07/16/1976 ;l%P::.1 '::" !,o ;:,;'( 'J,:' "" '. " . . :.: ~:. 1 . ' , . < ...' .~ . . ' , , . , , '." .. ,"". ~ \.~>.'.:. ::' .' ". . .."",1:': c '..' . , , .' , \-1' ~. , ".' . ~~ :::. \. :' > ': '. c.. ....: j . \1 .",.~ .,' ..' c . :. ,~ . '. , ''"\ '. '. ,. ;: t'" .... . t.', . .:", ,..J >.. < . . ',I' ~~~ '.' ~ l. < & "'~: . . . !.:},:.;',.. ' , " ~;, I' ~ I' . .'! I. .' ;,' .' '. . , ' ~ > ,. ,'", . '. .' . . , .. . . . .." .-:' <~\~; ", {,.,.. ;,' :.:::':,.t1:.y' '< . , LIBRA'RY BOARD, , ., " MINUTES DATE ';..u,~ 4/'1. ,(, f- /Ir/ ;....f. .. ." ~ ;: .:;~ .~;:~:j ;~~.. ~.,~ 11".' 1..< ',' / CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD HINUTES OF THE MEETING OF 16 JULY 1976 Mayor's Conference Room at City Hall 1:00 P.M. - 2:30 P.M. PRESENT ABSENT Mr. Larry Reis, Chairman Mr. Curtis Barre Ms. Rita Garvey Ms. Matile Hendrv Ms. Johnie Mae Moore Mr. Elliott Hardaway, Director and Secretary Mr. Wilby Anderson Ms. Theresa Goss Ms. Jessica Kerr Mr. Walter A. Krick Ms. Audrey Patouillet Mr. Albert L. Rogers ALSO PRESENT Mr. Joe Stebbins, Clearwater Sun Mr. Picot Floyd, City Manager-aropped in for short time Mr. Norman Bowles, interested citizen 1. Mr. Reis raised the question of Board's action on limiting number of consecutive terms a member could serve. The Board's By-Laws limit this to two and the Board has recommended to the City Commission that this provision be included in the new city charter. 2. Mr. Reis reported that the committee appointed to discuss staff needs with the City Manager had met and would seek meeting with the City Manager as soon as the entire Committee membership could be called together. 3. Mr. Reis reported that he had sent the City Manager a copy of the relevant section from the book, The Library Trustee, on selection of a librarian. 4. Mr. Picot Floyd, the C~ty Manager, joined the group for a short time and there was a wide-ranging discussion on various aspects of the Clearwater Library situation-- possibility of a professional. user survey, a bond issue for a new building, and the matter of a new director. 5. Mr. Norman Bowles, an interested citizen and library user joined the session and asked various questions about library needs and pOlicies. Elliott Hardaway, Secretary 20 July 1976 Encl. ,~ j , ' t' '.. .:.;, ;I'!"'''~"",. '.,. // . '. J iJrlC ~:Gi } 9.7 (, To From Libr:J.ry lJOa1?d Larrj' Re1.p,.' You mn;'{ be illtorcl~teti in thr:'\se t....t1Jlctl from the FJ.or5.