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19 JANUARY 1979
Mayor's Conference Room
9:30 AM - 10:15 AM
Mr. Larry Reis, Chairman
Mr. Curtis G. Barre
Mr. Joseph Elliott
Mrs .'Rita Garvey
Mr. Elliott Hardaway
Air. George Harris
Mrs. Arlyn Hutt
Mr. Walter A. Krick
Mr. Albert L. Rogers
Mr. Homer Royer
Mr. James Yacavone
Mrs. Nancy Zussy, Library Director
Ms. Carol Culkar, Ex-Officio
Mr. Matthew Moore, President, Friends of the
Nis. Jan Regulski, Friends of the Library Member
Ms. Debbie Winsor, Clearwater Sun
Chairman Larry Reis called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM. He reported
that a Selection Committee named by the City Commission had considered the
resu ds of seven architectural firms who responded to the City's advertisement
for the Main Library Construction/Design project. This committee, consisting
of Jeffrey Butler, Assistant City Manager for Finance; Cecil Henderson,
Assistant Engineering Director; Don Petersen, Purchasing Officer; Nancy Zussy,
Library Director; and Larry Reis, Library Board Chairman, submitted to the
City Commission a proposal recommending the top rated firms: Watson & Company,
of Tampa, FL; Williams & Walker, of Clearwater, FL; and Mudano Associates, of
Clearwater, FL. The City Commission considered the proposal at the meeting of
January 18, 1979, at which time Commissioner Martin moved that the staff proposal
be approved, and the motion passed with a S-Q vote.
The next step in the process will be for the aforementioned Committee to
negotiate with Watson & Company to reach a mutually satisfactory contract; if
such agreement cannot be reached, they will negotiate with the second firm
listed, and so on. Watson $ Company is presently designing two branches for
St. Petersburg Public Library, and one of their staff designed the St. Petersburg
Main Public Library in the 1960's. Architectural plans should be ready for bid
within 90 days. Mrs. Zussy announced that an informal workshop is being planned
with the architect for input from interested parties. She also reported that
the State Library Construction Grant contract is in the mail. Board members
discussed the probable times the City Commission will formally approve the
next steps in the proceedings.
Mr. Reis reported on his discussion with Mr. Bill Nodine regarding the
equipment donation project. Mr. Nodine feels that a more specific goal would
encourage significantly more generous donations than a generalized request for
equipment and furniture. Such a goal might be a reading room for the visually
impaired. Other ideas suggested by Board members included a Florida Historical
Room and a multipurpose room.
Minutes of the Meeting January 19, 1979
Page 2
At this point Mr. Moore, President of the Friends of the Library, reported
that the Executive Board of the Friends have discussed the equipment donation
project and are in favor of the $100,000 goal discussed at the last Board meeting.
However, the Friends point out that a drive for this project would be the third
drive for the Library within the last two years. They feel they should possibly
be focusing their attention elsewhere, such as on the construction project itself.
Mr. Moore said that the Friends of the Library will endorse the project and
provide some people to work on it. The Friends are also willing to pledge
$1,000 from their treasury as their commitment to the project.
There was further discussion on the matter of using the project funds for
goals other than for equipment and furniture. Mr. Elliott stated that the Board
is looking at an ambitious goal in a short time period; therefore, the Board
should decide at this meeting exactly what the goal for the funds will be.
Several Board members felt the project would be saturating the public with
library related issues and that the original purpose of securing more library
space was being overlooked. It was suggested that the idea be dropped rather
than go to the public for another drive at this time.
Mr. Royer questioned what would happen to a possible 1980-81 General Obliga-
tion Bond issue if we ask the public for more money now. Mr. Elliott moved
that an additional fund drive at this time would'be inappropriate in light
of the City Commission's statement of intent to go to the voters with a.
referendum for further library expansion within the next few years. The
motion was seconded and passed with one opposing vote.
Mr. Hardaway expressed the Board's gratitude to the Friends of the Library
for their work and support. He asked that all Library Board members join the
Friends' organization. Mr. Reis remarked that the Library Board is strengthened
by a closer working relationship with the Friends of the Library. He asked
Dirs. Zussy if she would attend the Executive Board meetings of the Friends
whenever possible. Mr. Moore noted that the Friends of the Library Charter calls
for a liason with the Library Board, who up to this time has been Dors. Garvey.
Mr. Royer felt that the City Commission is showing progress in their
consideration of Library Board opinions as shown by their choice of two Library
Board members to serve on the Selection Committee.
Mrs. Zussy announced a logo contest for the library staff and asked for
volunteers from both the Library Board and the Friends' Executive Board to
serve as judges for the contest. The prize for the winning logo will be one
day's paid vacation. Volunteers for the judging of the contest include
Mr. Yacavone, Mrs. Garvey, Mrs. Regulski, Dir. Hardaway, Mr. Harris, and
Mr. John Moore, a professional artist. The contest ends on February 28, 1979.
Mr-. Reis welcomed the Library Board's input on the library project as
it progresses. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 AM.
Susan Doe1, Secretary
30 January 1979
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19 JANUARY 1979
Mayor's Conference Room
9:30 AM - 10:15 AM
In.reference to paragraph three on page two of the minutes for
the above mentioned meeting, the motion by Mr. Elliott passed with
two dissenting votes.
Susan Doel, Secretary
20 February 1979