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18 JUNE 1976
Mayor's Conference Room at City Hall
1:00 P.M. - 2:15 P.M.
Mr. Larry Reis, Chairman Mr. .Frank De Loache,
Mr. Wilby Anderson: St. Petersburg Times
Mr. Curtis Barre Ms. Linda Parker,
Ms. Rita Garvey Clearwater Sun
Ms. Theresa Goss
Ms. Matile Hendry
Ms. Jessica Kerr
Mr. Walter A. Krick
Ms. Johnie Mae Moore
Ms. Audrey Patouillet
Mr. Albert L. Rogers
Mr. Elliott Hardaway, Director and Secretary
1. "Mr. Hardaway read Hr. PaI'oby's memorandum of
\ June 15,1976, asking for the Board's ucomments
and recommendation on possible acquisition of
the Professional Building property for use as a
library." Copies of the library consultant's
report on the building were distributed. Mr. Reis
moved that copies of the consultant's report be
sent to the members of the City Commission. Motion
seconded by Ms. Hendry and passed unanimously.
Mr. Anderson moved the following resolution in
reply to Mr. Paroby's request:
"The Board is keenly appreciative of the City's
effort to bring improvement to the Library's
building needs. But Mr. Wallis' report strongly
supports the Board's feeling that the Professional
Building has many of the same weaknesses as
the present library building. In view of the
still questionable ability of the floors to carry
library loads, the fact that the building is not
designed for specialized library needs and that
a much larger staff would be needed to operate
a library in the Professional Building, it is the
conclusion of the Library Board that the Professional
Building is not a suitable solution to Clearwater's
library building needs."
The motion was seconded by Mr. Rogers and passed unanimOUSly.
t~:.'f~""~'i .:' .' > >
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.\ ,,:'
Clearwater Public Library Board
Minutes of the Meeting of June 18, 1976
Page 2
2. Mr. Hardaway read a copy of a memorandum of
May 21, 1976, from Mr. Tony Shoemaker asking
for the Board's feeling on the inclusion of a
branch library in whatever facility the City would
place on the proposed property purchase at Drew
and Belcher. There was a view put forth that the
question of a branch location could not be answered
until the location of a central library was settled,
and further that the nature of the facility to be
placed on the Drew-Belchar site would affect the
decision as to whether or not a branch library should
be included there. After some discussion on the
matter, Mr. Anderson moved a resolution that "based
on present information the Board believes the Starcrest
site preferable for a branch library but would welcome
additional information on the proposed Drew-Belcher
site. The central library, however, is the Board's
primary concern." Ms. Patouillet seconded the
motion which carried unanimously.
3. Mr. Reis asked Mr. Hardaway to speak to the need of
additional library staff to maintain the current level
of service and the current opening hours of the library. '
Three pieces of material were distributed--a record of
staff size and new position from 1970/71 to date; a
sample door count of persons entering the Library for
one week in November of 1973, 1974 and 1975; and a
record of growth in the Libraryls circulation, reference
service and children's service from 1971/72 to 1974/75.
. There was discussion as to the number of staff required
to man anyone service point, the lack of personnel to
cover periods of sick l~ave, vacation and emergencies.
The Board's special committee on staff will meet to
study the material and the request.
4. Mr. Reis opened the subject of recruiting a new Director.
There was discussion as to the Board's participation in
the process. Mr. Hardaway strongly urged that equal
consideration be given to present Library staff as will
be given to other applicants.
5. It was agreed that there would be a July meeting in
view of the library matters requiring prompt attention.
Elliott Hardaway, Secretary
22 June 1976
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Uovetnbur 10, 1975
0(".. 29 -liov. 3, l~ 73
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Nontlay 14Gl~l
Tuesday II'./. 0
vl~~dnesday 328
'l'hut'uJd)' 319
F'r,iday 315
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Average 38()
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SELECT!:11 CiHO\'r1'1l STAlIS'l Tl:S
,CLE^n!'/;\TER Pllnl.lC I.IBHARY
-."" ... ---_..~.... .. -.... -..". ._--"
~~.Y_.~ .S-,_.1Y?b
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, .
!~ !:."!fR)l!~,~m )_.J~:C r,t.!~'i~
. Unit.; CirculatcLl
1972/7 '3
1 !>73/71J
262 ,()g~l
t 5
+ 15
. Reference Questions
13,372 .
