so that a site would be assured without having to purchase more real 'estate. . The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 AM. Susan Doel, Secretary