12/17/1976 ~~:~'_~.;<~'.> . , .~~ ;,..c<,:~, ".c' , '\:~." " : ' ~c :. . , . , . . , ,.' .. I'" . I..; ,'. .' , . ',' I . . ,. , , - -, - . . , . , . ,\ ' ' . . . j','" . n. ' ,~, \ . . ',. ~ . ..' :" '. . r ;c, _ ,'" :'....,;::~..:.;.:/~t:: LIBRARY BOARD . - . MINUTES DATE 1-~)~ ~s- ~. .. " ' ~f.'~f:. .~, . n . '.. . '" \') , CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY SOARP MINUTES OF THE MEETING 17 DECEMBER 1976 Mayorts Conference Room at City Hall 1:00 P.M. - 2:20 P.M. ..0 t;,~ , ' It \\. '\ { I 1 ) PRESENT ABSENT Hr. Larry Reis, Chairman Mr. Wilby Anderson Mr. Curtis Barre Mr. Walter A. Krick HI'S. Althea Andersen, Acting Librarian and Secretary Mrs. Rita Garvey Mrs. Theresa Goss Mrs. l1atilp. Hendry Mrs. Jessica Kerr HI'S. Johnie Hae Hoore Mrs. Audrey Patoui1let Mr. Albert Rogers The meeting was brought to order by Chairman Larry Reis . with ::the presentation of a letter from Mr. Wilby Anderson. In his letter, Hr. Anderson expressed his concern for the outside appearance of the design for the new library building, regarding structural design and color. Mr. Krick and Mr. Reis also expressed their concern for this outside appearance. It was suggested that possibly'another color could be considered. Mr. Krick pointed out that the Chamber of Commerce and the new library structure should compliment each other , in both color and structure. Mr. Anderson mentioned that he thought Mrs. Garvey also shared this opinion on the appearance of the proposed building, though Mrs. Garvey was not present at this meeting to express her view. A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, and seconded by Mr. Krick, that the architects be asked to present other approaches as to color of the exterior of the proposed library. The motion was approved with one dissenting vote. Mrs. Andersen distributed to the members for study a brochure prepared by the architects on the design development of the library. There was general discussion regarding questions proposed by the City Commission at the December IG~ 1976~ meeting on the presentation of the plans of the proposed library. Mrs. Andersen reported that the City Commission approved 'the plans with a vote of three in favor, two opposed. Mr. Krick mentioned his idea in favor of pouring a concrete foundation in the basement floor of the proposed new library, and allowing the elevator to lower to this basement level. The concrete floor would provide for future use of the basement area other than parking spaces. There was discussion on this matter. Mr. Reis pointed out that not providing for future use in this basement area would be limiting growth. t' i'~' ;, " Clearwater Public Library Board Minutes of the Neeting December 17, 1976 Page 2 Hr. Krick disagreed with the parking spaces fot' staff in the basement area of the proposed library on the basis that there would not be sufficient number of spaces for all staff members, and therefore, the space could be used for another purpose. Mrs. Andersen mentioned that the parking spaces could be limite9 to use by handicapped persons. Mr. Anderson noted that this use of the spaces would save the Coachman Park area from being cut into for parking. . The subject of gift funds was presented by Mrs. Andersen. She explained the original purpose for the establishment of these funds and their control. Mrs. Andersen reported that the funds have recently been frozen by the City of Clearwater Budget Manager, Mr. Jeff Butler, until a decision is made regarding with whom control of these funds should rest. There was discussion of putting limits and safeguards on purchases from this fund. Mr. Reis and Mrs. Andersen feel the use of the gift funds should be left to the Library Director's discretion. Mr. Anderson moved that liThe Library Board recognizes the responsibility of the Clearwater Budget Manager in control of funds, but the Board feels these funds to be used as supplement but not to replace the annual tax base support; and further, rather than chill potential giving for use in the Library, we should establish measures to insure the fund's integrity and means of providing new gifts." Mr. Barre seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Mr. Reis noted that by January, if the matter was not settled, perhaps Mr. Butler, Budget Manager, would be invited to the ne~t Board meeting. There was general discussion on the subject of the recommendation of Sunset Court being designated one way east to west. Neither Mrs. Andersen nor Mr. Reis has received reply to the memorandum sent to Mr. Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director.> Mr. Reis made a motion, seconded by Mr. Krick, to 'follOW up on this request if there is no reply by January Board meeting, by taking the matter to the City Manager. The motion was approved unanimously. Althea Andersen, Acting Secretary Encl. Letter to Chairman ,Larry Reis from l1r. Wilby Anderson 20 December 1976 j" "'c - I .] I \ 30 Turnor Street. Apt. 303 Oloaruator. Florida 33.516 Dec. 1.5. 1976 Hr. Larry Rai6, Chairman, Clea.rwater Libr:l.ry Foard 100 N. liercury Avo. Cloanm.ter. Fla. 33515 , '. f ~ ~ r,; "' " , ; !' Dear La.rry.' Re I L1 br:l.ry Plans for N. Osceola. r ': ,. " Hhlle my "lallc axe not oxpected to change plans, as a Library Board ~lembor~ I am obligato.: to express them. Thone;h hav1ne expressed he;'l.rty approval of the goneral conoopt, there is an area that loave~ mo quite disappointed. \10 can rnke light of the "loopy - T - loop'! :facade treatJllsnt on . Osceola. but to .me it sayo something, some points which am :rather important. It sayn for instance, "this 1s not a ochoal" It says too, "this is not a hospital" And rather emphatically, it says, .!thia is not a. :factory or industrial building. .. It says to tile observer, or to me at least, "1-londer what that bulldinrr is?" f' ~\ , 'i :.~ " ~ ,. ~ F ~ ; (: 7, , i This is something the architect's rendition as lie viewed December 9th. did not say to me. Instead. they convoyed to me the feeling 1 t tnight well 'be a school of sOJUe few years ago in the north. an industr1aJ. buUding or a clean fac.tory, SOIn(l.th1ng apprtlaching common place. It 'Was not something exciting, and stirring me to stop, to study. and to mrvel at its lines and beauty. Add to this the prollosed brown (or tan) brick, per samples shown seemd to streng-~hon this unfortunate 1mp:reoslon. The light, air.'f shades o:f the a.d.joiniJlg Cmaber of' Commerce Building and its iIr.a.ginaUve lineD wul by contront oervo to JnaJte the L1 bra.ry building appear the JJlore drab, I' m afraid. If' we are to continue the direction as preoelltad, I am concerned that our Library Board and the citizens of the Oleanmter community will come to :t'eel"-fallen ahori 01' oomething wtiqualy ooauU.ful. "vJ (111/ C Ln.r:ry, I have studied and :reotudiod these thought::; as to hOlf they rlight be expressed more object.1vely, less cr! t1cally 111 thout losing the poln:t; to l:e conveyed, but just can't seem to bring it a.boutl so my s1n~ apologies to anyone my 1'Omarks might of :fend. " , 1 ! I. ': ;. .., ;. I~ I, " t. " \. or .' ~\ , '.:: .' [:: :' ~. .. Sincerely, l~~ : ~ UUby Anderson " " , " ~: