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19 SEPTE~mER 1980
Mayor's Conference Room
9:30 AM - 10:25 AM
Mr. Homer Royer, Chairman
Mr. Curtis G. Barre
Mrs. Herbert E. (Helen) Diller
tols. Candace Gardner, Vice-Chairman
Mrs. Arta Gates
tofr. George E. Harris
~t1:'. Fred Korosy
Mr. Walter A. Krick
Dr. Georg Lowenstein
Mrs. Ann Wickersham
Mrs. Nancy Zussy, Library Director
Mrs. Lucile Williams
Mr. Ed Nichols, President, Friends
of the Clearwater Library
Commissioner Rita Garvny
Chairman Homer Royer called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM. ~IT. Royer
noted that Board minutes have been prepared in perhaps too much detail, per
the Library Board's request. However, he asked that the minutes be prepared
in less detail from now on.
Mrs. Zussy reported that at the City Commission meeting of September 18, 1980,
a Library agenda item concerning raising the non-resident fee for off-premises
use of Library materials and establishing persons living aboard boats moored
within incorporated boundaries of the City as taxpayers was referred to the
Library Board for review and comment. Discussion on the matter included
continuing to work toward a county-wide library system, which would eliminate
the necessity for non-resident fees. It was agreed by some that a non-resident
fee should be charged, since some persons live or move into the county for tax
purposes. However, most also felt the fee should remain at the present rate
to encourage Library use, since raising the fee in the past has resulted in a
decrease in non-resident patrons. Mrs. Zussy pointed out that by not increasing
the non-resident fee, the non-residents would be paying less for Library
services than that paid by citizens, since the amount paid by each family for
Library service is determined by dividing the Library budget by the number of
households in the City. Mr. Krick moved that the Library Board recommend to
the City Commission that the fee not be raised, since each time the fee has
gone up, it has raised little more money for the City and has eliminated users.
fIe felt that the projected increase to $24.00 would have the same result.
The Board approved the remainder of the resolution as presented to the City
Commission. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Wickersham and approved unanimOUSly.
Mr. Royer introduced Mr. Ed Nichols, new President of the Friends of the
Clearwater Library, who spoke on the history of the friends of the library
organizations generally and the purpose of the Clearwater Friends, the membership
of which currently numbers some 350 families. He mentioned the various programs
provided at the Library by the Friends, such as book forums and cultural series.
As part of their participation in the Library Dedication Ceremony, the Friends
plan to purchase a portrait of Mr. and Mrs. Adler for the Library lobby, to
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Minutes of the Meeting September 19, ]980
Page 2
donate a microwave oven and a frost-free refrigerator for the Library staff
lounge, and to help with refreshments.
~Ir. Nichols said the Friends intend to support the Library Board fS
standing recommendation to the City Commission concerning branch libraries
in East Clearwater and Countryside.
There was further discussion on the possibility of county library
service and the proposed branch libraries in Clearwater. It was mentioned
that interested voters should poll candidates for County Commission as to their
attitudes and feelings toward libraries should the future improve for a
county library system.
Mr. Barre expressed his concerns on square footage for both the E~~t
and Countryside branch facilities to ~Ir. Nichols, noting that the East
area needs more than that proposed, given the larger voting percentage in
East Clearwater. Mrs. Wickersham felt that more support may be seen from
the entire community as a result of the previous referendum and petition
drive. ~Ir. Royer noted that the City Commission will determine the size
and location of any future branches and that nothing concerning these projects
is set until the Commission votes on the subjett. Further, because population
statistics change every year, the Board may wish to make other recommendations
in the future. Mrs. Zussy added that the annual turnover rate in Clearwater
(as reported by R. L. Polk & Co.) is approximately 30%.
Mrs. Diller expressed her view that West and East Clearwater have Ole
same needs and require the same facilities and materials. She does not
favor an 18,000 square foot \ITwig- type operation."
Mrs. Zussy discussed the Dedication Ceremony and Grand Opening, set
for October 19, 1980. Plans include speeches, performance of a string
quartet, and open house for the public and special invited guests. The
week following the dedication will include numerous special programs. with
forums on various subjects.
Mr. Royer expressed his concern that the park cannot be seen from the
first floor of the Library because of a stone retaining wall. He asked if
this could be lowered, providing it had been constructed by the City and
not part of an endowment dedication. Mrs. Zussy noted that the Parks
Division of the City is researching this matter.
The mural painted on the walls in the Children f s Room at the ~Iain Library
has been completed. Children find the mural enchanting.
, The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 AM.
Susan Doel, Secretary
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Comments by doard membor Curt Barre at the regulai library board meeting
September 19, 19S0
Why should the Eastside vote for the proposed bond issue in 'the
referendum for two new libraries?
There has been some discussion over what is the position of this board
relative to city policy. It has been said that we arc an advisory board.
I ,can tell you that we are not even th~t. The only way that we can
find out what is going on is to read it in the newsp~per.
During our last meeting I was assured that the Eastside would get a
library with a square footage equivalent to the population which is
about t~~ and one half times larger than Countryside.
At first we were told that we would have a building with 20,000 square
feet and Countryside would have one with 14,000 square feet. Now it is
18,000 and 15,000. I don't know who is calling the shots?
In the previous bond issue Eastside was allotted 18,000 square feet
and the population is much larger. now.
We do not even know what kind of building we would have. Would it be
a butler building? Would it have a rlat roof? A hip roof?
Who is going to vote on the issue in the coming referendum? The East~ide,
because the Weatside is not interested and Countryside has only
approximately 14% of the registered voters against 35% in the East.
Now they say the Eastside will have to wait for a full service library.
Frankly I have not expected one at any time.
vrhy should the East vote for something not much better than what we
have and tie 'ourselves down for the rest of our lives for a Countryside
facility greater than their need while we get the dirty end of the deal?
This referendum will not pass without a heavy vote from the Eastside.
I have lost interest in the whole project.
Re,.q;ister~9. voter statistics were taken from country records of February
this year.