11/17/1976 - Special
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17 UOVEHBER 1976
Director I s Office at I'lain Library
s:on P.IL - 5:5l1 P.H.
Mr. Larry Reis, Chairman
Hr. "Wilby r. Anderson
Mrs.. Rita Garvey
Hrs. f1ati1e llend~y
Mr. Walter A~ Krick
Hrs. Johnie r1ae Moore
Mr. Albert L. Rogers
HI's. Althea Andet'sen, Acting Director and 'Secretary
Mr. Curtis G. Barre
Mrs. Theresa Goss
Mrs~ Jessica M. Kerr
Mrs. Audrey Patouillet
Mr.' Frank Mudano, Architect
Mr. James Jennewein, Architect
Hr. Dan Masters, Architect
Mr. Jim Parl~er, Greater Clearwater Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Joe Stebbins, Clearwater Sun
The meeting was broue;ht to order by Chairman
Larry Reis at 5:00 P.M. Mr. James Jennewein opened
the meeting \-lith an explanation of the design concept
for the new main library. Mr. Jennewein emphasized
the fact that the plans \>1ere not to ShOH details in
elevation and interior layout at this time, only the
basic concept of the structure itself.
Discussion included concern for the preservation
of trees on the site. Hr.'Jcnne\-lein confirmed that the
major trees 'in the surroundine area would be preserved.
Mr. Reis questioned the elevation difference between
the new main library structure and the ramp into the
area proposed for the children's room (existing structure
being retained).
ttrs. HendI'y questioned the pesi tion of the balcony
in relation to the west view. Hr. Jennewein responded
that the exact position'of windows and balcony view at
this time were not definite, but that every advantage
of the view would be considered.
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Clearwater Public Librarv Board
Hinutes of the Special 'Heeting, llovernlJcr 17, 1()76
Page 2
" lIr. Rcis asked Nrs. ^ndersen if the p.t'opoGcd
structure \l1Ould provide 'vlorkable practical control'.
Ht's. Andersen stater! that 'the staff has Gtudied
the proposal and has agreed to its workability.
A qucstion reBa~ding how much of the present
structure would be retained was posed by Mr. Anderson.
Hr. Jennevrein stated that all of ,the old building
and approxim~tely 10 ft. of the 19G2 structure would
be completely removed.
Hr. Krick questioned \;'7hether the exterior t'lould
be adequately planned so that the ' community' ...1ill view,
it favorably in the future. Hr. Jennewein noted that,
the" appearance of the old section Hould be modified
to comply with the neH structure's appearance and
would be an asset to the community.
Mr. Reis had to depart early) express1ng his
support of the ,design concept, and thanked the
architects for'bringing the design concept before
the Board.
Mrs. Hendry asked if the three floor concept had
not been designed, wh~t would the plan be for the
structure. Hr. Jennet-lein replied that a one floor
structure would not eive the necessary footage required,
and would cover more ground, removing more trees.
There would also be the absence of the court in the
center of the structure.
Emphasis was placed on the value of keeping the
entire library operating during the construction of
the new building.
As the questioning was exhausted, Mr. Anderson
asked the Board to make a motion to support the design
concept. Hr. Rogers marie the motion \-lhich was seconded
by Mrs. Hendry. The votc carried all in favor of the
propos.ed design.
111'. Jennewein stated that detailed plans would be
presented in approximately three weeks. Meeting was
adjourned at 5:50 P.M. by Mr. Anderson.
Althea Andersen, Acting Secretary
18 November 1976