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Mayor's Conference Room
9:30 AM - 10:40 AM
Mr. Homer Royer, Chairman
Mrs. Herbert E. (Helen) Diller
~ls. Candace H. Gardner, Vice-Chaiman
Mrs. Arta Gates
Mr. George E. Harris
Mr. Claude P. Hutchens
Mr. Walter A. Krick
Dr. Georg Lowenstein
Mrs. Ann Wickersham
Mrs. Lucile Williams
Mrs. Aleta Cozart, Interim Library Director
Miss Fredericka Dixon, student ex-officio
Mr. Fred Korosy (excused)
Mr. James Davis, Head of Adult Services,
Clearwater Public Library
Mrs. Carolyn Moore, Librarian II,
Clearwater Public Library
Mr. Curtis Barre, interested citizen
~~s. Erma Carlton, FOCL
Mr. Matthew Moore, FOCL
Commissioner Rita Garvey
Mrs. Jan Regulski, FOCL
Mr~ Royer called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM. Board members welcomed
Claude P. Hutchens as a new member. Mr. Royer reviewed the rules and regulations
controlling the Library Board. Mr. Royer asked for nominations for new Boar~
officers. Nominations for Chairman were as follows: Candace Gardner, nominated
by Arta Gates, seconded by Lucile Williams; Homer Royer, nominated by Ann
Wickersham, seconded by George Harris. It '</as moved and seconded that
nominations be closed. Board members voted by written ballot: Candace Gardner
receiving four votes, Homer Royer receiving six votes. Mrs. Wickersham moved
that Candace Gardner be Vice-Chairman; this motion 1'135 seconded by r-trs. Williams
and approved unanimous ly. Mrs. Williams moved that Susan Doel continue as
secretary for the Board; this motion ,.,as seconded by Mr. Harris and approved
Mr. Royer reported that the City Commission is requestinR attendance
records of the Board members for all City Boards. Absences should be reported
to the Library Director's office. Three or more consecutive absences without
proper excuse shall be grounds for dismissal.
The Board discussed the Library staff policy on the use of the multi-
purpose auditorium. Several Board members expressed their concern over use
of the auditoriwn for profit. Ml'S. ~foore of the Library staff explained that
the policy states that groups cannot schedule programs for profit. The
Board felt that the Library staff should monitor programs more carefUlly
to ensure that this policy is upheld. (Reference was made to the regularly
scheduled financial forums held in the Library.) Mrs. Wickersham moved that
the Library Board approve the written staff policy on the use of the mul ti-
purpose nuditorium. This motion was seconded by Hrs. Gardner and approved
. ~ .
Minutes of the ~fecting February 20, 1981
Page 2
Mr. Royer noted that the elected Commissioners and Mayor LeOler have
expressed strong verbal assent for the Library. Commissioner Garvey stated
that she is preparing information for Countryside residents to show that
an attempt was made to provide library service in that area and that it
will be tried again. Mrs. Gates feels the Board should consider a library
in East Clearwater first, since they have been waiting longer than Countryside.
On the subject of county library service, ~rrs. Wickersham reported that
a steering committee will be meeting on Monday, February 23. This committee
is not yet ready to go to cities and begin discussing specifics. First
they need to gather more community support. A luncheon is planned for
March 10 for the Presidents of all the Friends of the Library in the county
to gather support. Mrs. Gates feels the Board should address the issue
of libraries already planned, regardless of what the county might do for
library services in the future. She felt the Board should address questions
of how soon and when a bond issue should be planned.
~rr. Royer reported the statistics on use of the Library by nonftresidents
after the non-resident fee was increased from $17.00 to $24.00. Statistics
show usage by non-residents increased three over the same period last year:
1979-80, 213; 1980-81, 216.
Regarding the selection of a new Library Director, ~trs. Cozart encouraged
the Board to make recommendations to the City Manager of characteristi.cs
they are looking for in a Director. She stressed the City Managerts role
in having the final decision on hiring and firing Department Dir~ctors.
Mrs. Cozart explained a possible interviewing procedure using an assessment
center. ~rr. Royer suggested the Board might make a resolution to the City
Manager requesting that he secure the best possible applicant and one
totally dedicated to securing City-wide services. Board members questioned
whether at least one member would be included in the screening committee.
~rrs. Cozart stated t'hat that comrni ttee usually consists of the City Manager
and Assistant City Managers. ~rT. Hutchens asked why advertisement for a
Director was limited to the state. ~Irs. Cozart explained that advertisements
were placed in trade publications and response has been nation-wide. The
following comments were made by Board members as considerations in selecting
a Library Director:
1) It is particularly important that the person have the ability to
relate with the community and engender support for that library
system; this is an important characteristic besides the educational
and experience requirements.
2) The success of future expansion depends on Betting a completely
non-political individual who feels that n full service library is
just ns important for one area of town as for another area of town.
3) The person selected should have broad training--a good public
relations individual with training in the humnnities and the arts
and not just a technician running a particular library.
4) The person selected should have community development skills.
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~(inutcs of the Meeting February 20, 1981
Page 3
~(r5. Cozart checked with the Assistant City Attorney and found it
possible to go for a bond issue on two different items and validate
thl:! bonds at different times. She suggested the Board examine this
matter very carefully. Mr. Royer raised the question of whether bonds
could be issued in one year and the money invested. Mrs. Diller asked
if the Board would be recommending a separate li.brary referendum without
any other items. She expressed concern over the library referendumts
priority over possible referendum items such as a downtown parking garage.
Board members agreed that the Board should recommend to the City Commission
that a library referendum should come first. Mr. Royer stated that the
Board will be makinn its recommendation to the City Commission by July or
August before budget hearings. He felt that a Library Director is needed
on-hand to help inform the Ci tyCommission, the City ~fanager, and the
public on the needs of the Library.
Mr. Hutchens moved that funding be the subject of our next meeting,
and that someone attend that meeting who can talk about bond issues.
(The Board suggested Jeff Butler, Assistant City Manager for Finance,
attend the meeting.) This motion was seconded by Candace Gardner
and approved unanimously, Commissioner Garvey reminded the Board to
view not only the bond referendum but also the operating costs to run
additional facilities at a ,time of budget cuts.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 AM.
Susan Doel, Secretary