+ 33
+ IJ (I
Persons' Attending
Programs, Childrcns
:\ ) 92(,
..j.. 5.1
+ 50
+ 28
* Service began ~Iarch 1972 -- stntistic5
for thili risenl yellr hased on ostimLlte
for entire yenr (Hctllal totnl) ~larch --
~cpt(:mhcr. I:Y 71/1 = .\.27tl)
~< ~ ..,.. .
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.~l:!:/) FOil lIl)li IT 10:-;1\), I" 11..S0~:: :U.
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~-.lfl:J,I~))\ .f:~ ~lli~ l}J?!.!!~/~v~"ntJ_:j~r-(!
The 1 :'; Vl; "'C.11'S hnvc :;ecn pu rhaps the mosT; 1.11':1::;:1 t ic
cl. lora~ ".,:1 "II~' 1 ,,;lOplllcllt !"of publil.: $crvic..'t.' -- bot:l in t~'IH~ al1~!
SCllP'''.'': l' the :1>.t01'Y of Clt..:ar\~:ltcrls Puhlic 1,'.',1':1\'\.. . rom ,1. ~;t:l((
or t\\'el'Ju p:JI"nprofussional ap! cterIcal l~cllcra1.' '.!'L' ",/:;t(,':. 110\'
crnpllq.'s SOllie ~,:!.'lltY-Sl'Vl!l1 pn,"o..lSSillll.:!',. par;lpl'lll..':.;" .'...ls. etel'~,,'
,IOJ ;,ages :It l.)w wain IjlJrar)' and its tHO In';l[l~~hcs, (,' ..'rill!~ S[ll't:l:, I ~
i~cd assistance I') the public.in tIlL' arC:l~ ur L"il'CIlLltlnrl, I'C\\'l"":ICL'j
aUlllt sCl'vic<:'s. chi Idl'cn/youllg .Hlult services, tQL:Lllical pl'Ol.~t.., ',.:llg,
extunsi.on services .nul adrnillistl'lltiol1,
As the library has elahorntud each He!" !ierv:ic' fllnt:tj(lll.
thc city hilS hired olle to LI.n ill'ofcssiolHll st:lrc IllellllH~I'S to \',,\,(.!]ol'
lhL'Sl'I'vicc in depth, 1/\ hUlh lhu direct public cOlltact fllllC:ltilli; (1I\lJ~I\"!I",
'\"\J\'\\""ll;"~I..q(l!.."'lt"'~ . I'... . . . , 1 .
,., ~".'w...;-_-7'''''' P~'Oc,~ssl.nf" ,llllllnlstratl~n. acqul~Jtlo11S! 1..1(.' r(,~~IL~llll,:
level of qua It)' scrVlC~' tu the publlC has lUlL only' .unproved \:,XlstJI!"
patnll\sl opiutul\s 01" :;crvice'('or many citizens !,'lw have lll!VC1' b(.'foI'I..',
ll!>cJ.'uk .I~~, l I . I' II J.J"
1'1. "II ,....~\\')o(,.H~1 ~ lh.... ,J/f'.d) AI, '(':'1. p"'IL..., ';('\0"".
TilL' Lll....vitalde I'C511lt of successful .in~c:;'; to a llulJlic
, ,
service is, of course. COlltillllt:d and illL:l't:asctl 1l$1J I;' that ~il:J'\"'~l;,
P:lt'ticllLll'ly ill tIll.' direct puhlic s~rvj~'1.' :lI'C:l:l, CIcal'hatl.,!rt~; ~ ,:l,':!l'\'
is fast aPPJ'o~H:llillJ: iJ satllJ'atinl\ !Willt, the elld rcsult oC \~hil.:h ~all I,l.:
(:",1y a.decli/le 1.1 the <!twlity of lihrary 5cI'vicc upon Hhil.'hCleal"":tt\'l"S
c1 ti ZellS 1t,Ive cowe to dcpclld ilnd Nil i l..'h tlwy havu uvcry l' i ~:h c tu e.xpc~' t ,
A level or :it.d.t'illl~ SlIrndL'Itl to (...l:ihol'.Jtl~, dcv(d.,p, atld tnlLiall)'
llllblici~t' a puh! iI.' ~l.:('vit;c -~ 114l1'ticlll<11'ly Olle.... as puplllar .IS thu<;'J.
