01/20/1978 :lyj':~i~:" . ... \ f '. '. ;;',' ':", ',.'" ,. <" ." . ' ''>.,'. , , ,~~" " l ',. . ' ". " ".: .,< . " '<',' I ,', ~, . . ~ , ...< " ~. , ' , " ' <" ',' ,I',', . ... I .. . '-<' " c !.,' ? ':. . . , :, ',' . ~ ,. . , ... . . I ~ . . . .', '. t.;, ~ ,"' . , , . " ' . L it ~ , .. ,. c. . . . " ....1~' ' . " ',',' -t'..,~'il " ..', '1~.~~ . ":1 :... :c':'::'~~.:,~.-/- . ' " . , .LIBRARY BOARD , MINUTES , . DATE. 'rlM.U~ J~ Ifl1r ,1 ,. " j- /:2 Y'S- ;. __ c _ .., ...~. ._.... c. > ,.. . '.. . ... . ' 'c .. .~ ":f, ::.:,:';/:;~' .,'.' o. ' - :': \,~:'.. " , . " CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD HINUTES OF '1'Hr: MEETING 20 JANUARY 1978 Mayor's Conferenc~ Room, City Hall 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM PRESENT ABSENT \ Mr. Larry Reis, Chairman Hr. Wilby F. Anderson Mr. Curtis G. Barre Mr. Joseph C. Elliott Mrs. Rita Garvey Mr. Elliott Hardaway Mr. George Harris Mrs. Jessica M. Kerr Mrs. Johnie Mae Moore Mr. John Hurray Hr. Homer Royer Mrs. Althea Andersen, Acting Librarian Mr. Walter A. Krick Mr. Albert L. Rogers GUESTS Christina Cosdon, St. Petersburg Times Patty Hole, FOCL Member The meeting "las called to order by Chairman Larry Reis at 1:00 PM. Mr. Reis welcomed new Board members, MI'. Hardaway, Mr. Harris, and Mr. Royer to the Board, and thanked HI'S. Kerr and Mrs. Moore whose terms are expiring.for their participation on the Library Board. A letter addressed to Mayor Gabriel Cazares was read by Mrs. Andersen, composed by Mr. Reis, representing the collective views of the Board members (letter attached). All Board members present at this meeting signed the letter to be delivered, to Mayor Cazares. Mrs. Andersen distributed a copy of the flyer on the "T\>lig" to be included in utility bills to all Clearwater customers. The "Twig" is the name for the book deposit station at Fire Station No.5. Mrs. Andersen suggested having a grand opening around the middle of February instead of opening day, February 1, since there will be a deficiency in the number of books available due to ordering problems with the book jobber. Patty Hole, an active member of the Friends of the Library, brought the Board up to date on activities of the Friends for the remainder of the month of January. Various programs including radio and television interviews are scheduled over Library Week, January 23 - 28, 1978, with both Friends members and Library Board members participating as well as various civic groups. Ms. Hole reported that 580 petitions are being circulated at this time. Mrs. Garvey moved that the Library Board sponsor the petition along with the Friends of the Library. The motion was seconded by John Hurray and passed unanimously. Mrs. Garvey c. ,>... ,d ,. ..'. ..~' , c .' ~. ':f'i/t~. :/ ..> '.:.:',/~<'~:~~~: ~I: '\t' t,II'~".;.(':hT~ .... ,,~:,,~ I'.'.:....:.:: ~'~'I " . ~~:~~.~~~.~.~;. ~c:..,'..:~.', \. :}.~'."': ' .. '.. ~. ~ti.~__. .~..~:.. i . ;:.J. 'J; " , ' . , ~/:, '1. . " . 'C ., .. . '. .~ ..j. . . I <, .' , ~ c Clearwater Public Library Board Minutes of the Meeting January 20, 1978 Page 2 stated that the Friends have changed the petition to include tax-payers instead of only registered voters, since the petition is actually stating that those people signing agree to have their taxes raised. ,.>. The subject of Library Director was addressed by Mr. Hardaway. He expressed concern that the position has been unfilled for over 18 months, while other department director positions have been filled. Mr. Hardaway moved that the Board prepare a letter to the City Manager, the Commissioners and the newspapers stating the Board's opinion in this matter to get. a permanent Library Director. Motion was seconded by Mr. Elliott and passed unanimously. The subject of the Board meeting time was discussed, with those Board members present agreeing to change the meeting time from 1:00 PH to 9:30 Al1. It was noted that all Board members check the notices received in the mail prior to the next meeting ,for the correct time of the meeting. There was discussion concerning Library coverage in the local newspapers.' The idea of writing a Library column for regular printing in the papers was presented, with Jessica Kerr volunteering to write such a column if the idea was approved by the local "newspapers. Mr. Elliott agreed to contact the local newspaper editors about this matter. Meeting was adjourned at 1:50 PM. Susan Doel, Secretary 24 January 1978 .: .): ,...,., '. ....~~~(:;;~:~~. ,I:;'..\.. 7 _....-....~~.... ,':--.,... . ~'j'.L. -.'c....)/ I ~ d. ,.,7.. , {....I\ ...., ~c-:2 ~:\ l~l ~~ ,,- ~f~~ \~\,' -"'~~l ':..~~ --"-\~/ -.