09/16/1977 ~...~'r~~t. ~ ",'~ :'. I, '. ':'..< .~ : " ~'.:. ." ',' , .,' I, '"f' .: ; , '" I , ' , ~ ~ ' . , ' ~~;f:':~::~:' ~::'..~ ".n.., ".... . , '., , ,," ~:" \,~~;I.:,; ~:;:::::~:'~t . . ,...,'~ '".', T LIBRARY ,BOARD MINUTES . DATE .\ -f- / ~ (; / ..1......' '.' " tf:'::~.";; , ';:"', ~~. ,', -: -. .~...~<. ,-, . -. ' ,~.]'-..~"., ...,....~"'" . ,','''.> .....,. " ,'.'., " . '.~ . > < Ii'" " ," ~/ . ,....,. , . CLEARvlA'I'ER PUBLIC LII3RAHY BOARD iUHUTES OF TIlE MBE'rING 16 SePTEMBER 1977 Mayor's Conference Room at City Hall ~:oo PM - 2:20 PM PRESENT ABSEN'r Mr. Larry Reis, Chairman Mr. Wilby F. Anderson Mr. Curtis G. Barre HI". Joseph C. Elliott Hrs. Rita Garvey Mrs. Matile Hendry Mrs. Jessica M. Kerr Mr~ Walter A. Krick Mrs. Althea Andersen, Acting Librarian Mrs. Johni~ Mae Moore l'ir. John Hurray Mr. Albert L. Rogers GUESTS Mrs. Larry Reis t.ll". Reis called the meeting to order at 1: 0'0 PH. Brs. Garvey discussed the meeting of the Friends of the Library on September 8, 1977. The Friends did not come to any definite decisions at 'the meeting. The wording on the Ordinance.by Initiative,is not yet final. SOlne suggestions at the Friends' meeting regarding the library issue were sharing funding with the County, possibility of state construction grants) federal funding through a County grant agent, and possibility of the City of Clearwater selling Starcrest site and using the money to purchase a less expensive site and use the balance for construction or use proceeds to cove~ costs of branch construction on city-owned proper~y. Mrs. Garvey mentioned the need to contact our Congressman and possible lobbying. The next Friends of the Lihrary meeting Vl.ill be September 21, 1977, 7:30 PM at the Library. October 6, 1977, will be a Commission meeting at which the Library will be discussed. 1'1r. Reis began diacussion of tile letter from City l1ana[!;er Tony Shoemaker requesting the Board's advise on options offered for upgra.ding librill"'Y facili ties. HI's. Andersen stilted that if the arChitects' contracts Here terminated at this time, there would be approximately $243,000 available for library funding. Resardine the option of rcvie\oJine, ill tarnati va funding sourc'cs, HrG. Garvey stated that if this \'la3 ar.:GreGsively pursued by the City, i-t could be beneficial; if delayed, it would not be helpful at all. Nrs. Garvey made a motion that alternative funding sources should be aeercssively pursued, but within a certain time frame so that it should not impede progress for adc~uate library service for Cleart-latcI'. notion Has seconded by llr's. Hendry and npprovcd unanimously. ~.' \' " ,~. .' ~... ,..-,.. t.<~.~ , Clearwater PUblic LibI1c1t"Y Bo'ard Hinutes of the Heeting September 16, 1977 Page 2 Mr. Anderson felt that the Board should first establish their goals in the order of site, concentrating'on a main library and branch or only a main library, and whether to go with architects I plans or settle for less. Mrs. Hendry felt it should not be left to the Board to find the funding for the library' facilities. Mr. Anderson made a,motion that the Library Board reaffirrnthe position that the present main library site is incomparable, and ove!' a period of ten years we have had at least four nationally recoenized authorities agree on the library and the location, and report that the current library site is excellent and superior to any other, location. Motion ,seconded by Mrs. Garvey and approved unanimously. Hr.'Krick noted that any present alterations or cleaning up of the present main library buildin~ makes it harder to"justify the need for a new building. Mayor's Cazares briefly