(l~. J.:iJ']'o':l.ry Study Commission':J I';,:lJ~ch, 19'72, 'L'0ports. Also incluucll :Ll'(! some figures compiled by our lil>rary staff. ~lhe Commission surveys were, I believe, sta. tewl<1e. Frequency of Visjts to Library: Once a v,eelc OJ.' more often I<1ore than once a 1l1onth . Nonthly , More than once a year Iless than once a yea:e 22.4, per cent 21.0 26.8 21.0 B.8 I' Distance Traveled to Id.lJrary 'Less than one mila One to three miles Three to five milGs ,Ove!.' five miles 24.2 per cent 27. T 20.0 18.1 . : \. Purpooe df Library Trip Hade other ,"stop" be1.'ore J.ibra1.'Y I,Iade other ':!stopll after Ij.brarjf YCG '39:'6 'pCI' c(.mt 41.'9 ' .Ho' ~).l,; pen' [~(~'I1'I; ".., l ; 'I j:. . t.' Heason for Visit to Li bra.r:( Check ou"t books Return booJ.:s To bro\'Jse To study Other 78.0 PC:l' cent. 59.6 29.2 ;.i2. ) 11.0 ThEJ staff compilod these fic;ureo so \'/e \'/oulc1 kno\'1 \-/e lool~ ':!hen measured by ALA Standards: Stuff, one per 2000 population Seats, ;'5 pcr 1000 5,1'1 the' system Books, 3 perpersnn SpRce, .5 to .6 sq. ft."per pernon Should have 41 full time 2~,O 246,000 41,000-"9,000 Do hnve: 25.5 196 J.t)2,000 2 ';. i? c.~ ,. n;J,U...U , . "I. '.~ . ,... ,". BY VIHGINIA G, YOUNG r II U ~ T I: E II 1< I. ,\ T I Basis for l'lllpln)'. appro\'('d MlIIln'~ 01 professiull" 1 jllIhlll'll and rdenml'I'S 01' I evaluated h)' lIu' h hoard illvil.' a cam IMY all UI' pari of IIIl' Thl' filial dl'dsilll sum.! and prof,'ssiul lihrarian who will h COlllpl'l iliclII is k. larl)' lunong Iillrari. thelllsdvl'S at a disl larger illStilllliolls. . which favor lhe s professional hlwkgr ing II slllull, jlrogr dcpartlllt'lItal ussi~1 load is Iighll'l' thull ligc of a Iihl'llriall i complex li\'illg COli all uges. In mnplo)'ing II spollsillility: In filiI dOllt', tIll! w(.lfal'll m Chapter Six Trllstee RelatiollS11ips witll Libraria11 al1d Staff H lH.IA:-': IIE1.,\TlOl'o:SlIl 1':; dl~t(,!"lIIiJll! tilL' illllCI' dimatu of the Iibl'llr}'. amI if those rdaliollships lII'l! 1'0 I'lli a I awl \lIIderslaluling, the climate will be liS wanll ami pll'asallt as a 111Ht' day, Chi..r lI11101lg thcse rt'laliunships, bl'(,llIlSt: of ils l'Il'ed Oil lIlt' Iihrary's O\'l'ntll ad. minislralion, is Ihal Ill't\\'ccn Ihe.' Iihrary hmlld amI Ihl! Iillmrian, Policj~s drawII hy the lihrary hoard dl'lil\t-'llh~ tIll' eomlililllls of 1111' Iihl'al')"s opl'rulioll; tlw 1ihmdulI l'hnSI'1I hy till! hoard cardl's nul 1111'SI' policies, It is for this reason thai Ihe IJlhll'll's dnlil's of pn1i(')' \Ilakill~ alld 1!lIlpIO)'lIICIlI of 1I lihraritlll arc al\\'ays sllowll liS of I'qllal amI II~ad- ill~ irnportlllH:l~ ill all}' Iisl Ill' lrush'l! rl'spoll!>ibililil'S. ElIlplu)'lllcnl of II Lihrariun 01lce empluYI'd, II board's solid SlIl'PU !i01l. Dl'dsioll'> of universlllly popuhu l'Ullstll1l1 dil'l'l'l l,() drawill~ Ihl' l'rilic:i should al all lhlll hl'llrillll's adlllilli~11 "frel'dlllll 10 \'l'ad," Ubl'Llr)' aud Jluhlic, its policy 011 illlt'1I out lhis pulie}'. Sinl:c C\;l'ry Iihrary hoard Ilutundly \\'blll's III l'lIIplny 11ll' hl'!