09/21/1979 '7l~., "'!"', c :~'~:....~ ~.::.: .c. c: :'.' . ~. . . ;~". ' .i.., , ,J'. .' < . ... '~ . , . ' '. ' .~I .. ~.;. . c . , ' ., r ., ~. . ", , ,.. I;' '. . , . " . p' . .' _'I ..;.I..:'A ...., +<~:">l . ,.,.t,' ~ ..: ':: 'if<..:(:~,;':4::>.>: :'~~~:~:~~l "r--',.." ,~".,,"".'4,";'--;r"f.] r;l" '~!"'~.'>'.I""'''' ...~ ... p.,. ....,......,......., ~'. ,~. "'." t i '. t'. . I.. I [. ! . . /. . , , , , . \' ,. . , , . , i" ~ < ~ ,. .1 i" LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES DATE ( . +- /3S/ ',' f,. . , , .(,. . "t}"/, / I I Jt "', CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES OF 11-m ~mETING 21 SEPTEMBER 1979 Mayor's Conference Room 9:30 AM - 10:10 AM PRESENT: ABSENT: Mr. Curtis G: Barre Mrs. Herbert E. (Helen) Diller Ms. Candace Gardner Mrs. Arta Gates Mr. George E. Harris Mr. Walter A. Krick Mr. Homer Royer Mrs. Ann Wickersham Mrs. Lucile Williams Mrs. Arlyn Hutt (excused) Mr. Fred Korosy (excused) Mrs. Nancy Zussy, Library Director (excused) GUESTS: Mrs. Rita Garvey Mrs. Jan Rcgulski The meeting was called to order at 9:30 AM. In the absence of Mrs. Zussy, Library Director, and with no Chairman or Vice-Chairman to preside over the meeting, Susan Doe1, Library Department secretary, read a letter from Mrs. Zussy to the Board updating them on the following issues: 1. Budget Review: In the Operating Budget some equipment requests were deniedi the Assistant Library Director position and one beginning professional Librarian position were denied. In the Capital Budget the requested bookmobile was denied, and the Computerized Circulation System was combined with Branch Libraries planned for a winter 1980/81 General Obligation Bond Issue election. 2. The building project at the Main Library is going very well with the bookmobile garage removed. the basement and "backyard" areas excavated, the parapet wall surrounding the basement demolished, and piles driven for the foundation. 3. The City Commission has moved the bond election one year sooner to FY 1980/81. The staff will be looking to the Library Board for citizen input and help in informing the public on all aspects of this issue. Board members were asked for nominations for a student ex-officlo member to the Board. If there are no nominations, the City Manager's office will contact the principals of area schools (Clearwater High, Countryside High, Central Catholic High, St. Petersburg Junior COllege. Dunedin High, and Largo High) for a student, providing he/she is a C1ean~ater resident. The next agenda item concerned nominations for Library Board Chairman. Mrs. Wickersham nominated Homer Royer, seconded by Mr. Barre. Nominations were closed and Mr. Royer was unanimously approved as Chairman. At this point Mr. Royer presided over the meeting, calling for nominations for Vice-Chairman. ~{r5. Wickersham nominated Candace Gardner, seconded by ~....., , .' , '. ly, ,:: .' CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Minutes of the Meeting September 21. 1979 Page 2 Mr. Harris. Nominations were closed and Mrs. Gardner was unanimously approved as Vice-Chairman. , ,\ Mrs. I.ucile Williams was introduced to the Board members present as a new Library Board member. Mr. Fred Korosy, also a new member, could not attend this meeting. The last item on the agenda regarding branch libraries on a bond referendum was opened for discussion. Board members voiced their questions and concerns regarding this issue, including the following: 1) Will the fact that 1980 is also a national election year affect a bond referendum? 2) Will the fact that City elections also occur in 1980 affect a bond referendum? 3) Is there a possibility of funding branch libraries without a referendum if "Butler Buildings" are used? 4) What is the status of the Starcrest/Hunt property exchange? S) What is the status of the property the City owns, at Lake Chautauqua? 