entered the Board meeting at this time and stated he will stand behind the Library Board's and the Friends' decision and will fight , for it. He also stated he felt we should hold off cosmetic renovation on the present main library buildine until a decision has been reached to select renovation as an alternative. There was discussion regarding cutting down the architects' plans to cut costs; however, Mrs. Garvey noted that according to the arc~itects, little change in cost would result from leaving some floors unfinished. Mr. Reis felt cutting down the plans would leave us with the same problems of incomplete construction that we are now facing with the present building. H~ urged that the City Commission must'take a stand. Mr. Elliott . made a motion that the Library Board urges the City Commission of the City of Clearwater to construct bv methods of new additional construction at the present site, a main libr.ary within fiscal year 1978-79, and further that the City Commission authorize continuing study and action for alternative and additional supportive library system needs to include branches and bookmobiles. Motion seconded by Mrs. Garvey and approved unanimously. Nr. Elliott also moved that the Library Board urge the City Commission to take immediate steps to include construction of a branch library for East Clearwater in the five-year capital outlay for' the City of ClearVlater. t-Iotion seconded by Hr. Barre and approved unanimously. " t'lrs. Andersen distributed a cost outline fop acquiring and maintaining a bookmobile. M~. Anderson asked thnt the library ~.ta.f f recommend means 0 f servicing people Hho III tirnatcly mi.r;ht be served by a branch liln"lary. Hr. Kr'i ck fclt that the Board. should not be' concerned Hith expenses of t.l bookmobile whcn the main library building issue cannot yet be decided. " , , . . ~';""""""1.:n1-.""'"""I";'..Ii'\'J..,:",. ,.'. .1',," .. ;,h'~, .~f.... ',.. <. .... \', . ......, '-: : ".: ~ .;;:J~1L!~1~1 r~ ;t,i' . .',~,., , l~'~~'/> :', ' L . ~:i:: : ' ' .:0.' , . '<" i~:~ . ., ., ,I .. ;'1. i ^ ", " ~ It' , . \ ~. . , , '. J"<. .' lit.: . . , ' " Clearwater Public Librnry Board Minutes of the Meeting September 16, 1977 Page 3 I1rs. Andersen also distributed statistics on Clearwater and Pine lIas County libraries from the Florida Library Direc~ory Statistics for 1976. i. There was discussion regarding the option of proposing a Feb~uary Referendum to include the main and/or a branch library. Hr. Reis noted that if a branch were not included, certain voters \-1Ould not be in favor; if a branch t-lere' incr'uded, the'same situation ~ould occur. Mr. Elliott mentioned that using the taxes eenerated by the annual tax base growth solely ,for the library's purpose limits other areas of the City, such as ,employee raises. The Ordinance by Initiative was felt to be more important at this ~ime than a tax increase. I~ regard to the option of renovatin~ the main library) Mrs. Hendry made a ,motion that the Board stress that no money be spent on renovating the existing building. 11otion seconded by Mr. Elliott and a~proved unanimously. ,"j. :. '. " , " ' " Hr. Anderson expres sed thanks to i'1rs. Garvey for her stand at the, September 15, 1977, 'Conunission meeting. l-lrs. Hendry moved that th~ Board write a letter of appreciation to the Friends of the Library for their efforts. Motion seconded by Mr. Krick, and approved unanimously. Meetin~ was adjourned at 2:20 PM. Susan Doel, Secretary 19 September ln77 ,I 'j:;~?" ;', \, . ~. ':, . ~ . ~ ~> ': > " , . ,> '". ' '(', " , ". ~ ' , . ' " ';'1\ ~' '~. ' ...: " \ ,", , .~ ::." . . \, . , . ~.,' , , \ ',' ~~~.~~! :.