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11 July 1975; 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m.
Mayor's Conference Room, City Hall
Mr. Fred Korosy, Chairman
Mr. Wilby Anderson
Mr. Curtis Barre
Ms. Rita Garvey
Ms. Matile Hendry
Ms. Jessica Kerr
Ms. Johnie Mae Moore
Ms. Audrey patoui1let
Mr. Larry Reis
Mr. Albert Rogers
Hr. Elliott Hardaway,
Librarian and Secretary
Ms. Theresa GOBS
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1, The Chairman presented the background for this special
meeting of the Board. The. City is considering a joint bond
issue for a cultural center and a main library. Mr. Jeff
Butler, Assistant City Manager for Budgets, had asked two
questions: a) Could the Board agree on a location, and b)
Would the Board support such a bond issue.
There was an hour's discussion on the definition of
the term "location" - whether this question called. for
selection of a definite site from all available sites in the
City to be made from a list supplied by the City Manager's
office or whether the question referred to the choice between
a "downtown" and a "suburban" site. At the end of this dis-
cussion Mr. Reis made a motion that the main library be built
on a downtown site. The motion was seconded by Ms. Hendry.
Mr. Anderson moved that the motion be amended by adding the
words "provided adequate parking was available". The amend-,
ment was acceptable to both Mr. Reis and Ms. Hendry. The
amended motion was approved:
Mr. Anderson asked that the Chairman follow, up the trans-
mittal of this motion to the City Commission and the Commission
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Clearwater Public Library Board Meeting
11 July 1975
Page 2
be asked to refer the mat.ter back to the Library Board if
the Commission was dissatisfied with the Board's decision.
The second question as to 'Board support for such a
bond issue was nOT addressed.
Elliott Hardaway, Secretary
Enc1s: State Librarian's letter of 11/13/72, p.l
Minutes of Library Board Meeting 5/17/74
Minutes of Library Board Meeting 6/21/74, p.l
City Manager's letter of 11/12/74, p.2
Local PUblic Library Administration, pp.296-300
Library Budget Statement as of 6/30/75
(Copy to Board members only)
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November 13, 1972
Mrs~ Reina C. Pollack
2099 Burnice Drive
Clearwater, Florida 33516
Dear Mrs. Pollack:
Please forgive me for not answering your letter sooner
concerning tho Clearwater Public Library J however, I have
been away from my office at the Southeastern Library Associ-
ation Meeting for the past week. I am very much interested
in the development in Cleaxwater and ~inellaB COWlty. .
In answer to your question, may I say that what 1
elieve is probably the most important factor in locating a
main library is accessibility. In different places, of
course, accossibility may mean different 1:hings. I have long
advocated that main libraries should be located in the same
manner tilat retail establishments are located, that is, where
the public can get to them with a minimum amoWlt of effort.
For most cities, I believe this still indicates that tiley
should be located in the downtown shopping and business dis-
trict. It mayor may not require library parking facilities.
I know some very successful downtown librarios that have
absolutely no parking space of their o\.,n, however, off-street
parking is provided either by public or vrivate enterprise.
Accessibility should also take into consideration modos of
transportation in arri ving at the main library. Arc the
access roads and streets adequate to arrive at the library
wi thout getting into a traffic jam? HO'., easily may people
frow outlyinq areas reach the library? An example might be
the downtown Tampa Public Library which is near the exits of
Interstates 4 and 75 allowing people in any part of
Hillaborough County to reach the library within a few minutes
driving time.
Concerning branches and bookmobiles, I must say that
certainly more complete library service can be 9i ven through
branches than by bookmobilesl howover, a combination of ~le
two is often most successful. I would suggest that book-
mobile service be used to idontify areas of the city where
library demands and use is heavy thus indicating where