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15 DECE~mER 1978
Mayor1s Conference Room
9:30 AH - 10:10 AM
Mr. Larry Reis, Chairman
Ms. Carol Culkar, Ex-Officio
Mrs. Rita Garvey
Mr. George Harris
Mr. Walter A. Krick
Mr. Homer Royer
~frs. Nancy Zussy
Mr. Curtis G. Harre
Mr. Joseph C. Elliott
Mr. Elliott Hardaway
Mrs. Arlyn nutt
Mr. Albert L. Rogers
Mr. James Yacavonc
Mr. Natthew Noore, President, Friends of the
Hrs. Jan Regulski, Friends of the l.ibrary Hember
Mrs. Norma Mann, Friends of the Library Member
Hr. and Mrs. George Stowe, Friends of t~e Library
Ms. Debbie Winsor, Clearwater Sun
Chairman Larry Reis called the meeting to order at 9:30 AJ1. Mr. Reis
discussed his thoughts on the possibility of haVing a drive for additional
personal donations from people 'to purchase such things as furniture for the
Library. This idea has been discussed by the Friends of the Library and
seems worthy of further study. The Executive Board of the Friends of the
Library and the Library Board are invited to a meeting on December 29J 1978,
at 9:30 AM in the Mayor's Conference Room. Philip Mann, a professional
fund raiser and husband of Friends of the Library member Norma Mann, has
volunteered his tiule to inform the Boards of the procedures involved in
such a drive. Library Board and Friends Board members present felt this
idea would work uif directed by n knowledgeable person and if done well."
Mr. Reis mentioned that a simila~ project was undertaken on a smaller scale
when the 1960 addition was built on the Library, with plaques placed on items
purchased. Mr. Royer noted that this drive might be coordinated so as not to
hinder the one for the Performing Arts Center. If sufficient money is raised
for furnitureJ it would free money for the construction of additional square
footage. This project must be undertaken quickly so that funds available
for more square footage could be made known to the architect. Mrs. Zussy
has prepared a breakdown as to how many pieces of equipment or furniture will
be needed and how many additional square feet will be made available with
each purchase.
Mr. Reis told the Board that Mr. and Hra. Adler thank everyone for
the reception and were very pleased with the lists of signatures of appreciative
Library patrons. A luncheon for Mr. and Mrs. Adler will be postponed until
possibly next month.
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Minutes of the Meeting December 15, 1978
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Page 2
Mr. Reis again expressed concern that input from the Library Board
should be solicited on library matters before members read about development~
in the newspapers.
Board members discussed the possibility of an exchange of property
being considered by the City Commission. The exchange involves the City
, owned Starcrest property~ purchased for a branch library. and that property
owned by George Hunt on Belcher Road and Drew Street. Board members felt
they should be given the opportunity to study the advantages and disadvantages
of each piece of property before a decision can be made regarding this
exchange. Mr. Royer suggested that the Board "not proceed to polarize the
City Commissiorl'since we are now in the process of resolving differences
regarding sites. etc. Mr. Krick felt the matter of construction of facilities
in East Clearwater is speculation at this point and our primary concern
should now be working out details on the current project--the renovation
and construction on the Osceola site.
Mrs. Zussy arrived at 10:00 AN. after meeting with City Manager
Tony Shoemaker and Assistant City Manager Hichael Paroby to discuss the
matter of the above potential land swap. . She reported that the matter is
still under consideration. that the City staff is still trying to gather
sufficient information to make a solid recommendation to the City Commission.
There appear to be problems related to the recently passed City Charter
that complicate the exchange. There are also financial considerations
remaining to be worked out with Mr. George Hunt.
The Hunt exchange is only one possibility being considered to expedite
providing services in East Clearwater. Another might be an arrangement with
the Clearwater Campus of St. Petersburg Junior College to build a public
library on the same site or as an extension to their library facility on
the Clearwater Campus.
The Board is welcome to attend the upcoming December 21, 1978, public
hearing on the proposed land exchange. ?-irs. Zussy will report further to
Board members after the hearing.
Mrs. Zussy asked that the Board discuss a policy regarding items for
the Library's bulletin board. Mr. Re:l.s asked Mrs. Zussy to prepare proposed
guidelines for public distribution and present them to the Board for review.
At this point Chairman Larry Reis adjourned the business portion of the
meeting, and Board members were served coffee and cookies by the Friends of
the Library members present in appreciation of the Library Board's work
during the past year.
Susan Doelt Secretary
18 December 1978