>1 lalt'lll u\'nilahle lu dil'l'c:llbe library, l',Il'C ami Ibuugbl 1II11s1 Ill' lakl'lI ill filling Ihe post. The Hrst slL!(l !>hould he II \'l'alislic appraisal of IIIl! !>illlatiull: whal pllrlkulllr qlllllilknliolls IIl'e \'l'qnil'l!d ill Ih.' Iihl'lll'iall, nud \\'bal Ihe Ilhl'ury l'IUI offer Ihl! Iihl'UriUll, Consnltation with till! stall' Iibmry i.. hdpful here, pl'rhaps ussislillg till' hoard to adjll!>t its reqnil't'lIll'lIb Ul' 10 provide lItldiliona I [lI<hWt'lLLl!llls 10 pruspl!d i "l' ('all<lidllll'S. 36 ~: '. .. 'It ~ ~ The f,ihr....Y 'I'rll,\":.' \lnnk ,eI.d 'nn ",,,I I'm'" m'" " 'n' ..."" hl~ " """,Ii "" ,,'""', h'" \. h," w.e.. II'"'''''''' "...I I" ,,,ut "..,I I",' W' '.," lih"")' ,,,,.1 I'" hlie, '\'I ,,' lih"";'''' Ims " ...~hl 'n .s I",d ,h,' ,..,.....1 'n ,I,,,w "I' I,n\i.,y cn""..... ~ ,hi' Heh 1. "", h.& I.. I "n." I ~"I \l'n.1 ,..,.." ,h.' l n.... '1"" In y. ",,,I ,,,,,..I. ""Is ~n.,'rui..& hno b "...1 nl h." \ih' ,,,)' 0'" "";,,Is I.. h.. ..,h Icd ,.. ll,,' lih"")' colkelio". \ ...1;.i.l..nl .ol",,""s "...1 n .."" so ,I... 'h "I ."" \ I'"'' ell."cll w,'h'" ,h.. ,.".." ..I' s.... h I",licy ,,'c ,I... ,'I' '1"11I ,ihi1i l Y 01 ,\ ,,' \,h....,,"'" "".I " '....1 ..cd. coml'"'....' Ii I "",I"" "'I",cls .,.. 'u O' h"" I""'" s.,,,"ct '0" ,..,.I I""clo"" ;"nho,,1 1",...Ie,"""'" ,\ "y '1 ...,Sl'III" .., c,n', els"" """"g shn"ld he d,se""c.1 I,c' w""" Ii h,m""" 1"..1 I "m,,1 ,,' " 1,,\\ I ",,,,,I "...cl' ,,~, ""l' .I.cis'o" """II'. wnll i" \I", 1',,,"""""" ..I ,lIe '0,,,1 lihm'y t',o~n"'" I 'l' I h. "m jo,n)' ..I s"..h \I ....,,,Ii"~ ,h"" '" he ....""I. IIIO"S\)' '''\'1''''''''.1 I.)' h.,.."d """"h,," '''&''''\\.'' .., 1",,,..,,,,ln I.'s \.., \'O\VCl\. The iii""""" h." " ,'gh' '0 "'I ",d " (flOC 10",,1 (,m.. ,'I" \,,,,,,,1 I.. ".Imi.." wrl,,& ,I". I'hr"'y "I"'''' \I....s' As shoW" I,)' ,I", cI"'" ..I ......' \1" ".h II' .I"lics ... ul 'C'l'o..slh' Ii' ks 0\ 1..,,11.1 u m\ l,h,ur;."1 ,.. CI ". \.h" Two, iI's ,1.1' \\I,,,,,'''';' ""lIOns Ih'li' Y '0 i ",,'r. ;"w, ...'1'011I....'..1\, "..d e'''I,I..\, ll", ",,\1 01 I h" lih,"'y, ..,,,I '" "'l'e,.I>I' ,hell' work, ,\ 1 'h",r;.'" lhe,clo'c c"" 1""I",rl)' 1"1"'1','0 \sill"'" wnh ,hI' h",,,,.1 ".&""I;"g 'I"'''' "\I.ltC,$ ,1,0..1.1 il 1..,,"11I" ,\\'c,,,,,,,)'. bill 111 c"n)' 1111' ll\\' ,11 1",r.'SC"Y ,,1111 ,,,llIllnlsl n.li VI' wor" wit hnll' \",<,h"'''''''c "I' Ihc \ ..mrd ,,,' 1111)' 11\ Its n,clI.bc". 