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19 MAY 1978
Mayor'$ Conference Room, City Hall
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Mr. Larry Reis, Chairman
Mr. Wilby F. Anderson"
Mr. Curtis G. Barre
Mr. Joseph C. Elliott
Ms. Leah ~nglch~~t, Bv-Officio
Mrs. Rita Garvey
Mr. Elliott Hardaway
Mr. George Harris,
Mr. Walter A. Krick
Mr. Albert L. Rogers
Mr. Homer Royer
Mrs. Althea Andersen, Acting Librarian
Mr. John Murray
Mr. H.M. Laursen, Personnel
Mr. Charles Finton, interested
Mr. Craig Roberton, St. Petersburg
Mr. Reis called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM.
Correspondence commending the library staff of the audio-
visual department was discussed. Mrs. Andersen announced
, a seminar ,on county library systems, to Which all Board
members are encouraged to attend.
Mr. H.M. Laursen, Personnel Director, reported on the
progress in recruiting a Library Director. After advertising
for the position, the Personnel Department received 102
resum€s. After review and elimination, 31 applications were
given final review by Mr. Laursen, Hr. Weimer, Assistant City
Manager, and Mr. Runge, Library Director for St. Petersburg
Public Library. Eight names have been recommended for the
City Manager's consideration: 5 men and 3 women. "
Mrs. Althea Andersen and Mrs. Nancy Zussy of the Library
staff are in the final eight candidates.
There was discussion of the Commission work session of
May 15, 1978. Some members felt the City Commission was not
listening to the Library Board's recommendations, an"d the whole
Board should resign.
Discussion continued regarding branch construction instead
of renovating the Main Library.
Mr. Barre requested a correction be made in the minutes
of the April 21, 1978 Board meeting concerning the comment
'of Leah Englehart on student concern at Clearwater High School.
The correction should read:
Ms. Englehart, ex-officio member to the Board
from Clearwater High School, stated that students
she talked to at the high school favored a more
centrally located main library.
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MinuTes of the Meeting May 19, 1978
Page 2
A secorid vote was taken on the Board IS vie\ol of the
proposal submitted to Anthony Shoemaker, City Manager,
on phased construction of the Main Library. The ,vote
was in favor, with one abstention.
Mr. Barre expressed dissatisfaction with the check-out
policy of books returned to a branch which were originally,
checked out from the Main Library. Mrs. Andersen explained
the policy that a book checked out from the Main but returned
to a branch must be returned to the Main Library for proper
processing Creslipping book card, checking for reserves,
etc.) befove another patron. can check out the book.
Mrs. .Andersen noted that a computerized circulation system would
eliminate this problem.
Ms. Englehart asked what would happen to the downtown
library building if the main library were built in a more
central location. She asked if the downtown building could
be used as a branch if the main library was moved someplace
else. Mr. Reis explained that the Board did not know what
the City would do with the building if that situation occurred,
and that two problems would exist: l) where tO,move the main
library; 2) would the size of another facility be adequate.
He explained that if the facility is right and has something
to offer, then people will get to the facility regardless of
the location.
There was discussion of the Commission's views on the
library issue. Some Board members felt the Commissioners
are starting over with reaffirming sites for a library.
Mr. Krick noted that on March 6, 1978, Commissioner De Blaker
sent a memorandum to the City Manager suggesting phased
construction and Tenovation for the existing Main Library;
however, the work. session of May l5, 1978, seemed to show
an about face on this issue.
Mr. Anderson moved that the Board reaffirm its previous
stand on the Clearwater Library system, and its priorities
and all recommendations made to the City Commission, and
continue its support thereof; and adopt a policy to rest
our case to the City Commission. The motion was seconded
by Mr. Elliott and approved with one opposing vote.
Meet ing was adj ourned at 10: t.5 AM. ,
Susan Doel, Secretary
23 May 1978