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15 APRIL 1977
Mayor's Conference Room at City Hall
1:00 P.M. - 2:0~ P.M.
Hr. Larry Reis, Chairman Nrs. Jessica M. KepI'
Hr. Wilby Anderson'
Mr. Curtis Barre
Mrs. Rita Garvey
Mrs. Theresa Goss
Mrs. Matile Hendry
Mr. Walter Krick
,HI's. Johnie Hac Hoore
Hr. Albert L. 'Rogers,
Mrs. Althea Andersen, Acting Librarian
Mr. Charles Finton, interested citizen
Ms. Deanna Thompson, Clearwater Sun
Mr. David Smith, St. Petersburg Times
Mr. Reis called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M.
Mr. Rozers moved to approve the minutes of the Harch 18, 1977,'
Board meeting as submitted. 11rs. Hendry seconded ~he motion.
The motion was approved unanimously.
Mr. Anderson suggested an idea concerning the Librpry
Trust Accounts whereby letters could be addressed to legal
offices in Clean-later advising the procedure for handling
bequests to the Library. Mr. Anderson suggested that the
Friends of the Library might draft and address this letter
to Clearwater attorneys.
Mrs. Andersen discussed the Main Library's plan to open
from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays through the summer
months. Board members expressed their views in favor of the
summer Saturday opening. Mrs. Andersen noted that a request
had been submitted for an additional Children's Librarian
to help ease the strai~ on the Children's Department.
Mrs. Andersen reported on her request in the mid-~ear
budget review to open an east branch from the surplus funds
in the s~l~ry account. A request has also been submitted
for a co~puterized circulation system,~either outright
purchase or lease-purchase, for the ]977/78 Budget.
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Clearwater Public Librarv Board
Minutes of the Meeting April 15, 1977
Page 2
The Friends of the Library will be hav~ng their book
s~le on April 23, 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. ; April 24, 12:00 p.m.-
4:00 p.m.; April 25, 9:00 a.m. - 7:0n p.m.
Mr. Reis opened discussion on the proposal to the City
of Clearwater of Hr. William Blackburn. Hr. ~~ilby Anderson
submitted his letter to the Library Board concerning the
Blackburn library site proposal. (see enclosure). Upon
reviewing the letter of Hr. Anderson, the Board expressed
their agreement ",lith Mr. Anderson on this proposal for a
library site. Mrs. Moore feels that plans were set on the
present library site. Mrs. Garvey stated that money had
already been spent on plans of the present site. , The pre sent
site was also easily accessible to the par.k for various
library activities. Mr. Krick noted that enough time
possibly had not been spent in looking at the future problems
of the proposal as a library site~ The Board unanimously
,sees no merit in the Blackburn proposal for library site.
Mr. Reis discussed his concern on the distribution of
materials placed on the Hain Library counter. Several items
being left on the counter contained advertising for various
businesses, rather than non-profit community oriented
publications. After discussion on how much restriction
~~e Library could place on materials on the counter, it
was suggested that ,guidelines be established for material
distribution. Mr. Reis suggested that Mrs. Andersen
might contact the City Attorney as to regulations for
this materials distribution.
Mr. Reis discussed the fine support of the Library
by the Friends of the Library in the~r community efforts.
Nr. Anderson moved "to extend the Board's appreciation
and gratitude to the Friends for their contributing working
support of the Clear'vlater Public Library." Motion t'1as
seconded by Hr. Krick and approved unanimously.
Mrs. Garvey requested that Board members send a list
of personal friends to the Friends to be invited to the
May 19, 1977 Peanut Butter Buffet as guests of the
individual Board member.
Mr. Krick mentioned he had submitted an article to
the Island Estates Bulletin concerning the Library situation
which will appear in the next Bulletin issue.
Meeting was adjourned at 2:0n p.m.
Susan Doel, Secretary
18 April 1977
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30 Turner Street, Apt. 303
Clearwater, Florida 33516
April II!, 1977
Mr. Larry Reis, Chairman
and Members; Clearwater Public Library Board
Re: Blackburn Library site proposal
I am a bit dismayed that Mr. Blackburn would present what appears
to me as a poorly thought out proposal, and further as it develops,
reportedly involve a property owner \-Tho had to read about it in the
The property as I understand it fronts on Drew Street on the
north, Osceola on the west, Ft. Harrison on the east and on the south
by the northern line of the access drive to the Taylor property and
along an extension of that line eastward to its junction with
Fr. Harrison.
This represents an area 122 feet deep from Drew curb south and
357 feet from Osceola curb to Ft. Harrison's curb, for a total of
~~,530 square feet.
Employing the same street set back of 22 feet as exists and
planned for the current library site, and the side and back set-back
of 10 feet, there remains approximately 28,170 square feet for building
and parking. By comparison, plans for the lihrary on its present
site, including over 6,nnn square feet within the landscaped court,
encompasses about 31,300 square feet at grade level.
Reducing the available 28,170 square feet of the Blackburn
proposal by about the same 6,000 square feet for architecturally
pleasing treatment would 'leave about 22,000 square feet. Since pl~ns
provide for 60,000 square feet within the building, most of the
structure if east of Osceola would of necessity he 3 stories with:
1. No space remaining for parking
2. The necessity of removing three oaks in a line 66 feet
south of Drew curb.
To provide even limited parkine, it would need to go to four
stories of about 15,000 square feet each, by which we could gain about
5,000 square feet that would provide parking for only about 15 cars.
History over the twenty one years I have been in Clearwater does
not foster confidence if the present, library site was to give way to
a park that it would a1Hays remain such. So let's not tempt anyone.
Let r s exercise the Library's "squatters' rightsll by keeping it ItJhere
it is!'
Hilhy F. Anderson, I1cmhcr
Cleart>7ater Public Library Board