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DATE "'IlJi I~ 19,d
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16 MAY 1980
Mayor's Conference Room
9:30 A1>1 - 10:20 AM
Hr. Homer Royer, Chairman
Mr. Curtis G. Barre
~Irs. Herbert E. (Helen) Diller
Ms. Candace Gardner, Vice-Chairman
~frs. Arta Gates
~tt. George E. Harris
~fr. Fred Korosy
Mr. Walter A. Krick
Mrs. Ann Wickersham
Hrs. Lucile Williams
Mrs. Nancy Zussy, Library Director
Dr. Georg Lowenstein (excused)
Mr. Charles Finton, interested citizen
Chairman Homer Royer called the meeting to order at 9:30 A~J. Mr. Royer
distributed a working copy of a'recommendation from the Board to the City
Commission regarding library facilities. He stated that the City Manager and
the Mayor both encouraged the Board to make their recommendations beforc the
Board adjourns for the summer months. Mr. Royer read the working copy and
asked for discussion. Several changes were made in the working copy; a final
copy will be prepared and distributed with the Board minutes. Mrs. Wickersham
commended Mr. Royer for "a job well done."
Mr. Barre presented figures based on his research concerning the size of
proposed branch facilities for East Clearwater and Countryside. Mr. Bnrre
compared the two facilities as follows:
East Clearwater (Hunt site)
20,000 sq. ft.
14,000 sq. ft.
1.1 sq.ft. per registered voter
1.95 sq.ft. per registered voter
Mr. Barre recommends increasing East Clearwater's square footage to 25,000 sq. ft.
and decreasing Countryside's square footage to 9,000 sq.ft. giving 1.198 sq.ft.
per registered voter and 1.25 sq.ft. per registered voter respectively. Mr. Barre
is basing the Countryside area as that area north of Sunset Point Road. Mr. Royer
noted that the East Clearwater area has very little construction underway, while
Countryside is "totally alive" with building projects. l>~r. Barre noted that the
City Manager stated that East Clean~ater is the fastest growing area in the City.
Mrs. Zussy and Mr. Royer felt that the City Manager was refel'ring to both the
East and Countryside areas as "east." Mrs. Zussy notcd that children arc not
registered voters, and therefore, are not being counted in Mr. Barre's projections.
Mr. Bnrre stated that there arc children allover the City for that matter.
Mrs. Gates fecls that north of Sunset Point Road is not necessarily Countryside,
and that many people use the Northeast Branch on Palmetto which is closer to
Sunset Point Road. Mr. Barre's figures were based on Clearwater residents onlyj
Mrs. Gates noted that non-residents also use the library faci Ii ties with payment
of non-resident fees, and therefore should bc included. She feels all voters
" c
Minutes of the Meeting May 16, 1980
Page 2
must be counted. Mr. Royer reported that the Stnte Legislature is considering
a law now that would make it easier for incorporated cities to annex enclaves;
if that measure is passed, areas such as Top of the World could be incorporated,
therefore changing service populations by several thousands of people. Mr. Royer
feels that the recommendation currently before the Board states that the
population figures should he restudied when the time comes to proceed with these
library fnci 11 ties; he feels such an approach is better than trying to determine
square footage at this time.
Mrs. Diller suggested that a written definition is needed for "full service."
She does not feel that providing a book for a patron in 24 hours from another
library facility is full service.
Discussion returned to Hr. Barre, as he still had the floor. Mr. Barre
stated that Mr. Stierheim promised a library in East Clearwater when he was
City Manager (approximately 6-7 years ago) and the City still has not built
a library facility for that area. Mr. Barre feels the 20,000 square feet
proposed is not adequate to meet the needs of the East Clearwater area, and
asked Mrs. Zussy to reconsider 25,000 square fect. Mrs. Zussy stated that she
cannot recommend what the square footage for either facility should be until
she has seen the results of both the 1980 Census and a needs assessment survey
which is planned next year by the Library staff. The needs assessment survey
will better identify ,,,hat people want in their libraries. Mrs. Gites emphasized
that the Board's recommendation asks that the City Commission make a careful
restudy of population trends. Mrs. Wickersham noted that it will be the Library
Board's job to fight for the needs of these areas when the Commission begins
studying the population distribution.
Mr. Korosy stated that the important thing to consider is the size of the
facility that is best and.most efficient to give the people the service they
need. ~fr. Barre concluded that he will be happy if the Commission will give
the number of square footage commensurate with the population of East Clearwater.