off'crcu by till.' I illl'ul'Y rHlV':': pl'lIved to he -- lJcl~nlllc'" jJlt:J'L:;t~;illgl)' ill-
alllHluatc to suslaill qllill it}' :;\:I'vice tiS the dellllJlld 1'01' :.;crvjc(.! illCl'..::\:>t'S,
Erf'o/'t:; to lIHI.\imize cl:ollomical ""IfI:I!~ClUcllt or the lilll':JI'Y
u.;:partlnclIt have prccl'id....tf a~ir,ing fOI' lIe\.... 11I.'l'SOlllWI unlil :Ihsollllcly
lleo.:c~su! ,', \~h"'~1I such l'cqUl!Sl:> i\ 1'1." madc) hO\\'cvcr, it i:> l.'sSt'lItLI! t)J;1 t
tll'";>, he )~l'allll'J \Vilh all Ihw ha~l -- lint tu expall,l, hilt tricl'l'ly to W:P'.,.
t;1~1l lhu lihl'''Lry at :111 :lrl'\~pLal"e level. Into till.! hllll:',l ',II'Y l'lJqtl('St
for thc l.:UI'/'Cllt fisl',.1 yeLlI' (1~)7!j-7h) the I.ihl':!r)' nil'l.~l't.lll' included
j,'llds to hil'c OIlL' additional lihrarian for 1'L'i\'l'l.'lIcc/adlllt ";I,'rvh~us, one
~ I: ..
~.~L ':'. . C' .
,::1' I
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^ \'" "I)Jot to lIlt,. I.i h J' n ry . Boa rd
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chilJn,'/l/YOWI;: .adult .scl'vh~~s Jibl'ari:J/l, aud Dill.) Ii! 1';IJ'~' tt:," ';d~111t :1:,,1
0111.' rll,;I'k-typi~;l for the cin'ulation divi$ioll, TIll' ('lty dl'lLU!d thv~l"
I".J~' 1 r l <IllS Oll tlu.: fHIS is t1w tit II id /lor Iwvc fWHI', ~..1 (',I!land ~;I.' I'V i L;t::; , ,
alt1wugh till.; tlil'cCtOI' had stilted in lIi!-i initial blld}~ct;JI'~' r0quc~t tILl!.
thc lh):dt lullS ill question would maitltain alld ';..t ~',Xfl;lIId 1 UJr;u'l' :", ~ ; ,:t::; ,
l)llrill~~ tlte llliJ-}"cur buJ~),l:tal~Y l'cvie\i hClIl'ill}',S the I . ~v ihl'or~,,:d 1;,1
Ji ru..:tol' that it ]Ia.] sllrt'idel~l fUllu!-i to hiru OIH' !.;,!'al'Y i1S.:ilSt.li\~ ~'Ol'
tll~ J'('I'l;\illd.cr 01' tllu hudget ycal', The olhcl' b;IJl~' Iluctlcd pu:;iti':,;,', \iUre
::;:;lill dc;d ed 0
ThL\~) "thc Cleatol"atl.'l' Public Li.hral'r ;1,'I~(U,I~!lil1~~ a COllLl.Lt ion
~~hidl, if COJ1Lil,t!cd, l~iJ 1 :,lraill thc capahility 01' the d." .!l'lllll~Jt.t '0.;
I'u,,:ic survi~e ;'I..! SllppOJ't fUllI.:tillllS, crode the lilll':ll'Y', ,I;ll'd" ....,: I":
pill;lt~nll for gn"..; .':>t.'l'vil..~e :lnd illltlUJ'JJliJlc the llIllralv ,Ill'; J'l,dl.:'!.:1'ial
\"'cj'lltili\;"lY uf Lie ol'I':lni;!.atioll as a l"rhule,
The auditiollal nccdutJ pn~;ilioll:" will, of cnllr~L'. Ile j"dud,,'d
al~ain in the fJll',~:" 1 ry jll'oflll:>al for' th~ 11l.:.\t f.lSt:;ll }'l~jH' (t 'Iif}., 77 J.
SIW011d the ~il)' ,,, it nccc~sury tn ~hmy tho pu~itinll:; Hr.. :Jl. th...'l\
anothcr lIIcthml tu rclieve \...ork lond prl':;:;Ul'l~ lilllst ilL' CIH)Sell. Fo1'10h"JJ1g
at.c SOllll~ Sllg~~CSt.I~J alternativc courses uf action:
1. L'J'lItinllC :I!i i1t present: The lihrary's starr is nn l'llcrgt;th~ and
;lc'di":':ll'e~d' ,'I,~,:',/'wIIU_'-.'.i~- l'IIl,.IUYl~US in ,I Ics~-thal1-absollltll1)'-~S~;Clltial
cit) .Icpanl:lt'lLt, have 10l1)~ Itad to stretch time, pc"~,olll\Ul. fiscal,
J ' " . ,
all pIIY~iJ'," '.'~.ullrCC!;) tl' cuvel' ll'lIlultitudc oj pl't!SSJllg JltJl.tls. '..\..
