01/18/1980 I, LIBRARY, BOARD MINUTES DATE lip 1 *A16 rf i CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES OF THE MEETING 18 January 1980 Mayor's Conference Room 9:30 AM - 10:20 ADS PRESENT: Mr. Homer Royer, Chairman Mr. Curtis G. Barre Mrs. Herbert E. (Helen) Diller Ms. Candace Gardner, Vice-Chairman Dir. George E. Harris Mr. Fred Korosy Mrs. Lucile Williams Mrs. Nancy Zussy, Library Director ABSENT: Mrs. Arta Gates (Excused) 'qrs. Arlyn Hutt (Excused) Mr. Walter A. Krick (Excused) Mrs. Ann Wickersham (Excused) Guests: Mr. Charles Finton, interested citizen Mr. Jim Calderbank, interested citizen Chairman Homer Royer called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM. Mr. Royer read to the Board a letter from the City Manager reappointing Walter Krick to a second term on the Library Board. Mr. Royer also reported that the Friends of the Library had just received a letter from a citizen complaining about inadequate lighting outside the Northeast Branch Library. Mrs. Zussy will check into this matter with the City Manager. Dirs. Zussy reviewed with the Board a report prepared by her in response to questions raised at the last Board meeting concerning branch libraries. Mrs. Zussy noted that in addition to the building costs, operating costs for the two facilities must also be considered. The branch libraries would contain basic collections with basic reference materials. Magazines could be purchased on microfiche with reader/printers available for public use. Mr. Barre asked if a subscription to the Wall Street Journal could be purchased for the Twig. Mrs. Zussy will bring this request to the attention of the serials librarian. Mr. Royer and Mrs. Zussy agreed it is too early to make a recommendation to the City Commission concerning branch libraries at this time. The Board would like to hear the City Manager's views at the next Board meeting in February. Mrs. Diller noted that an architect had informed her that costs for preengi- neered metal buildings when finished and faced would be almost as much as conven- tional structure costs. She was also toldoand asked to be put on record as stating that metal structures are extremely dangerous fire hazards. The Board agreed that this matter should be checked thoroughly. Mr. Barre questioned the square footage proposed for the Starcrest branch, suggesting that more square footage be added. Mrs. Diller also felt that an additional 5,000 square feet should be added to that proposed facility. A few Board members felt the population figures projected by the City Planning Dept. k; ? e 1•. CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Minutes of the Meeting January 18, 1980 Page 2 for the year 2000 are underestimated for both the Starcrest and Countryside areas. Mr. Korosy noted that the Rational Census Survey to be taken this year might be a determining factor in the population projections. Mrs. Zussy offered to check again on the Planning Dept. figures, but stated that they represent the best estimates available and form the basis for essentially all City facilities planning. Jim Calderbank, an interested citizen, suggested that the City examine private sector marketing surveys for the two areas. He suggested contacting Charles Rutenberg or Pete Monroe on this matter. Mrs. Zussy reviewed the proposed sites for branch libraries: an area near Fire Station #6 in Countryside for the Countryside branch, and property already owned by the City in the Starcrest area for the Starcrest branch. The City Commission will be examing a possible trade of the Starcrest property for a piece of property owned by George Hunt on Drew Street. This matter will be scheduled for a public hearing within the next few weeks. Board members dis- cussed both site possibilities with regard to water retention, piling costs, parking availability. The Board agreed to wait for the public hearing before making a recommendation to the City Commission. Mrs. Zussy will notify Board members of the hearing date. There was further discussion of the use of metal buildings for branch libraries. Mr. Calderbank stated that his company has found that the use of metal in buildings and bridges in Florida is not recommended. He suggested that economically speaking all costs should be analyzed over the long run. Mrs. Zussy reiterated that the preengineered building alternative is only being discussed at this point. The Board and the Commission may well decline to use the alternative means of construction, but it is always better to examine alternatives before a decision is made than afterward. Mrs. Zussy offered to review with interested Board members the proposed plans for both the Countryside and Starcrest branches which were prepared for the Local Public Works Grant application in 1976. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 AM. Susan Doel, Secretary 25 January 1980 IMPORTANT NOTICE The proposed Starcrest/Hunt property exchange will be discussed and decided upon at the February 7, 1980, City Commission meeting. The issue will beer three parts: 1. Public hearing to declare Starcrest site surplus. 2. Annexation of Hunt site. 3. Exchange of the two properties. CLEARWATRR - PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Minutes of the Meeting January 18, 1980 S 'Page 3 Final action will be taken at this meeting. Although I do not know for certain at what time of day the issue will be taken up, I believe it will be in the afternoon. If you are interested in attending and wish a better indication of the time to arrive, please call the office at 462-6807 on the 5th or 6th of February and we,will let you know where on the agenda the issue has been placed. Nancy zussy