Mr. Royer (previous to the Board meeting) asked the Mayor if the Library
Board should make 'a reconwendationt and if SOt should the Board stipulate the
exact square footage. ~lr. Royer reported that the Mayor felt the Board should
make a recommendation, but asked that the Bonrd not be inflexible as to square
footage. He said the Commission wants to build to provide services adequate
to meet the needs of the target populations for the two facilities, as
determined by careful study.
Mrs. Diller felt that the Library Board shOUld ask the Commission to
consider a minimum of 25,000 square feet in the recommendation to the Commission.
A number of other Board members opposed this idea.
Mr. Barre felt that if a referendum is to pass, the citizens must be given
something to vote for and asked that they be given more than what was offered
in the last referendum. Mr. Royer did not favor taking square footage away
from Countryside to give to the Hunt site because he is convinced that eventually
Countryside will have as many people or more than East Clearwater.
Minutes of the Meeting May 16 t 1980
Page 3
Hrs. Diller asked if buses are being proposed to deliver children downtown
to attend classes and lectures. ~trs. Zussy said at the present time there arc
approximately two such visits every three weeks at the Main Library. Mrs. Diller
asked where the buses park; ~trs. Zussy said they park down in the lower parking
area of Maas' parking lot. Mrs. Dill~r asked if buses would be used at the
proposed East Clearwater facility. ~frs. Zussy said she assumes so, but the
needs assessment survey would help determine whether that need exists.
~rrs. Diller feels that the space necessary for the children's programs should
not be included in the East facility because it would cut down on space for
readers. Mrs. Diller feels the East facility should be equal to the Main in
regard to the number of books and shelves. ~frs. Zussy said she does not intend to
exactly duplicate the ~fain Library at any other facl lity, since many books at
the Main arc out-of-print and cannot be purchased. ~frs. Diller asked if the
East Clearwater facility would contain a large children's area like the
downtown facility. Mrs. Zussy explained that given population trends, the East
facility could possibly have an area for children even larger than the downtown
facili ty' s and that the Main Library I s chi ldren' s area might be scaled down
proportionately. Mrs. Diller said that children could be bused downtown, but
that East Clearwater wants books for readers more than they want a children's
program area.
Mrs. Diller said she wants all the same books at the East site as there are
downtown. ~frs. Zussy again explained that many books cannot be duplicated and
therefore there will not be the same number of books at either of the other
facilities. Mrs. Zussy emphasized that the needs of that area would be served.
Mrs. Zussy explained that stocking each facility with a full complement of books
right away would cost millions of dollars. Mrs. Diller said that people would
not know that books are available at the Main Library. Mrs. Zussy said that
patrons can ask at the desk for those books to be delivered from the Main to the
other facilities. Several Board members suggested the patron could ask a
librarian, check the card catalog, or check by phone to locate books at another
faciIi ty and that the patron could either travel immediately to the l--fain Library
if his/her need is great, or request that the books he or she needs be brought
to the nearest outlying facility. ~1r. Royer stated tha.t the size of the facility
does not determine the quality of the services offered.
Mrs. Gates said that we should not cut down on the younger generation for more
shelves for adult readers, when we should be encouraging the younger generation
to use the Library. ~frs. Diller again said that readers would not be aware of
the total range of books available at the downtown facility. Again, Mrs. Zussy
said patrons could ask the librarians to check to see what books are available.
Mrs. Diller said that the reader would not be able to see the books and pick out
the one that suits his need. Mrs. Diller said that if the reader has to go downtown
to look at books, then his needs arc not bei~g served. ~fr. Krick remarked that
the downtown facility is not that far from the other proposed facilities, if the
patron wanted to look at more books on a subject. Mrs. Diller feels the ~lole
purpose of a facility in East Clearwater is to avoid a trip downtown.
Mrs. Diller continued to suggest that children should be bused to the
downtown library for programs. She feels that space set aside for film programs
for children cuts dmm on adult reader space. Several Doard members voiced
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~finutes of the Meeting May 16, 1980
Page 4
disapproval of this idea, stating the East facility should serve children's
needs as well as adults. ~frs. Diller does not think the proposed square
footage is adequate for the Enst faci Ii ty to include children's programs.
Mrs. Zussy pointed out that operating costs would triple if two facilities
were built triplicating the Main Library's holdings; this could as much as
double the taxpayers' total current property tax millage.
Mr. Royer returned to ~rr. Barre's request for a statement of square
footage in the Board's recommendation. Mr. Royer asked the Board to vote on
the request: those in favor nuniliered two (Mr. Barre, Mrs. Diller); those in
favor of keeping the generalized statement which does not specify square
footage already in the recommendation numbered 8 (all other Board members present).