__~TE\\. J" "'~..,#,~II' LIUHAllY DOAHn C I T Y OF C LEA R 'V A '1' "E It " POST OFF'tCE DOX 474D CLEARWATER, FLORIOA 33518 O~"ICC OF LIDItAJtY DlltlCTOJt January 20, 1978 The Honorable Gabriel Mayor of Clearwater Clearwater Ci ty Hall Clearwater, Florida Cazares 33516 Dear ~tr. Mayor: The Clearwater Library Board applauds the city's desire to build a ci vie center and a theater for the performing arts. " 1I0wever, we respectively remind you of the city's already established obligation to do something about the library. In a recent letter to the St. Petersburg Times, Jessica Kerr quoted Francis Bacon: "Reading maketh a full man." We quote it here because it summarizes the unchanging goal of the: library board. We quote it now because it epitomizes the need for expanded library facilities -- "Reading maketh a fu 11 man." In our view proper library facilities are far more essential to the intellectual and cJltural health of a community than any other type faci li ty . The refore, ~"'e be lieve a new Ii brary shou Id again be Number 1 in the commission's priorities. Consider these facts: In 1970 the voters strongly supported the GOB issue for expanded and improved library faci 1i ties (although improvements made since then have been largely cosmetic). In 1977 more voters expressed approval of the library project' than for the cuI tural and convention hall. Last year, those voting in the Clearwater Sun poll also supported the library, But perhaps the best exprassi on of public desire for library services are these statistics: In 1977 313~OOO items were circulated by the Clearwater LibrarYa 27.909 questions \l/'erC ans\<lered by the reference libl'arians and an uncounted number of patrons benefi ted from the library I 5 faci Ii ties on the premises. Add to these figures the number of young people reached . , The lIonorable Gabriel Cuzares January 20, 1978 Page 2 by library programs, both in house und in the schools -- and the impact of the library is over\'lhe Iming. Or, it would have if space permitted. And there's the rub. We hear much about the "cultural" needs of our city. The library supplies cultural riches at all levels -- the creative cream in every field, from every land, from every age. No other faci li ty can hope to mat ch the hi gh standard of information, instruction and entertainment found in our library. Literature, history, science, music, art -- the library has it all! There simply isn't room in the present obsolete building to give Clearwater the level of library service it needs. There isn't room on the shelves for the books or room on the floor for the shelves. In truth. Clearwater's library is only marginally adequate for a city of 30,000 people. Since 1970 the city It has almost twice standard for a city required, including has been enlarged. has quadrupled acreage devoted to Parks and Recreation. the number of tennis courts considered the national of our siz.e. rire stations have been built \'Ihen a new headquarters building. Police headquarters f\ city hall annex \o1a5 acquired when space got tight. But the library stays in cramped inadequate, unsafe quarters. We must wonder if the parks and the tennis courts and the proposed theater and civic center \\Ii 11 serve as many people as often as does the library now. Please keep in mind that it will take 3 performances a \'leek ",rith a full house at each performance for a 2,000 seat theater to approach the 313.000 circulation record of the library in 197,7. Keep in mind, too, that no matter how modest the admission charge may be in the proposed theater. the doors will be shut to many area residents on limited income and many in minority groups. In the library the \~or1d' s great plays are available -- free -- and the world's great music, and the world's great art, The Clearwater Library staff has the training, the technology, and the desire to give OU1' city the finest, most complete, most producti ye library servi ces of any city of its size in the state. But without efficient, attractive. accessible space this is impossible, Until adequate space is provided, the proper number of books cannot be shelved. the magazines and newspapers cannot be properly utilized, the records and tapes cannot be properly played, the paintings and sculpture cunnot be properly displayed. The library board fi rmly believes that u private fuclli ty as unsafe us onr main liUTU1'Y build ing \~o111d be condemned. ~( T' . >~ , ".. t. l ~.!' , . " . . . . . . ill. '\ . , ': 't.. i: . .,-J....,_....u,~...,.. . I . , . . The lIonorablc Gabriel Cazares January 20. 1978 ~ f ; i' . '", /f~< Page 3 We also believe a private facility which barred handicapped and infirm \~ould be severly critizcd. possible barred from doing business at all. Whether Clearwater gets the library service it deserves is squarely in your hands and those of your fellow commissioners. Will Clearwater continue to be short changed in library service? We hope not. 1. /; /I ,/ {/~ (, t;?t~v:',"2.Ct..~, (;t'-J/?~'Yl. 1 ///' /",,1.//,.. . ~ ~ ,/ Y ~ /;;"t.~f ~..:'" /'[ /7J..r,t,L,j...:J !'!-t/ . ::r;S'i ',0. _1'1. ~CIV\.. "rj /_._~" A:J . / ~,~~ ?"L~.-1...' ~ ' '-I :~....'t'l' ...-v- " /) // ' 7' . [. '( .. .r" . J ' " j t., / .) -, ;;P2 C.'I, / /1> ,~' /(..... (.f-' ~(. , t?;t~ ,d~; I \~J /J'rr'yl'~ (: ~~ ./, r /' ><:~:/f/r-c;'7 ~fr:.t:c ~/v{1 ;.. f~ 'I.d 1i,1 't ~('1-- ~;&::~' () cc: Clearwater Sun St. Petersburg Times Tampa Tribune Sincerely, L-M_r'f(- , S6u- & ~ M~- ~~ fA ~k~t -,