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28 JULY 1978
Library'Director's Office
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Hr. Curtis G. Barre
Mr. Joseph C. Elliott
Ms. Leah Englehart
Mr. George Harris
Mr. Walter A. Krick
Nr. John Murray
Mr. Albert L. Rogers
Mr. Homer Royer
Mr. Larry Reis, Chairman
Mr. Wilby F. Anderson
Mrs. Rita Garvey
Mr. Elliott Hardaway
Mrs. Althea Andersen
Mr. Jeff Butler, Assistant City Manager for Finance
r1s. Debbie Ttlinsor, Clearvlater Sun
Mr. Reis called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM.
Board members discussed the selection of the new Library
Director, Robert J. Beluschak, expressing their dissatisfaction
of the handling of the matter by the City Manager's office.
Mr. Reis called this meeting to ask if Library staff morale
was hurt by the mishandling of the appointment. Several
Board members felt City Hall has no interest or understanding
in the Library. It was noted that several other department
heads ,had been selected in a shorter period of time than
the Library's two year vacancy. The Board felt candidates
should have been introduced to the staff during the interviewing
process. Mrs. Andersen reported that Jeff Butler, Assistant
City Manager for Finance, did express his concern to her
about the selection of Director being reported in the newspapers
before notification of all candidates.
Speaking for the staff at City Hall, 1'11"'. Butler felt
a fair part of the City Manager's time was spent on library
Mr. Butler reported on the budget for fiscal year 1978/79
which should b~ released by the end of the month (July). He
stated that the Capital Improvements Program was to include only
realistic and responsible projections wi~h regard to the Main
Library project. He added that the 1978/79 budget appears
much tighter than others in his seven years' experience with
the City of Clearwater. Hr. Butler feels the site for a Library
is the problem now with the Commissioners. He reported that the
City Manager, Tony Shoemaker, is considering other options, such
as using money currently in our budget"to increase space and
improve safety problems in the present main library building.
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Minutes of the Meeting July 28, 1978
Page 2
Mr. Butler noted that the, requests submitted by Mrs. Andersen
for the Capital Improvements Program would have to be based
on a tax increase. Speaking as a taxpayer and not as an
Assista'nt City t1anager, Nl". But leI' suggested using the money
available, $800,000, and improving the present building as
much as possible; then push for a referendum ballot with
three sites listed. Board members felt that listing three
sites would complicate the ballot.
Mrs. Garvey felt the site must be agreed upon before
it is put to a referendum.
The Board noted that ,few CityConunissioners have ,
attended any Library Board meetings, even when specifically
invited, and relatively few Commissioners are regular library
" users or know the library needs. Hr. Butler said he could
not agree with the Board's feelings about the staff at
City Hall.
Mr. Anderson stated he was not in favor of construction
on the present building, but would favor a library on ,
another agreed upon sdte rather than waiting 10-15 years
arguing over the matter without getting a new library.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 AM.
Susan Doel, Secretary
3 August 1973