. eve r, hlll!l,j II I".! j Jll~:;, uvell li i !:h ly dcd il: a t ~J n n,d 1Il\l t j' V;t t{lll one'), 1101 \,'l'.
lllllit$ to thl.! amoullt of Iwt'k ttwy call ahsorh, ,Ill~~" \~ltii;IL' poinl \'1\\1'1-..
qiutlity ;Irtd lllorale hl')~ill Ll) suffe!' tWU ..bscntl'l.'i:{lll :llld lll\'II(JV(-r :':Iles
h:gin to l: I hlb.
2, ':l1t 5crvh;t.!~;: Sur.:h.. (lC'Oflos;d is 1'1'1I1'tiCiI1 ill ~!(lml~ st..']'vicc f"lJllCt lnJJJ-;
ll.'li-c--rn~I'-a-t'i Ill.il',ht cut SOIIlC specific sc!"Vit.'CH uft'I.'I'l:d hy,cil"'.llat'"rl
and chilJrcII1s Jivi~ions, sllch as schuol visIts, /fIlIltip!'.! sturr !t.}lU':>,
Tusc'ove .hooks), but hi,~hly' ilU[lrilct,ical jll uthe!"s lon..' r;ljilll.lt ~!l\~;hl_';
every uther l'uful'cllce jnqlli IOY or cllt;ck out e\.'c\'y utlll'l' hool..), ("~;:: lll~~
eitlu::r typus aI' levels or sCI'vil.:cs rcndcI'!) il 1'1111111.: (,II i lity' l1.':i:i
viable to the public, dL~cI't:asjIlB it.s utility :tnd thel'l!!'ore it~ rv;lSOll
for con t inucd ex i l'> t Orh" c. Flit' till' ,'litO rc, C h!:1l'l~a t c 1.1 S I it.!I'a ry has 1J111 y
ill rUccllt yeal's hCCUllIC a llIldti-scrvil.'c facility $l','vlng ;111 l",'cr-inCl'c;l$"
in!: IllIl11hcr of people, To C\lt sCl'vicl.'$ 1I01~ would IH~l'.:ltl.! llIuch Ill' the
~~uoJ wo\Ok which \'JaS aC'l'olllplisltud in the last five YI:i1I"., Finall~'. allY
I.:utback in ,,"'J'vku ducs not nct:cs!iarily 1't.'~lIlt in :1 CUl.htll.:k in tll'I!lilIlJ;
cuttirll~ onc :;urviL:C ill'ua 1 hcrut'ol'C ful'thul' bllrdcns \It h"I'- fUller iOll:j I if
only to t'xl'lain l'I.,q)C.ltCtJly\~hy sc)'vicc has IWCIl cul'tai [,.,1,
~ :t-,'
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^ Iteport to the Library Hoard
'. Page
3. CUI; hours of library operlltion: Not ollly could full ~'I..'l'vil"I.' he prrcred
T~,'ihci"i:-""o.r--{ewcr' iio-u.,:sT ~h'u't1ilorc :;l.; t I would he work illl', li,OfC of . 'Ie
t'llile, resulting in a "staff illcrcasc" thl'ough llvcrlnpplq~ :-:.cheLlul
Types <llld' levels of Sllrv kc \WI!' ,I not sufft"l' ~ .in f:le':. : '\l.'\' h'l)ulJ bo
cnhum.,.t by tlw i.ncrct\.s~' .,1' .wn \.dllc :.itaff. The pt\~t ,,' "..'lI!;'! bt: de:-
/li~d fl~'C~S to lihrory sClvit;c5, :ipoclrk til\\l':s, I)'ll.'.:'vil'l' \\'1J'.11J
bc of nuoc.l qU~llity \...hen nvailablu, \\'ldch hOul's/tlay~' '., ":llt \wldd hc
somewhat flexible t ;11 thou!:h most advantagcous from il ~;chcdulill~~ (J\'crlap
stantl!H~int h '11'll ,'., ~;atur~\ays, follu"Wt.:J by as In:l\'~1 l'Vl:lliT\)',:' (om: 'to tHO,
fl'Oru ~~: 00 p ..,I. t () .,1: 00 r ,m .) n s uccllletl nl'~ ~' :',,, ,'Y to a,: v.,:~qll lsh udcqu:1I \'
~ta:Ci'ne ul' 'll service t"tll\ctiol1s.
