11/16/1979 .~~;}~:::,. : .... ;,"",:, ,.,. . > " ", , ' ," '. - '.;. ~" . '.:, "" (' .. ,. '. -. . . . .1:... " . .-'"'". +" - , . '.' " . ~ -1',. '. , .c'J ',' . .., .. .. " , , . 'i >; )>:r;:.i;~r . . . " ~~;r;:P\"',"~;.~"'!I.;>~ .:~'~;:' ::.: .,' '. . ~~-.. . c. r.,:t, ;~<c' _'>;j T.. .'. ,.. ._.:,", >~ ,'. "~ " J i \. , " . i " LIBRARY BOARD . MINUTES DATE /)~()"", ~I:J I~ I~' +- I 5 r: b . .~ i I J CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES OF TIlE MEETING 16 NOVEMBER 1979 Mayor's Conference Room 9 : 30 AN - 10: 40 Mot .\ \,' i- ~ ~~I .' '.~~{t ',l: . " ~ 1 j\',~ ,1't ;J./ ;~. ~, 1, f. :. ~ i i I I GUESTS: H f ~ ji: \., ','r, .. ~~.. ~', I T PRESENT: ABSENT: ,\ Mr. Homer Royer, Chairman Mr. Curtis G. Barre Mrs. Herbert E. (Helen) Diller ~frs. Arta Gates ~Ir. George E. Harris Mrs. Arlyn Hutt l>fr. Fred Korosy Mrs. Ann Wickersham Mrs. Lucile Williams Mrs. Nancy Zussy, Library Director l>fs. Candace Gardner, Vice-Chairman (excused) l>lr. Walter A. Krick (excused) Mr. Bob Brundage, Caladesi Construction Company Mr. Charles Finton, interested citizen Mr. Anthony Shoemaker, City Manager J Chairman Homer Royer called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM. Mrs. Zussy reported that the City Manager's office has not received any responses from area schools contacted for a student ex-officio member, due to the problem of school class conflicts with City Board meetings during the day. Mrs. Zussy read a resolution to the Board for their approval regarding the contribution of the late Taver Bayly, who served on the Clearwater Library Board for 43 years and who actively worked for improved library services for the City. Two Board members moved that this resolution be sent to Mr. Bayly's family and be read at a City Commission meeting. The motion was approved unanimously. \ 1 1 J i I I 'I ! j I Regarding a December Library Board meeting, Mr. Royer moved to dispense with the regular meeting on December 21, 1979, due to the proximity of the holidays. The motion was seconded by Mr. Korosy and approved unanimously. ~Ir. Royer reported on the Friends of the Library luncheon, which featured Jean Malchon speaking on countywide library services. Notes on the meeting prepared by Friends of the Library President Matt Moore were distributed to Board members. Mrs. Zussy will also send the Board a summary of the area librarians' proposal for a countywide library system which was discussed and endorsed at tile Suncoast City Manager's Association meeting on November 14, 1979. At this time Mrs. Zussy introduced Mr. Bob Brundage of Caladesi Construction Company. Mr. Brundage gave a presentation on pre~engineered structures. (His company markets the Butler system). Some of the advantage~ of pre-engineered systems discussed included: time and labor savings, dealing with only one company (at least in, the caSf; of Butler), and energy savings (more economical to insulate than conventional structures). Board members asked Mr. Brundage general questions on these systems regarding warranties, cost savings ~ver conventional structures, life of the pre-engineered structures. types of materials used, and sound problems. Mr. Brundage estimated the cost of a pre-engineered system would be a savings of 20-25% of the cost of a . .. -, ,'. . . > I' .... " .'. .' <.,. . ," .' i; ~~. \ <.. ".' r~ ,\ 'jf. ., c l.>~ ,;", CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Minutes of the Meeting November 16, 1979 . ~1' Page 2 I \ I .t i. ! t ), conventional building. He explained that conventional building costs for this area run approximately $35-38 per square foot, while pre-engineered systems costs run $25-28 per square foot. Included in the latter figure is the assumed use of some conventional methods for exterior wall treatments, such as brick, stone, masonry, or stucco, used in conjunction with the intrastructure of a pre-engineered system. A straight metal pre-engineered structure would run approximately $18 per square foot. Mr. Brundage explained the type of materials used: i. ~: ~ i ~ ~ ~> Wall panels: Roof panels: Interior walls: galvanized steel with factory-baked enamel range from galvanized steel or aluminum- coated steel or .026 aluminum steel, primed at the factory (can be painted to match interior color) metal studs with panels of S/811 drywall covered with vinyl wallpaper any type of standard ceiling (girders do not show) blanket-type on a roll; the thermal efficiency of the metal wall panels requires less insulation than other conventional wall structures 'I L Columns: Ceiling: Insulation: .{ At this point, ~fr. Royer suggested that due to time constraints the Board might like to conclude i.ts business and interested members could stay afterward to continue questioning Mr. Brundage. Mr. Barre quoted figures from past correspondence regarding the Main Library's square footage (quoted at 60,000 square fcet). Based on that data Mr. Barre assumed the Main Library would eventually be expanded to 60,000 square feet using phased construction, and that 30,000 square feet was therefore a justifiable request for a branch for East Clearwater. Mrs. Zussy explained that approximately 10,000 square feet in the Main Library used for administrative offices and centralized processing would not be duplicated in any branch. She also noted that the Main Library will be operating in only approximately 39,600 square feet plus 7,400 square feet of unfinished space. City Manager Tony Shoemaker explained that anything blJilt in the City of Clearwater is designed with the idea that sometime in the future there may be a need for expansion. He noted that the City Commission does not anticipate any further plans for expansion of the downtown facility. Instead Mr. Shoemaker believes the Commission's primary concern will be library service for East Clearwater (with a possible bond issue in 1980-81) and later library service for Countryside (these steps taking 5-10 years). Mrs. Diller asked that a dollar evaluation be provided on a compromise between 20,000 and 30JOOO square feet showing exactly what would be included for the cost. She asked that this be presented with drawings, pictures, ctc'J , .' . . , .. ~ , ", , . > . . '.. .. ".' . I " . . 1ir;~~(.:t'. :?"< .~:..::: '''~":'. t.".' ~:/"." . ~. ,'< ~ . ~ .....:... ~. l~ ....: ....t, ." / "' I. ':'. !. , " .~. : . ., , . . ~ - . :~ ~ . ,'., >" , . . .1 ~ . . "", ". ~r"o . '''~' !.. ~. .' . ~:i'.:,..~Wt:C,!'I~';\I'.!t_/.: ,"~}~... \ ".',: ,~:;~';. <';, ~~n""'}.:'.~~"lc . :'" ,I;. ".t' . . ,,'!>\<~L.:.:' !~I"\ .', .~. '" ! ( . j . ;$ ::I~ \1 " .. ... .. . CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Mlnutcs of the Meeting November 16, 1979 . Page 3 The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 AM. shOliing both conventional and pre-engineered systems. Mr. Shoemaker noted that a better course of action might be the determination of services needed for the East Clearwater areaJ from which the type and size structure needed would evolve naturally. Mr. Royer invited Mr. Shoemaker to the ncxt Board meeting in January, 1980, to answer more of the Board's conccrns on this matter. Susan Doe1, Secretary , i 'j ,j .,~ l 19 November 1979