6) How big will the branches be in the proposed bond referendum package? 7) Will the bond referendum concern only one branch or two? 8) Will there be other issues on the bond referendum besides the branch libraries and computerized circulation system? 9) What will be the total dollar figure of the package for the bond referendum (including the computerized circulation system)? 10) Will the bond referendum be in February of 1981? Due to Mrs. Zussy's absence) answers to the above information will be presented in writing to Board members before the October 19 meeting for further discussion. A question Tegarding Commissioner DeBlaker's request to examine the Fire Stations in Clearwater as possible book deposit stations was raised. Mrs. Zussy's study of this matter will also be sent to the Board prior to the next Board meeting. Mrs. Regulski. Membership Chairman of the Friends of the Library, distributed applications for membership to the Friends to those Board members prescnt. Mrs. Garvey asked that the Library Board and Friends continue to work together in support of the Clearwater Library. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 AM. Susan Doc1, Secretary 3 October 1979 .... ';'."' . ;'/fr': ,~~l' . ,0"""-: .... " ,~ '. t~J . &d.. /nti7. Co) 9/Q 1/'79 q,'3f) AfJ{ Dear Folks: I hope you will excuse my absence from your meeting, but I have finally been able to get away for a short, much needed vacation, Believe it or not, I~ be thinking of you all as I enjoy the sights of Arizona, Utah, and Colorado, Several points on which you should be updated: 1. We appear to have corne through the budget process fairly well. Some of our equipment requests were axed, including an admittedly expensive motion picture film inspection and repair machine. Our request for an Assistant Library Director was denied once more, along with a proposed beginning professional Hall purposeU Librarian's position. In the Capital Budget, the requested bookmobile was denied, and the computerized circulation proposal was combined with the branch libraries planned for a winter 1980/81 General Obligation Bond Issue election, 2. The building project goes better than I had expected. We are scarcely three weeks into construction and already the bookmobile garage is gone, the basement and "backyard" are essentially excavated, much of the parapet wall surrounding the basement has been demolished, and the piles have been driven for the foundation, (We have decided that ~~ should be allowed to go through life without trying to work right beside a ~ile driver and a jack hammer competing with one another for attention~) Still (and our patrons agree), the noise is music to our ears; we have received only one complaint from the public, and it concerned the temporarily inconvenient traffic {;;' .~,': ' -~.'L': i:,:'. ' :;. ,; ~ 1;' r"T>-~ ('Vi.... .,\~ ~>.~,. . "'.. '. 't' . ."' " ~ . ,". .'.., .0. '>'" ... - ,. . . ."... ~ :,""" "><'1~.: ;;...... ..' pattern in the parking lot. r encourage any of you who J like me, still has a lot of "little kidtl in you to come and hang on the fence for awhile and watch the construction folks at work. 3. As you may have read recently in the ~ Petersburg, Times, the Commission has moved the bond election for branch libraries one year sooner--the winter of ,1980/81. The Library staff will therefore be looking to the Library Board for citizen input and help in informing the public on all aspects of this very important issue. In my absence r have sent my very able assistant to read you this letter and to answer questions you might have on these or any other issues. If you need more information than she can readily provide you at the meeting, either she will call you later with the answers or r 'will work on your concern as soon as I return on Monday, October 1, 1979. Wishing you a successful meeting, I am Sincerely, Nancy Zussy Library Director " TO: ~ ! ,~:"I ~:': I .'