05/17/1974?E LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES DATE'MAio /7, 1#17V r t .s•'f s . J "'m i 1 ? i N i 1 PRESENT CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES Clearwater City Commission Conference Room 1:30 - 2:50 p.m. May 17, 1974 Mr. Fred Korosy, Chairman Mr. Wilby Anderson Mrs. Theresa Goss Mrs. Jessica Kerr Mrs. Karen Martin Mrs. Johnie-Mae Moore Mrs. Audrey Patouillet Mr. Larry Reis Mr. Elliott Hardaway, Secretary ABSENT Mfrs. Elizabeth Hasbrouck Mrs. Ruth Johnson 1. The Chairman introdueed.l-1r. Wilby Anderson who was appointed to the Board to fill the vacancy caused by Mrs. Pollack's resignation from the Board. 2. Mr. Korosy reported that he had sounded out Rabbi Baseman as to his availability and interest in being recommended to the City Commission for appointment to the Board. Mr. Baseman was interested. The Board members agreed that he would be a good addition. 3. Mr. Korosy reported that the Board has been invited to meet with the City Commission at its work session on Tuesday, May 28, 1974. The meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. but the Library is the second item on the agenda and it is estimated that this will be reached about 3:00 p.m. 4. The Board agreed to recommend to the Commission a new library building. The motion was made by Mrs. Patouillet, seconded by Mfrs. Moore and approved by the Board. 5. The Chairman asked for a show of hands as to preference for a downtown location for the Library. There were five for, one against and one abstension. 6. The Board approved a resolution favoring bookmobile service in preference to branches until more adequate library facilities are available. Mrs. Patouillet moved and Mr. Reis seconded the motion. Elliott Hardaway, Secretary