~Ir. Korosy moved that the Board adopt the recommendation as it has been
changed; motion seconded by Mrs. Wickersham. There was no further discussion
on this matter. The motion was approved unanimously. The final approved
recommendation will be typed and distributed with the minutes. ~frs. Wickersham
asked if'Mr. Royer would be presenting the reconnnendation to the Commission
at a particular time, and if Library Board members should be present.
Mr. Royer said he will notify members regarding this matter.
Mrs. Diller asked that in the future the Board work together on formulating
their recommendations in the form of a special subcommittee. Mr. Royer agr.eed
with this idea.
Mrs. Zussy reported on the move into the new quarters
The move was completed during the week of May 12-191 1980.
will reopen to the public on Monday, May 19th as planned.
on the shelves; the elevators are working.
of the Main Library.
The Main Library
All books will be
Mr. Royer attended the annual Friends of the Library dinner (guest speaker
Leonard Mosley) at the Clearwater Yacht Club. ~fr. Royer encouraged the Board
and the Friends of the Library to work together for the needs of the Library.
There will be no Board meetings for the summer months of June, July, and
August. The September meeting will be held at City Hall, as Board members do
not wish to pay for parking in the Library's parking lot.
Mrs. Diller asked that the Board minutes reflect more clearly all the
ideas and statements presented instead of being edited.
TIle meeting was adjourned at 10:20 AM.
Susan Doel, Secretary
28 May 1980
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To The ~tembers of Clearwate'I' City Commission
The Clearwater Library Board wishes to commend the City Commission
for its commitment to the cultural arts in Clearwater as demonstrated by:
(a) Prompt completion of the present beautiful addition to
the Clearwater Main Library on Osceola Avenue as a first
step toward a quality library services system for the
City of Clearwater.
. i
(b) By encouragement and support of the proposed new performing
arts center (P.A.C.T.).
(c) By your definitive statement in the City's FY 1979-80
Capital Improvement Budget to construct and furnish two
additional library facilities in central and northeast
C1earwater--the first to be funded in 1980-81.
The, Library Board feels that 1980 is probably not a propitious year
to attempt to float a General Obligation Bond Issue~ due to present
economic conditions. This yeaT should. however. serve as a time of study.
preparation and planning for this important project.
The Board wishes to restate its strong recommendation that the Commission
continue to proceed with all possible speed as soon as the next phase of the
project does appear economically feasible.
The Library Board approves of the recent real estate tradeJ which
resulted in the acquisition of the Hunt site for a library facility, and
feels that this site should be the location of the next library to be built.
should the construction of both proposed facilities simultaneously not be
The Library Board feels that each of the next two libraries must be able
to offer a full range of library services. The buildings should be completely
adequate to meet the needs and wishes of the areas they will serve. We also
feel that at the time of developing and building the Hunt site librarYJ a
definite commitment should be made to the Northeast ("Countryside") area as
to a specific time frame for the library fad Ii ty for that area.
The Library Board has spent considerable time in studying and analyzing
alternative construction techniques and pre-engineered structures. We are not
convinced of the wisdom of building such structures as compared with more
traditional types of building methods, even though the cost may be less.
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,.. Members of the Clearwater City Commission
; May 21, 1980
.1 Page 2
We will be building for the future and anything built should be designed
for long-term intensive use. However, the Commission may wish to consider
this aspect of the project to ensure the best use of the taxpayers' dollars
before making a final decision.
The Library Board is convinced that the new library facilities must be
fully adequate for the current and future needs of the areas they will serve.
Since efficient library services reflect and enhance those needs and desires,
the Board strongly suggests careful restudy of population trends, both in
numbers and in composition, for both the current time and for the future.
Anticipated land usages, zoning determinations, CUrTent and anticipated
community needs, national and state library standards, standards of access
by handicapped persons, and other requisite considerations should all be
taken into account as guide lines for the planning of both libraries.
Recognizing that the best designed facility is no more efficient or
effective than the quality of the service package funded from it, we strongly
urge that the City Commission continue its excellent support for library
services with funds sufficient to ensure the high quality of service in the
facilities which the citizens of Clearwater have come to expect and which
they certainly deserve.
-~ .
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We appreciate the willingness of the present and recent Clearwater
City Commissions to listen to and consider the opinions and recommendations
of an advisory board such as we are. Be assured that we are not attempting
to dictate pOlicy, but are a group of sincere and dedicated citizens
attempting to keep in touch with the pulse of thel community, anticipate
its educational and cultural needs, and recommend such action as will bring
about that development. We consider it a privilege to serve you and the
citizens of Clearwater.
Homer Royer, Chairman
Clearwater Public Library Board
The above recommendation was unanimously passed by the L~brary Board at
its official meeting on May 16, 1980. \
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