. ',' :;:: ". FROM: COPIES: SUBJECT: DATE: -: " CITY OF CLEARWATER I nterdlpartm.nt Correspondence Sheet I .,I~ 'I..." . :, . , i~l (" . I Anthony L. Shtfclluer, Ci ty Manag.r " I Nancy ZUlIY. LibrarY Dir.ctor Jarae.s H. Oavis, Head of Adult Sorvicel " I . Reply to Commilsioner DeBl.ker's SURle.tions RE Library OUtreach Service . July 18. 1979 , \ , . ;. ~..{ .. .' ( I have discussed with my staff the feasibility of each of Co.mis.ioner DeBlak.r'. suggestion.. While we share her conc.rn that .ervice in east Clearwater I. le" than it should b., ~. fOre... operational problems in her IUisestionl which would very likely ?Iult in poor service and disgruntled cltil'~. The key to the distribution and collection of library materials i. control--which patron has what sp.cific items tor how long a tl... To that end, we have had to olaborate a system of library cards, patron "accounts," and have recently added. theft detection .yst.. to protect the City'. interelt. in maintaining a Rood library collection. With all due respect to Chief Pitts' personnel, books dropped off at Fire Stations are ,ubject to idle purutal by. . nUJIher of p.rsons on three ..parate shift.. Our books. are attractive; anyon.--however well meaning--who might 1tborro~H a patron's returned book for awhile out of t~c collection box 50ts up a potential encounter between the Library and a patTon in which we lend him/her an overdue noti Cl'" fOT a book already r.tt!rned, alh01 t to a fire station. .r " H /. . , . . v . , " , .' ,.': , . " ~. ~ i Further, tho request system currently in operation at thr Twig requires consideTRble clerirnl-type effort at hoth the sendlnf and receiving end. Although J hAve not been able to reach Chief Pitts to get his reaction to Cotilmbsloner Det\lakf'T's proposf'ls, I ant.icipate an wtderstandable 1"cluct[lnce on his and his employees' part that the latt.er be cross trRined as Librsry ASli5tnnts. W. are, however, exploring in detail two possible alternatives to managing the library a.cceuibi11ty problem: ". Locked book dr~ps at esch ot the three fire 5tntion5 in guestion:--Alt oug~thi1meilengel' would-niVe to ~etrleve the hooks and be responsible for keeping track of . key, we would nonetheless be better assured of control over those items for which our patrons Rre financially respon- sible until their "accountff h.. been cleared at the Main Library. 2. Books ~ mail: Cur~ently in operation at both the Tampa and OrlandOlPublic Libraries, this service can be effective, althouRh traditionnl1y it is aimed only at the elderly. w. .hould have a definitive reco~endatlQn within a w.ek or two as to Which of the above alternativos (or others) are fenslble. As 800n . u we hear from some of the l1bra'1'i.. which "'. have cont.e~ed for hard . datA--co.t, .pace, personnel, volume, .tc.--I wl11 ,ive you a full report. 1. " " ." "", . . ' l.~ 1/ . ~!, I' . ~:~~: REACTIONS TO LIBRARY BOARD CONCERNS: - PROPOSED GOB REFERENDUM: FY 80-81 t\ I received with interest your questions regarding our next big project-- effecting quality library service more directly to citizens living in east Clearwater. In formulating the following responses, I called upon various other C1 ty staff people, including, those in the Planning Department, Administration, and the Budget Office. 1. WILL THE FACT THAT 1980 IS ALSO A NATIONAL ELECTION YEAR AFFECT A BOND REFERENDUM? That 1980 is an election year will likely raise the consciousness of the voting public--their "mood" toward our bond issue wi 11 likely somewhat parallel their feelings toward then current national issues. The general condition of the economy may well improve prior to the national elections. in which case voters may be more disposed toward taxing themselves further to pay for proposed improvements. Finally. if by chance the referendum occurs simultaneously with the national presidential elections, voter tur~u~t will likely be larger than it would be at a special election. 