Tha.':t is neceSsary to ..:onshlcr nn..' ,.!' thc :Iho\'c illtcrnativcs
is truly unfor'l',;\ntc. Clel\l'~~uter's lihrary h:,:; ;,MIl t'.,lt it can ;11:
wi.ll usc any r~~;ourcl~" ~,~':' ,:11 to it economical:.v 1I11U d'fcctivcly to I
orate, develop. publidz.c ~l/lJ Jellv!'l' Mood (lUality sl:rvlccto ap ..:w, ,J-
ing patronage, However, Whl'll \wrk load exceed:; the', .l:'.lcity of a lld1)lil."
set'vice faeility to give ~~ood ~il','\ricc. it is thl'll inCUlllbent UP,'ll the
dcd~ion llIakers responsible for auminj,,' IJring that 'lcl'vicc to .: ;\.l)~...' some
course of action t6 alleviate the situation.
. ,
. ~
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lid III blue. IIdtifj~h.H" \V.I,1r .1l.J1 ",'c",,,I,If~ IdlJ Ihl I hlue,
1".:" Hlfd,ellc N~' 4~ ",, 'ic~,,,"I,II) "h IIhll .\2.. 'I \1 <;chl.'\
:-.,' .I.,IJIC, HI !I..l~ 1'111 '\1i1; \1.111'" ('lull,,! I'dh.lllI M,w"r
N\'. l.j; S.:h III. ..J". l~; .111l.' 11"""11 1''''1 Ill. I'clh,ntl M.II"'I
N ,. tuKIJ.I,
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"'HI (1.'\/ M^. 1/; ,." 'i,.. 1..1, 7: Hd lohfl I, Ic~ SI.I(e 1\,1
-,~..\.I; ,\cl ,Iud ellc lihll t S(J 44-411, ("hid Id loll1l 41.~4.
I hId lef libn I'rnllr~ U ~.\" ""uc 1I libll 1,,1., IJ: .\1,\ Icbm
'lUh,,' Uh l".Hll .W'.j,l); .,\CHI. It""11 ,'" SIJtlll:lf\h H'5'11;
U~I .\: s1:\.A. 1 I: h~.l"rc (.ilb,II Mu,ltc ell.'lI11l1, 1)4, IJ:
Yc', 1,1; l{~f. 15: I JIJ f' /1.11 \. .fjll 51. Ikc,llU' U" JI~J.111.
W,\U,lS, <...,\ItI:ION (.,\,..,,\1(' II Hlllc Sl'rlll~' Mi", 15 (J 15.
,,: Mi'/) liIJl~!"'lh ("''''I'CI. ~. ~lh. t...1 )2'.11> 11111'1.\1\. '1 ul,,".
oIl..l! (I.,Il~) 1\.1,\~ Ch'e~l~" .\1>..\7 I.S. 10; II, 7. l~hf "'Ii.. 1'1111
Seh., 'idllltrU .Ii. (lei/dill .11,..11; lit.lf 1"I.wc It ,IJ..I~: ('Jud
\\'.mJnl t)ff US '\1111), I UI"I'~~" Ih~.llIc ,1!.0I5; (hief lihn
It'''tnhcI\: !.lh. (j~IH,hm I e' '17.~~; (hid hhn lticllfll""11 flub
1.111, HklrrttllllJ \101 5,).,~!I; I)ll Mcrnpllh 1'1Ib I,", \ICIIII\hl'
"cUll ~H', II: l.lb bhl~ ~\lu,ul. ~1 III SlIlllh, ~'I.; ,\I~ lilt ("'111,
105.', IIJ UWltl, Orc~1 Ill. f II"mJ /,~.I'rl. 1'~cI ltel ('"",,1, I ~11II
1").1>/,, ')' ,\1 A (111elll OI~,llc( ,\ 1.,\ ~1I.1 'M ..II"., cuu"
oI1.1;,I'I.A (elUll 11,('1.' t"",1I 101..107). ICl1ltl ,\ (I'IC' r,1\ h'/; dllll
I.c~I' ("1fI "l,M1I, su.,\ tdulI l'1I1I Llh /)J~ 1>1,/,,1. dllll N<lIfHII
(,'''111 (.0.(,1 I. Itl: \I"I~I) Cluh, ~h"IIf1II1' WI N( '( J; I 1,IHI~h
"iLl; M~ml\h(, 01'<'" rhc"I~I; f(l~hlll"rHI S~ltlflh'IlI~, \1'1 1,lul-'
., V. 12: "Llhr.Hle. 111 I he I i..ltl~n 1 rl~lI~k ((.1'1. 1 \ \'~" 14.