'fhc eI ,,"" pi" ,"ly ,h1l'" 11"., lh.. l w1l IbIs 11\ .llIli." "...1 ,CS\",",\lI'\I\\'" "'" \11 n"'"Y w"y' 1,,,,,,\1.,1, bill .I.. nlll 11.",1,,1" ..lid I'rubu"ly .1I0r" 11111'",,,1 Ili,coIlI 'I',illgs (rll" I o...rIIlISY ,nlS'cc, 1\1 Inmr.1s ,,,,cd cl';ng wi ,h I hI' \il 11",;\1 11' , .lin'c'llIlI ,,( I h" \n. ra'y "",I """ than holH any other :iOllrc~. TI\\' \..,,"1\ " e1mr gcd wilh 1111' r'''I,,",,'hl\l1 I' 01 \11.\\\,,,,,;11& Ih.. j1l\' sl" ,d\lc" "",,, \lnd ,\II"..)' ,""II' lor 1iI1I"')' ,1\I'l 1II,,"lhcl's. 0"1''' I hc'c "I''' "1;"lllCII by 'he "",,,,,- lhc sll' II 1,,1S1t ,,,I" "lid I"clr 1111",,,\\"'11" \I," '''I'.'r,,'scll by ,\ \\' Ii h\'lI\'\lII', "",I el)HIIII"";e,, I".., bd WI ,,'11 ""..rd '""\ ,,,.Il\s 1"'0\",,1)' 1'",,1...1 011 11"",,~h Ih< \i\II""""' Sholllr\ .\1",,\\,1\11'\\01' ",l'C II",,\II~ ll", 111',,,,,,,,,,1. \1".1 IIlc",h"" III II", """nl "'" ,\1,,01,1 h "11\m."ch".1 '0 illlc,..'II", ,I", nl"It'" ,hllll \ll Ii,sl hI' brollgh' In ,I;e IIl1CII\\.II' nl ,hI' \lllIlIr'''". L" ,,'r il .1\11\' \... ,,,'I''''''\\'C IlIr I boo IImltcr '" .'11.11" "1' I or . \I ,cllSS '" 11 1..,lon. II [II \I' ..\\,"'1"& 111 Ii... hnlll,.I, wilb '1... Ii \ 11I11\1"': ,\ 11 ~ lI,h..r IId\1I11 hy o,'cr,,'" 1,"" I ..,,,,.I "...".\"',, "ill ""d..r, '"\ III' 1\11' \lb\'lll '.11" ",,'ho,il Y 111,,1 1"..b",,11' \>\,0'\"1''' 11", ",.h,ll'llI 'CSlI\l of oI'I""illg l"clin'IS ,....I ! "'111',\1 I .\iso,~",,11'''''''" "ilhl" Ihe \i. un\\')" 3~ '\' uti S '1' \: I,; l\ \: 1, Pn,tcclilln or \ is (\ ('leal' oh\iv,'.\ \: llJ\.\llC,a\ :.upplll' as!>lIdatio\lS, anl to cOUlIt Ull till' buoks IIl1l\ periu the \i.hm\'i\\\\ wi\ \ibrariaus lilld th \i bra ry \Iii" H\ ~l'\\ tin: HCildy i1l1pOS opportunity (ur !>\\o\\\(\ \Ie l\S:iurl: ShulIh\ l\llolh the \ihm\'\;U" lh \ibra.-ian ilkllll he becUlI\Cs' \\ be free tu ml Iinanda\ slatu \V\ml has librudan" is S looKS to \hc which creati Whul '\'opnotd1 \? moving \ib libn\fiUll, n these cSpc There i upon Ihe '}ibrury W neel' {ut' tlel1mnd. siona\ uh enough hm\rd 11 hot\rd. tions\\iI 'The fir!! 'I'rush'(' art'a, hoth pnhlie, TIll' cy cm'pring nml stand. Idl'd to the d nnt\ pur- lllit)' uf tIlt' )Illhu:t hook JlS or crill. nrtInt a full of the total d he unnlli. ona1itit'!; in- It(' hoard ill Il\rt of l'OI1l' in Clmph'.. l1flH'ml. amI . A lihrnrillll llnling \ht'SI~ Sl1pt'r\'lsory nl or 1\11\' of r dutit's nut! \'('f Ia p, umI trllslt't'S or an' ulHl stuff ving tll(' joh IICl' tlll'se nrP 1Il1l1ll'lIts art' II hoanl llml IssatisFaetioll aw din'ctly mght to Ihl! the maUl'r to mi. with tht' s will lmdt'r- tll(.' 