-r~T1-\'I"~ 1, .... t.,..!,,!-!, "','1 :....~...'. po;" . >.. : .',. ,~~. 1)' '':' ~~~"'!>' ....~~.'; . , . ' .. 'fO = Library Board Ci ty Hanager" s Office FHO~l : SUBJECT: Susan Doel, Secretary for Library Board .:J.J, Corrections in Hinutes for Library Board Meeting, September 16, 1977 DATE: September 22, 1977 Corr~ctions list~d below have been made on the at't~ched pa~e 1 of th~ Library Board Miriutes of the Meeting, September 16, 1977. ~lcasc substitute the attached page 1 for that page received earlier. Page l, Paragraph 1:, . . . . . Some suggestions at the Friends' meeting regarding the library issue were Sharing funding with the County, possibility of state construction grants, federal funding through a County grant agent, and possibility of the City of Clearwater selling Starcrest site and using the money to purchase a .less expensive site and use the balance for construction or use ,proceeds to cover costs of branch construction on city-owned property. Page 1, Paragraph 3: Regarding the option of reviewing alternative funding sources, Mrs. Garvey stated that if this was aggressively pursued by the City, it could be b~neficial; if delayed, it would not be helpful at all. " .01 H;) {l .ilL ~)lC:c. Q., ipC tA I. -171.~: <_J '~~f!;:,: , ' ";'-.'..:: '- " . " i,~ , '< .~:h \', ,'.), . j' . ' ,) ;.....~Jlft'...'....~ . ,.....,' > ~ l- 'T ,~~,,. .'/>', >., " , , . , CLEAR\vATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD NINUTES or THE HEr:TIHG 16 Sr:PTEMBER 1977 Mayor's Conference Room at City H~ll 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM PRESENT ABSENT Mr. 'Larry Reis, Chairman Mr. Wilby F. Anderson Mr. Curtis G. Barre Hr. Joseph C. Elliott Mrs. Rita Garvey Mrs. Matile Hendry Mrs. Jessica M. Kerr Hr. Walter A. Krick Mrs, Althea Andersen) Acting Librarian NI's. Johnie Hae Moore Hr. ,John Hurray Mr. Albert L. Rogers GUESTS t1rs. Larry Reis Hr. Reis called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM. Mrs. Garvey discunsed the meeting of the Friends of the Library 'on September 8) 1977. The Friends did not come to any definite decisi~ns at the meeting, The wording on the Ordinance by 'Initiative is not yet final, Some suggestions at the Friends' meeting regarding the library issue were sharing funding with the County) possibility of state construction grants, federal funding through a County grant agent, and possibility of the /l. l.-4- ' City of CIE'\arwater selling Starcrest site and usinB the money Uf('~QUq" J CtJ)""J-1f for Hain Library construction. HI's. Garvey mentioned the need m~~ ,,:;0 71' to contact our Congressman and pass iblc lobbying. 'l'he next 'C";)). Friends of the Libral'Y meeting Hill be September 21, 1~77, 7:30 PH at the Library. October 6, 1977, Hill be a Conunission me~ting at which the Library will bc'discussed. Mr. Reis began discussion of the letter from City Manager Tony Shoemaker requesting the Board's advise on options offered fOl" upgrading, library facilities. 11rs. Andersen stated that if the architects' contracts were ter~inated at this time, there \'lould be approximately $21J 3, () n 0 available for library funding. Regarding the option of revieHing alternative fundi~g sources) l1rs. Garvey stated that if this was ageresGively pursued~it,~o,-\J,d be beneficial; if delayed, it \IIould not be helpful at all. c:,:\)~, ctw tl':J IY'O(~I... HI's. Garvey made a motion that alternative funding. sources ShOuldr;Id'...Jm be aggressively pursued, but \IIithin a certain time frame so that ~ . it should not impede progress for adequate library service for Clear'water. Hotion was seconded hy r'fr's. Hendry and upproved unanimously.