02/15/1980 t:;:;:,.'-,:\ 'i. '" ~. . . '~"'. ...., ~ '. , , c, H' . .) '," . ....- . :>.~ '...- , I.' : .:.: .~ ' I . > :\ >':" . .... i. " . , ,. . '.,'. ~ :, . . '. . ","ci. '. . C.' '. : .,.:,~_..~,/,."........:;w.....~,.~.,.. "", ,...,.. ,~~.... ~ .... . ::,'" ;.. ". .: ~.,..,.:)~~::!:f.~ , , ( ," . \\ LIBRARY ,BOARD MINUTES DATE . &'13ft141',y 'Si IfpeJ .. f- / 3 / LI ."' F,., :.:<( . .'.~::, , , ~ .' " . . , " ' ~' ~,' , , " , ' : ,'.,'t l," " .,' : '1~.(",f',C':(l.'" CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES OF THE MEETING 15 February 1980 Mayor's Conference Room 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM PRESENT: ABSENT: Mr. Homer Royer, Chairman Mr. Curtis G. Barre Mrs. Herbert E. (Helen) Diller Ms. Candace Gardner, Vice-Chairman Mrs. Arts Gates ~~. George E. Harris ~fr. Walter A. Krick Mrs. Ann Wickersham Mrs. Lucile Williams Mrs. Nancy Zussy) Library Director Mrs. Arlyn Hutt Mr. Fred Korosy Chairman Homer' Royer called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM. Mrs. Zussy reported on the following items discussed at the last: Board meeting: 1. Complaint about inadequate lighting outside the Northeast Branch Library--this is a reoccurring problem, as the lights are being shot out by B.B. guns. The lights are replaced when this occurs. 2. Mr. Barre's request to place the Wall Street Journal at the Twig--the serials librarian has decided against starting this subscription. l~e are not able to satisfy all requests for periodicals at the Twig due to the lack of space, and the stack prices are provided in the St. Petersburg Times which is received at the Twig. 3. Mrs. Diller's statement regarding metal buildings being fire hazards--Mrs. Zussy checked with two architects and an engineer and was informed that to their knowledge this is not the case; that, in fact, the metal buildings are less prone to fire than conve~tional wood frame structures. NOTE: A check with the City Fire Marshall confirmed that steel buildings are low in fire hazards; aluminum (mobile home) construction is hig~ in fire hazard. 4. Planning Departmont projected population figures--Mrs. Zussy was told to keep in mind that those figures are forecasts only, using the census as a base, plus building permits and average density allowed by zoning for each area. Marketing studies routinely use the same bases for their projections. There was discussion on the size of the projected East Branch in relation to operating costs to provide adequate services in the area to be served. Mr. Royer suggested that the Board ask the City Conunission to review the projected population figures to be sure any planned facility will meet American Library Association standards. He also noted that the Board wants . + : ~:(:;' " "'/;" CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Minutes of the Meeting February 15, 1980 Page 2 sufficient space to serve the population, but not so costly a bond issue that people might reject it. Mrs. Zussy noted that thc Board could ask the City Commission to stipulate that any architectural designs be flexible enough to allow for possible future cxpansion. Mr. Royer asked ~lrs. Zussy to review the action taken by the City Commission regarding the Starcrest/Hunt property exchange. Because of the difference in price of the properties, George Hunt included additional land with the original proposal adjoining that given to the First Christian Church. The City will have a 99-year reciprocal cross-easement agreement with the Church for parking, leaving open the possibility of constructing rather than parking on the additional land. Mr. Royer reminded the Board to confirm their attendance at the Appreciation Day Dinner with the City ~mnagerls office. Mrs. Zussy reported on the progress of construction at the Main LibraI')'. The move into the new Children's Room should start approximately March 3, 1980. The room at present is being painted and acoustic tiles arc about to be installed in the ceiling. Mrs. Zussy encouraged Board members to come tour the construction site. The Board discussed having Board members and press coverage attend the opening of the new Children's Room when it is completed. An elevator platform may be available in time to move the books into the new Children's Room downstairs. ~Irs. Andersen, Children's Librarian, has arranged for school students and scout troops to assist in this move. The entire new portion of the building may be ready in early Mayor possibly late April. Construction is on schedule. There is a distinct possibility that louvers on the west windows will not be necessary, thus allowing a better view of the park and bay to the west. There was general discussion on the issue of proposed branch libraries and a bond issue to finance them. The Board was in general agreement that a bond issue should contain both proposed branch libraries. This issue will be discussed in detail and a recommendation made after City Manager Tony Shoemaker meets with the Board to answer their questions. Susan Docl, Secretary 25 February 1980