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18 NOVEMBER 1977
Mayor's Conference Room at 'City Hall
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Mrs. Rita Garvey, Acting Chairman
Mr. Wilby F. Anderson
Mr. Curtis G. Barre
Mr. Joseph C. Elliott
Mrs. Matile Hendry
Mrs. Jessica M. Kerr
Mr. Walter A. Krick
Mr. John Murray
, Mr. Albert L. Rogers
Mrs. Althea Andersen, Acting Librarian
Mr. Larry Reis, Chairman
Mrs. Johnie Mae Moore
Linda Cicero, Clearwater Sun
In Mr. Reis' absence, Mrs. Garvey called the meeting to
order at 1:00 PM. She reported that at the City Commission
meeting on November 17, 1977, Patty Hole of the Friends of
the Library reaffirmed the Friends'support of the present
library site to the Commissioners. Commissioner Nunamaker
presented his proposal of over $4 million for a civic center
complex to the Commissioners, without much emphasis on costing.
He suggested that the south end of the complex might possibly
be used as an extension of some City services. Some Board
members were concerned as to the use of the present Library
building, if the Library were built at the south end of
the proposed complex. Mr. Murray noted that the civic center
complex proposal of Commissioner Nunamaker is receiving some
support fnom downtown businessmen. Mr. Elliott mentioned that
if the civic center complex passed on a February referendum,
there might be a possibility of working the library into the
complex later, without combining the two on the referendum.
Mr. Elliott asked for clarification of a motion made at
the Board meeting of October 31, 1977, which stated that the
Library Board reaffirmed their committment to the present
library site with the possibility that if the cultural center
complex is privately funded, they would reconsider the location at
the waterfront property south of pierce Street as a library site.
Mr. Elliott explained that there are other ways of funding which
could be used other that private funds. Mrs. Andersen and
Mrs. Garvey noted that at the presentation by Commissioner Nunamaker
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Clearwater Public Library Board
Minutes of the Meeting November 18, 1977
Page 2
of the proposal for the cultural center complex to the Library
Board, emphasis was placed on private funding.
Mrs. Andersen reported that there was not discussion on
the agenda item regarding contract information with architect
Forrest Watson for Main Library renovation in 1973 at the
November 17, 1977 Commission meeting.
Mr.' Murray met with Mr. Jeff Butler, Assistant City
Manager for Budgets, regarding the feasibility of setting up
a trust fund for the Library Board. Mr. Butler felt it was
feasible, but would require the assistance of Mr. Bustin,
City Attorney. The problems in setting up such a trust fund
would include stating the purpose (which would have to be indef-
inite), and determining what happens to donated funds if the
Library building proposal did not succeed. Mr. Murray noted
that approximately $250,000 remaining from the 1970 bond issue
could be used for the Library. Suggestions for a purpose of
such a trust fund were "Building Fund" or Construction Fund".
Donations made to the Library Board trust fund without
specif~cally stating how the funds were to be spent could be
used toward this type of trust fund. Mr. Krick suggested that
a plan whereby the City Commission would match donations with
City monies might encourage donations. Both private and public
funding should be sought, and could be combined for "co-funding".
Mrs. Garvey distributed copies of the Petition from the
Friends of the Library to Board members and asked for their
help in securing signatures from registered voters.
The Fire Station No. 5 training facility proposed for
use as a temporary branch library is scheduled as an agenda
item at either the next or following Commission meeting. There
was discussion on space and service problems in the existing
building regarding servicing a branch larger than the training
facility. There was further discussion of branch library systems.
Meeting adjourned at 2:15 PM.
Susan Doel, Secretary
21 November 1977