1I1lhapp~' II withill tht' rill'S T Fe I: 1\ I: I. ,\ TIn S S II I l':-' 3!J I Protecliou 111' lhe lihrarian's prorl'ssiOllal slal1din~ allll :uh'aIlCenll'llt i~ a dl'ar IIhli~;'tillll of till' hoard. III addition 10 I'Jlcoura~t'lIH'llt allll finauda\ support for IIlI'll1'u'rship ill tll!' statl' lIml r1aHolla\ proft'ssional assodations, and attl'lldalH'l' at IIw('lillgS. Iht' lihrariall should he ahle In (.'OIl11t 011 timp 10 rt'ad ill ordt'r to stn\' eOl1\'l'rsnnt with trl'lIlls in books'lIl1d pl'rjodicals. II is takt'n for grn;ll('(l hy the communit)' that thc Iibrnriall will nSSlIll1l' a Il'adillg I'lact' in l'tlllunllllfl'airs, hilt IJIllIlY Ilbmriulls Oml tht'II1Sl'hl.'s so IlC)~~l'd down In, hOllsl'kt'epillg aSI)l'l'ls tlf librnry l11aJlll~t'nwnt thai lhe proft'sslonal sllllldllI'Cls of lihrnrinmhip llrr l1l'flr1y imJ1ossihlt, to lIlaintain. Prolectioll of IIIl' lihrarinll'!i lime llllll opportunity for lhis illlportalll St'~UH'lIt of professional ndmIH:cllllml should 1)(' nssllI'ed hv thl' hourd, Shollld anollll'r I;ost orferill~ professional ndvllnct'lIlcnt be tCIllI('f('d thl' librarian, till' hoard should he ('nlirelr willing 10 Ct)opernhl. Oftt'n a librarian ith'utilit's ~l) cOlllpletely wilh a lihrnry allll a <:OllllllllllHy thai he hCC'lllllt'S a permanent r{'sidl'1l1 hy dlOice, hul l'\'l'r~' Iihrnrian IIll1<;1 bl' r ree 10 Ulo\'e on at an~' li II II' toward illlpl'l)\'I'(l pl'Ofl'!isilllllll IInd Rl1audal slatus. What has hl't'n li~htIJearh'dl~' ll'l'lll('d "!Ill~ caw lint! f('e(ling of a librarian" b sqllan'ly tip tll lI11' lihrary hoard. TIlt' lihrariall llt.cessnrily looks to till' hoard to pro\'it!f' un t'lI\'il'Onllll'nt of Iihrary npl'flltillll ill which creative IihrariallShip l'.l\l flourish, What Ihe BUlInl Should Expt'cl ~ !i ,\ ~ r( ~ ~ [. g ~ Topnotch proft'ssinlll1llll'rforlllalll't" lwrsonal in\t'grit)'. nlld fI forward. tlHl\'ing lihn\t')' pm!-';l':\m \\rt~ MHI~hl hy {'wry hoard in l~ppllinlilt~ n Iilll ;Irian. and ('wry lihrariall worthy of IIw WUItt' is prepared to IllI'I'! tlll'SL'I'\IH'('tatiolls. . Th!'n' is allotlwl' It'gitilllall' elaim wllkh IlIe hoard should makt! UpOll thl' lihrariall: 10 \n' tlw ho,ml's "Opl'll door" inlo tllO pro!t'ssiolllll lihral'\' \\'orld. SUlIlI'lillH'S a lihrary board is \Iol sllffidt'llllv n lert to its IIl'l't1 "for ('dnealitlll ill dl'\'l'loPllll';ltS ill the Ii II I'll 1')' worldlO make this Lk'malllL SOl111'\;n\l's till' \ihrmian dot'~ not hlU)' rt'cu!!,Hi'l.n this profes. \ional ohligation to thl' hoartlllll'llllll'rs, alllI cOllsl''lIlC'lllly docs 1I0t tlo l'lIough 10 illll'mllll'C' trllslt't'S to tIll' Iihrary's problems, nor kl'op the hn,ml pl'Opl'rly illfornll'(1. )'t't ,~lIl'h all 1':\lwdalioll Oil the part of tll(' board. I'lIlli1ll'd h~' IIII' Iihral'iall, is atl i11lpli(.it pari of any valid T<'Iao tillllshiplll't\\'I'I't1tl'lIstl'l'S alllllihrarian, Tilt' \\'01\'<; ill whieh tll\' lihrarillll call II11'cot 111 is ('xp('dnlioll art'