10/20/1978 ~~~~!;L.;~ .>: ',~~' ;i'."'. "'".;,+ '. J' ..:' . :' " r' , , ~ . . ,'., ~, '. '. " i," .,'. tc', . .. : .:,~ . . "~';':'..' "1 . c ,\ .: \! . , " c , , . , , ' .,,~.~-~,- "-., ">... ...,. "'" .., .... , , .,',: !li{,\~~ ."" ,,:<:"."" : :'i\';: '-::'~;\l:(.r~: . !,' " LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES '. DATE. ~,J.~/f?P f - /3/6 , ,. : ~' J I' : .. . .., ~ . " ,. . '. . ~ .>\:(:~~;~\ I' CLEARWATBR PUBLIC LIBRARY nOARD NINUTES OF' TilE :'lEE'rING 20 OCTOIH:R 1978 Hnyor's Conference Room 9:30 AN - 10:30 AH PRESENT: . ABSENT: Mr. Curtis G. Barre Hs. Carol Cu1kar, Ex-Officio Mrs. Rita Garvey Hr. Elliott Hardaway Nr. George Harris Hrs. Arlyn Butt Mr. Homer Royer Hr. James Yacavone Mrs. Nancy ZUSBY, Library Director Hr. Larry Reis, Cha!rm:1n Mr. Joseph C. Elliott Mr. Walter A. Krick Hr. Albert L. Rogers GUESTS: ~fr. Chuck Albury, St. Petersburg Times In Chairman Larry Reis' absence, Nrs. Garvey called the meeting to order at 9:30 Ml. Carol Culkar, new ex-officio member from Clearwater High School, and new Board member, James Yacavone, lo1erc introduced. Mrs. ZUBSY reported on the City Commission's approval of Rpplication for a construction grant for state funds. The deadline for filing for such a grant is November 3, 1978. The direction for this funding, if approved, would be the renovation of the basement of the 1960 addition. TIle application will be for $200,000, half of the total funds available, with the City Commission matching the funds. Preliminary plans, a narrative description, and a statement by the policy-making group that funds are available must accompany the application, Mrs. Zussy confirmed that the request for half the total available funds was not unreasonable and that the $400,000 total figure was realistic for the renovation cost. Hinutes of the last meeting, September l~, 1978, were approved. Per Hr. Reis' request, Hrs. Garvey had prepared a letter of appreciation from the Board to Althea Andersen for having served as Acting Library Director for two years. The Library Naterials Selection Policy, now formalized on paper, was discussed. Mrs. Zussy noted that the Clearwater Public Library has very few patron complaints on materials selection. Mrs. Zussy read a letter from Mae Morgan, interested citizen, addressed to Board Chairman Larry Reis. Hs. Morgan expressed her ideas of n branch library, in Countryside Mall. Mrs. Zussy reviewed for the new Board members present the plans for a branch facility in the Countryside area when funds become available. Ms~ Morgan's letter did not contain a return address; therefore. the Board could not reply. BO;;'1l'd members discussed the success of the TWig. Circulation figures sometimes surpass the other two branches. Usage has come up with the increase of new books. Nr. Yacavone asked if the Clearwater Public Library system .... " '",'''';. ,;1. , ..' :'\'. " I .,. c " I ~ >.' . ,l1' C ,"> :. . ;... tf" .'. _", . ,.'" ~~.;.. ,. ',~ > ., " . " ~'r::t1: " .' ':,~..,' '1 CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Ninutes of the Heeting October 20. 1978 Page 2 uses a rotation system for its books at the branches. Nrs. Zussy explained that we do not UBe such a system, but that we do fill specific requests from patrons for books at the main library by courier. l>frs. Garvey suggested that in the future student ex-officio Board members might be chosen from Dunedin lIigh School or Largo High School if their residences were within Clearwater's city limits. The Friends of the Library will sponsor a book sale at the Librar.y on November 11, 1978. Mr. Barre presented his study on the Starcrest site showing how a library facility could be built there for a certain cost figure. After consulting with an engineer, Hr. Barre reported that a 30,000 sq.'ft., " two-story library building could be built for a maximum of $3,000,000 on that site. According to Mr. narre's figures, 102 parking spaces could be available. The Board was concerned over the cost of pilings necessary for construction on this site. However, Mr. Barre reported that pilings, if done properly, would not be a problem. Board members raised the following points: 1. Are site problems of the Starcrest site unique or found all over Florida? 2. The ~ncrease in piling requirements increases the cost of construction. 3. Cnn an engineer give an opinion \,,1 thout tes ting the soil at the particular site? 4. Would the area available for construction on this site allow for future expansion? Hrs. Hutt recommended acquiring three opinions from reputable en!!,ineers. There was some discussion on the pros and cons of different property suggested as possible library Gites over the last few years. Mrs. Zussy reported the possible donation from the anonymous person is still a positive matter being discussed. In reviewing all funding possibly available for library construction, for the benefit of new Board members, Hrs. 7.ussy stated that the City Commission has set aside $800,000 in the Capital Improvements Budget; the Library is in proc'ess 0 f applying for the $200,000 state grant; and there is n possibility of n donation of $500,000, making a total of $1,500,000 possibly available. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 AM. Susan Doel, Secretary 2.5 October 1978