A.huin, hh hhl~.. t ~ 1\.1~IIII,hl' Public I.\hloll). ~~1I S M~l.c,"1
hlOll, M~1It Ill. I'll J~IIJ4. _ __~____
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SI'~~ Sc'" ^I'e): \~'. 1Il... N~u,(J1111 (iCIlII,.II\ 1,(,.1,1,
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1I",,~ilh lI~rrd~\.>, ,\I'll S~" y,ork WJl1!.
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S,,, Wk) 1<>1,\, MS III >;\\, IlNM l'!,4~, 41>,47, ,UIIlUl"" ~'. 57.
I~J ISpdll, I',trlu. 11~11I I',dll~l I'hO. :\1,\; !lul',J ~1,.~Ii.
''''tltll<:I> )!I, ,W .'>11.:<;, h. S". 1',"lu, 7; ,\~lf~" ,~ illl. CIi, N r
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I~I,M; Ud h'", "IItI"I"~ 1',.1 ,,~.,,~; [)II ",.1' 1110\1<:. "ii, <:<"'<1
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S'U,hd~ 'I.tnl: 'IIV- (Ja.:up ,..., .'~"Il"'1 .uth'. li.....:.-4.~,1
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Ill: 0111.1 Itc.l,hll\: I( " 111.1 S..c l'"llIl; \ I,d r,,,., !(J l...: .....
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Chll,] h"" 15: Ah"'Il'''1I 1.\11 ",u~ "IIJ \'1\1~ I.;,. JtM.....,
1'.1 l'I(~IIt, .
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{"""lh. hhlo'U'h"h. I.CI'"I.III1I< ..1101 llll,,'a, 11011. ...'1...
WI"I UI H,c O~I,lh"I".1 I CI:..I,'lu,~ .I~II,I <"').j IJ \.. ..
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Hc.t,"ch 1111, S"I" (I.""", '\""1 HI, 'iUI" C"v..I.. {.:'"
I(~~ III "q.I..~, 1111 N 1>I.,clh.II!.", I,., 1'1"),,,-, l,oj.hl. II., ., d
tit" III" 1'1"j~ct I>~'hl>. ',,\ .111 III, ,\II1,;~ I....,..... f~
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H.' '~t~C'hl".r.,.. tr4~\!Cl... Ul t\tJh\1 ." ':,'11'1,1 ~III ~I~.... \~t,~. ....UIioIl..
."lI\lIk,: 1'.HIIC,il,,'UI ill l.l.IIL' ,\. c.hle 1\' prllt' ~ ,\,
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,\II1~.m.,\lIIcI It,,! (('''''''1. NY 1.Ih nuh, Hf. 11.11<.:. (~I
("HilL 1.': . Sll1U': Olhlo:l\.,I.,u" nil NI~'~:d.U1 i~h,...J'-f' ,1-
(.i.....;tilUf' ''''In.:-.U1 J Jh:\HJJ]f~L l~ "i.'kol"h',~ Ihh111 ~T4"t. I;
fl""". I 11111' ,llId (lth<1 M.'I~'I.l\' ,\1 ,\ .,~., l,'.~ .
1l.",~ 1l~",f,'I'Ill""1 I'[<Ijtc( ill N.{""" l'III.'./%~ 11,31 II I"
'.1. Inle(n.,1 111111\1111', I~; I'~I \ I .nl ~'';. Nt.. ''''' ....
\\'/\I.I.S. Jll\-. IIIOM..\S, h N,llll~. I~~ 14 Jl 1\ 5 II.,.. I
~.1.~7. MII,le Ih<:..,\ .... Ilq 11M. 1I0.:,,,..:r 1.1 (,) Ch; 1(;.
01.',,10, ,1Ill1l1'CI. 4,). 10\ (MII"~ 1 .h,,:) \1 ~11I' III 1 1,.1.' 'i
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41ll' M~L1~klll~ tll, HII,IlI I, nMlI, '
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C. lomor Wallis, Diredor
. Merrvl~i,. Shelby County P.Jb/ic library & 'nformation Center. 1850 tt.abody. Ave~.,~emphi't Tennei~ 38104.