2. WILL THE FACT THAT CITY ELECTIONS ALSO OCCUR IN 1980 AFFECT A BOND REFERENDUM? As you know, City elections occur every year, in February; therefore, . the only effect local elections might have on the proposed referendum would be if the questions were on the same ballot as City elections. Whether or not this will happen has not been decided; the City Commission will ultimately decide the nature and timing of the proposed bond election. 3. IS THERE A POSSIBILITY OF FUNDING BRANCH LIBRARIES WI1l10UT A REFERENDUM IF "BUTLER BUILDINGS" ARE USED? Butler-type metal buildings--modified significantly on the exterior to improve them aesthetica1ly-~stil1 present a viable alternative to conventional construction. With such exterior modifications they can be rendered almost indistinguishable from a similar "stick built" structure for about one-half the cost. Inside. the buildings lookl feelJ and function essentially identically with conventional one5-~ except that the Butler-type structure has no interior columns around which one must work. In addition. the City need pay no architectural fees ror building design with Butler-type structures. Should the City elect the Butler-type option, the Starcrest library could be e~ected fOT approximately $600,000 and the Countryside for about $400,000, including structure, shelving, and furnishings. It is my understanding that--with Commission approval--the City may plan a capital expenditure of less than $1,000,000 without a bond referendum. The Butler-type approach to building is therefore legally possible without a referendum. , '. . . 4. WHAT IS THE STATUS OF THE STARCREST/HUNT PROPERlY EXC.~NGE? The Starcrest/Hunt property exchange is still under negotiation. Although the former piece of property is more aesthetically pleasing, it is also a less versatile building site and is flood-prone, as recent heavy rains revealed. TIle City Commission will be making a final decision on this issue in the near future. 5. WHAT IS THE STATUS OF 111E PROPERTY THE CITY OWNS AT LAKE CHAUTAUQUA7 The City's Lake Chautauqua land is probably not suitable for a branch library, due to the fact that it is too far south. It is more likely that a Countryside branch will be built where originally planned-- adjacent to Fire Station #6 in the Countryside residential area. 6. HOW BIG WILL THE BRANCHES BE IN THE PROPOSED BOND REFERENDUM PACKAGE? Current plans call for an 18,000-20.000 square foot branch in the Starcrest area and an 18,000 square foot one in Countryside. Architectural plans for the two facilities are already partially complete. Although the Starcrest structure was planned originally for the particular site we currently own, it could be adapted to the Hunt site, should the City Commission decide to trade building sites. 7. WILL THE BOND REFERENDUM CONCERN ONLY ONE BRANCH OR TWO? Plans for precisely what to place on any future GOB referendum have not been finalized. It is possible that either both proposed library buildings will be on the referendum proposed for FY 80-81 (posed as eit.her one question or two) or that Starcrest will appear on this referendum and Countryside on a later one. The City Commission will make the final decisions on this matter. 8. WILL THERE BE OTHER ISSUES ON THE BOND REFERENDUM BESIDES THE BRANCH LIBRARIES AND COMPUTERIZED CIRCULATION SYSTEM? Because any election is terribly costly (approximately $8.500 for a City-wide election), it is likely that other issues will also appear on the ballot with the branch library issues). Precisely which items will or will not be included will be at the City Commission's discretion. 