June 10, 1976
Hr. F.IltoL Harda~ay, Director
Clearwater Public Library
Clearwater, Florida 33515
Dear Mr. Hardaway:
Thank you for a pleasant day in Clearwater and for your
hospitality and cooperation in the look at the Clearwater Profes-
sional' Building and the present public library building.
In looking at the question of whether to recommend purchase
of the Clearwater Professional Building for use as the central public
library for the City of Clearwater, there are a number of factors to
be weighed. ~ost of these are related to two major considerations:
(a) whether it would be good economy and (b~ ,,,hether the building is
physically suitable for adapting to.the functions of a main public
Summing up the physical advantages and disadvantages first,
I feel that these are the major' points:
(1) Advantages: (a) good location (but no better than
the present library site -- both arc excellent);
(b) large enough to serve a population of 80,000 to
100,000, or a period of five to ten years; (c) COn-
struction is such that the removal and rearrangement
of interior wa 11s could be effcc ted with minimum time
and expense; (d) the exterior, though borr\ering on
plainnesst is, at leastt free of the usual over dcco~
ration of older buildings and could be made attractive
with n minimum of architectural treatment: and (e) the
entrauce is at side\"a lk levl;: 1 and t"ould a~commodatc
~utrons in wheelchairs.
(1) Disadvantages: (a) the loadbearing walls around the
staircase in the entrance 10bby present a barrier that
spoils the effec~ of an inviting entrance lod tnkes up
veluablc space needed for charge-out and return desks
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Page 2
Mr. ~11iot Hardaway
June 7t 1976
(~he architect can work around this problemt but
it is unfortunate); (b) the size of the floors --
approximately IOtOOO'sq. ft. -- makos it neces-
sary to scatter the library functions to three and
eventually all four floors, necessitating a larger
than normal staff (20,000 to 30,000 sq. ft. on one
floor is more economical of staff); (c) there are
no restrooms on the first floor where the chief,
pl~lic services would be operated, making it neces-
sery to direct people to second floot restroorns or
t~ install new restrooms behind the mechanical room
on the first floor; (d) although attractive and in
some ways inviting to the prospective user, the
glass walls, especially on the south, will add to
the cost of heating and air-conditioning; and (e)
there are some disturbing cracks in the outside
stucco walls, and the interior east wall on the
,third floor shows much evidence of moisture coming
through (a professional engineer1s opinion would
be in order if not already obtained).
To examine the economic feasibility of using the building in
question for a library. it is necessary to compare the cost of ac-
quir5.ng and remodeling the building with the cost of building an equal
amount of space with a proper design for library functions on a site
of equal value from the standpoint of ease of access for patrons. It
is estimated that the Clearwater Professional Building can be pur-
chased with its 42.700 sq. ft. site for roughly $1.039,000. At an
estimnted $7.00 per sq. ft. the site is worth about $300,000 leaving
$739,000 for the 401000 sq. ft. building or $18.50 per sq. ft. Re-
modeling is estimated at $200.000t or $5.00 more per sq. ft.
To build a 40,000 sq. ft. new library building (and design it
for economical expansion to 501000 or 60,000 sq. ft.), the construction
cost would be in the realm of $30 per sq. ft. ($1,200,000) plus archi-
tect 19 and other fees (around $75,000). If it were ,nI.!Cf:!~;'lilry to pur-
chasp. a site of equal size to the one in question, it would VCty likp.iy
add at least $300.000 more to the project's cost. Comparing the two
courRes of actionl it would cost npproximately $1.239,000 to purchase
and remodRI the Professional Building and rouRhly $1.575,000 to build
a new 40,000 3Q. ft. building on n new :lite ~"!l\al to the one under
5 tud:,r.
r.-/hile there is n difference of $336.000, the advnnl' <; of a
new building arc obvious:
. ~
f' ;. f~ e 3
Hr. Elliot Hardaway
June 7, 1976
(1) it would probably outlast the remodeled buildingj
(2) it would be properly designed for maximum useful-
ness as a libr~ry and would probably be more._
aesthetic ~ and '
(3) it could be designed for casy expansion as the
population grows.
How much these advantages are worth is c1 matter of speculatim-, that
only 'the local officials and citizens can dctern\ine.
If t however, it were decided to but Id the new buildin~; on the
site of the present library. the cost of the site could be deducted
from the above figures, leaving the cost of the new library at
$1,275,000, or very little marc than the remodeled buildinH (except
for the cost of removing the present library building from its site).
On the other hand, if the Professional Buifding were acquired nnd re-
modeled, the City might very properly credit the worth of the old
library nnd its site against the cost of the Professional Building.
Even if the old site were not sold, butt instead, if it,'were added
to the park along the water front as open space, its value .Eor such
use is ~till a credit for the citizens to enjoy. The land alone, if
purchased on today's opon market, would probably cost in the neigh-
borhood of the $300,000 figure quoted for the other site.
There is still another realm which must be talten into con-
sideration -- namely, the political realm. It is an accepted maxim
in the library world that larger units of service arc more effective
for the individual user in proportion.to costs than are smaller units,
so a premium is put on consolidation of city and county libraries, and,
in fact, most state libraries refuse aid to city libraries which do
not net as a county-wide unit. It scems inevitable, then, that an
. agreement with county authorities wU l be worked out in Cloarwater
within the next few years, and as n result the city of Clearwater
will be the site of the main library for the county. Generally, when
such agreements take place and the library derives its support mainly
from the county governmcntt the county becomes the unit which furnishes
the cost of the large central library (in any locallty tb.~ agreement
may take all sorts of vnried approa::.hes to the m~tter of bearing tile
capital costs of the main building). If such an agreement were
reached between Clearwater and Pinellas County, the matLer of the cost
of the main building migllt be a bargaining point to be considered.
Should the Professional Building bc~ome the centtal library, it might
sooo be luo sma 11 to serve as a county-wide 1 ib rury. In such a c"" ~
the City of Clearwater tnight want to have the ngrecment stipulate that
th~ County would build. B neWt adequate building within a'desLgnated
number of. years; or if the City had already built a new library with
expnnsion potential, it might want to have the agreement Cl"l'dit the
City of Cleat"Woter ,>lith the cost of the buiLling or (lISt;! GP';cUy that
',. ,
. t~
,-. .
Page 4
Hr. Elliot llardaw;i:!
June 7, 1976
the County purchase the building outright. There are many ways in
which the city-county agreement might be negotiated.
. I
It is difficult for a stranger to analyze a complex matter
.after a half-day visit, but 'consultants arc acc~5tomed to stating'
opinions on short notice (always with the disclaimer that the local
people ar~ tn a better position to judge). If I were ranking 501u-
thlOS to the Clearwater Public Library problem in priority order, I
would go first for a new building on the site of the present library.
It would require no further outlay for land, and the location is ex-
cellent. True the present building would have to he removed nnd the
library moved to temporary rented quarters, but the prescnt library
building is much too small and almost useless and certainly not
worthy of occupying tile valuable land that constitutes its site. The
money to be spent on th~ Professional Building would buy a good be-
ginning on a fine modern library, and expansion could be made when
the population growth requires it. It couid he deep enough on the
lot to contain 25,000 sq. ft. per floor and thus would require only
two floors, which .is economical from the standpoint of staff salaries.
. !
\ Buying the Clearwater Professional Building would not be n
'bad investment for an interim period between the prescnt library nnd
a larger, up-to-date city-county library. It is better arranged fur
conversion to library use than most of those that this writer has
encountered. If such a course is decided upon, however, it should be
undeI'stocd that five years would be about the mn;~Lmum usefuln. :;'; nt
the building before it became too small, anu in 0.1 case shaul d 1!i,'<e
than ten years be expected from it, even with all four floors devoted
to the library. And it should be recognized that each floor would add
to the cost of staffing.
You can see that I have not gone into the elementary details of
library standards about the number of square feet per capita or the
number of hooks and readers' scats, etc., per capita, for you ha~e
~ those figures at your finger tips, and, we discussed them during our
visit. Suffice it to say that the Professional Building could be made
to m~et these standards for the City population [or possibly five years.
In an emergency situation it could be made to serve for Ano'd:her five
years without real hardship, but th~re are, of course, srnoe compromises
that would h~ve to be made in using this building. It wi. L1 be up to the
library boarc.l and the city manager ::0 decide whether to make the~e com-
promises or whether the time for a complett! ly new building is now. Olle
thing is certain: the old library i~ long overdue for retirement.
S i!'lc e I'e 1 y ,
CrfJ h
~: Mr. ?icot Floyd, City
C. Lnmar WnlliB
Director oC Libraries
~lanage r
, .,
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