9. WHAT WILL BE TIlE TOTAL DOLLAR FIGURE OF TIlE PACKAGE FOR TIlE BOND REFERENDUM (INCLUDING THE COMPUTERIZED CIRCULATION SYSTEM)? Final costs for both branch libraries and a computerized circulation system (should the latter be included on a bond referendum) are not yet set. The current City Capital Improvement Budget lists preliminary costs of the proposed projects as follows: Computerized Circulation System (including hardware, software. and data base building) Starcrest Branch Countryside Branch $ 350,000 1,619,000 1,213,600 $3,182,600 ~t i'l': :.~ ::- (<<'. . \ I. I.' . I,~ ~~ . . . ~. c ,".. .'. ,. . . .:.;- . ',;;:. , , I,' t~; . . ',c-.: :', i' .c " -:'. :' (.,):\ : . ., .:. cl :! ::. ;1;.'1<.: ~_~.. . d' ..... ,_ I~'i tt"~lr:(! t;"-' 1'":,:" _ ' ;I';....!. " .' -I ;. "'t.c:"., ,~ . q'. \, _l.... '\. ; I' . " \. J,,~: . .t'", <:; ,,::,:..(~~~?:~j"'~~~ft~: , . Before any referendum goes to the voters, however. projected costs will have to be checked fOT validity, based on prevailing costs and scope of the work proposed. 10. WILL THE BOND REFERENDUM BE IN FEBRUARY OF 1981? Although a number of possibilities have been discussed, the Commission has not yet set a definite date for any future bond referendum election. I regret that 50 much of the information you have requested is as yet indefinite. However, that branch libraries remain a viable matter in the minds of City staff and the City Commission is certain.. Since I will doubtlessly be included in the planning and execution of any library-related issues, including bond referendum questions, 1 shall be keeping you informed of events when and as they occur. If I can help further before the meeting, please call me at 462-6800 (NEW TELEPH~NE NUMBER). Nancy Zussy Library Director ?l(.,~;':; ., . 'I .,~. ,- c .(~:., . , '.1 :; '. '. , :..i c' ....... , .. . -~.... ... I......:' ,".. II>' >"'. '. ~/. . . .~q . .{1!~' : , " r N. Zussy QUESTIONS RAISED ~ LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS ~/ 1. Will the fact that 1980 is also a national election year affect a bond referendum? :.~.'~' ..:(,,~ Ii:.') .,..)t':'~'~'/i' > l' 2. Will the fact that City elections also occur in 1980 affect a bond referendum? r ".' . l . ~ ~: 'i' ~ I. JI .; . I . I 1\ . ,. l, l'. .". ,I. t f4' ::-;1 . ~1 'I""'" ...~~')/11.~ (:..f.. . \ (\)frl;!.~I') V 3. Is there a possibility of funding branch libraries without a referendum if "Butler Buildings" are used? ; .'., .' ,',. "[(:(. '.'; ~ 'r t { , ;~ '0 i~ ~ ~:..' ~ ' .:- ' I : .: ~;' \,~ 4. i/ 7. What is the status of the Starcrest/Hunt property exchange? ;.",~..,,_..,-. ':":' \:', -,' P .",',-,. " i' (,.',~.;!\ , /J . . I .~ . J . j:" .'~/'::.,~. o. What is the status of the property the City owns at Lake Chautauqua? . . : '. ' , '. ,.. , '. . :. I;.. ~ 1'"" ...~ ," ') ~. .::., J I '". . \.....' . How big will th~ branches be in the propo~ed bond referendum package? ('.''''''f.~V:l. (/0,'1',,:-, '. ) ; I I,,~.. ", ,. (0: [" /0 'I';'" '"'' I ,",.),,\1 .. {; .~ \ , ~ J '.1 ~ . ,'~. .... VIti'" Will the bond referendum concern only one branch or two? ,:" . U;J j ('" '. \J.c:., ;:r' ~i-:>.iL~.I :/',(-i/' )~I.',..'I'.l.1 ,':: "JL.<.:.t.r.. '!.('/~T\ I'~,~ ..:..::.~C-~ Ii ' .t~.!/~IJ\~< .:.(,;..... t. cJ ,?'\'.'.i.~~... ,". I. . :.. Will there be other 2ssues on the bond referendum besides the ~Vy^~ '/5. /6. i/8. "./ 9. branch libraries and computerized circulation system? :::tQw{Yr:!' V.l~I:..,\"~.I')J What will be the total dollar figure of the package for the II 10. bond referendum (including the ('n'~~.{~drJ',\(~ )0:'-,(;. " ('.j :', ; -'.~' Will the bond~referendum be in ~omp~terized circulation ~I .~ 'I"t .1,..'.. '. . ~ I _ c ru .' it February of 1981? . 1 p f .t )0, .:0 f' ~ , .' ,-,." , \9, ;. sys tern)? 'f. 'I'~h' :. It 1';' ,,( ';! " 1':'>~ ,-J- ." '...~~r"l:". ."" ~ ~".'I /'r..~~' . ......'":i..~)' . v j' J' ~,' . /1" I..' ", I' , '. , I . .') ~ i, :~ : ~ ' I J. , "Ii: . ~;/- ..,t;J Ii ". '1"\" CT:J J.. > /' .. J 0" ~~/..,/ .:) , ~'- 'f. '-J ,.., ~ :', ~:~~