11/17/1972 ~. T' < . ~:}::\~, '. _, .,~ ....rc. .'." , .~~~ ~:, ~l""" . <:: " ' ~, " ~' , '. . ' .~ j '., .'. , . , . . :,'. ~ ' ' . , "'''\ ~~~, ~~~'. 'f'\~'.>.!d .~/ ~'<:';f'''' ,.. , "1-~~ . . -. .' ..'>" " c' '.' ", ( "., .' .,~~.~ ~., .c..' : '.;.j..t.r'!'V, , , ,'\. . LIBRARY BOARD' MINUTES ., . . DATE/J'~~~ I~ /9?~ . .' " +~, /{) gO , ! ,J'iIi'"g:, , \1$~L,\: ,', /l':~' ,. . . . .' I " \ c. . ~ . , ." . . . " ',' co,'<O . ", .~ f :,... '.. ." :~ /o! (~. ., ,- " ... CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 17, 1972 1:30 P.M. - 2:30 P.M. CITY HALL - NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM PRESENT ABSENT Mr. Fred Korosy - Chairman Mrs. Theresa Goss Mrs. Ruth Johnson Mrs. Jessica Kerr Mrs. Audrey Patouillet Mr. Larry Reis Mr. Elliott Hartdaway - Secretary HI'S. Elizabeth Hasbrouck Dr. Donald MacDonald .Hrs. Johnie Mae Moore Mrs. Reina Pollack 1. There was a general discussion of the City Manager's letter of November 10, 1972, about the location for a library to serve the east part of Clearwater. Motion by Mrs. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Reis, was approved recommending the Starcrest location for the East library. 2. In view of the above action, item 2 of the Board's proposed letter to the City Manager, dated November 9, 1972, will be changed by omitting that portion dealing with site selection. 3. Upon motion of Mr. Reis and seconded by Mrs. Patouillet, a motion was approved to amend item 5 of the Board's proposed letter to the City Manager, dated November 9, 1972, to read If the East Library is delayed longer than one year, the Board recommends an interim facility to serve this section of Clearwater until the permanent library is completed, provided a suitable location can be found. ;lc::t:;tjlul"-'/Iv~1 Elliott Hardaway Secretary Encls:' City Manager's letter Proposed Board letter ': . ',' '\, ,C " " " ,J. ~ . ~t'l .. J,~~ . r;:'. c' . ~?~\' " l'" ' f.".'~' :, \ . 1': '\, C. V' (:~ ,.c C CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 17, 1972 1:30 P.M. - 2~30 P.M. CITY HALL - NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM >~~ '.:t .~. ,~ ",~ " ~ ;'''11 .~~fJ .'~~ :.' ., Mr. Fred Koroay - Chairman Mrs. Theresa GOBS Mrs. Ru~h Johnson Mrs. Jessica Ker~ Mrs. Audrey Patouillet Mr. La~ry Reis Mr. Elliott Hardaway - Secretary M%'s. Elizabeth Hasbrouck Dr. Donald MacDonald Mrs. Johnie Mae Moore Mrs. Reina PollacK :j -'~ , ..j '1 .'.i ,~'l ,~ re ~ ~ ,~ '$ PRESENT ABSENT 1. There was a general discussion of the City Manager's letter of November 10, 1972, about the location for a library to serve the east part of Clearwater. Motion by Mrs. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Reis, was approved recommending the Starcrest location for the East library. 2. In view of the above action, item 2 of the Board's proposed letter to the City Manager, dated November 9, 1972, will be changed by omitting that portion dealing with site selection. 3. Upon motion of Mr. Reis and seconded by lira. Patouillet, a motion was approved to amend item 5 of the Board's proposed letter to the City Manager, dated November 9, 1972, to read If the East Library is delayed longer than one year, the Board recommends an interim facility to serve this section of Clearwater until the permanent library is completed, provided a suitable location can be found. , ,I i .. ~ '~ . ~ .\ .~ ,. \ l t ., , Elliott Hardaway Secretary Encls: City Manager's letter Proposed Board letter ; /: >:.l , ' :~;i,~<<,:. ~"".'. " . '. i'.' f" j.., ,. l.... j; II I" i ; " ~ " !.. , . " ". ~ ,~.. ',"' . . c c .. ~ '"j' : ~ . :" ,. ",/\>:,) .)0 .. ( : 'I' Y ~} F (; L ,.: "\ 1<\" :\ T I';' H . 1 :. I, '('" ,. '. 1 (.!. J . '. I. r I I; ! , < .. 'J .1" . ~ . ~ ~<: 'Ih'\"'/.~l(:'" . . 1. I r ); . ~ l ..~ t . ~ 'J ~ ~ ~ , : , " , . \! NUV\'\)\\"~;' I il, j '.1','/. !." ....n P.L' I .: ~; T l' ',~.. '\' .~..'l". ...... .I-.ot. ...:.L-: Cha i 1'11'1.1\11 a ncl \' h1l~nlhel'l~ (If t11(' C.l"~lr\\','l('l' .Li!Jl'i~rr l'",.,:rc1 . I .t\ft<ll' Oll]' J1H!l'lin): lh~: othl,~r C\'l:lling, .l,l'f:vi~;ill:d ;lnd bludie:d th(: pOI:fildl- ities 'of the .si;ll'~'I't:H D1.'ivc LiLI';lry sill:. .1 fiJ,d ,it r1i(ficn!.t t.o, nf,dl.:]'Blalld \Vh)' thj,[; WOlllel llOt he an excc.It(~nt tiit:c [0)' a ldd'p: J::,H,t Ct\'<H\t..;I'l~I' facility, I an) aUnching ;ill <.lcl'ial whleh h}luwt; thc' properly Lll q'.:csLiuJl. Th\Jl'e are il tol.at uf .J. oR ael'(H; ;1\,<.1 f];,J!,l(: '\llh :~, tAj al'l'C'H or \ml;'JJd (l),r] ;;, ,lCl'L~~; nl 1 lake; lnO:t't;' OJ.' .h::!;~. Nc,..., ?~ (,B ,~l,t"(:;, IIf llPl,olll(J r('jJ:n;::ent:~3 app,l'o:dl"l:ilel~' l1B, UOO Bqufll'e fent. If \\'0 w...~rc consi~lt:rint', ;1 two-deny L.uiJ.eljn~, with it tt)tal IHjUitJ.'iJ fO(JLL!'.o.'~ of 5(1, ()()O :-;qu;,l'n il~et, th'.'n ~~S, (lf1O fiqu;, I I,"fel::t Dr tlp- laud.wl.Julcll.w .rcquiJ'cd lOl' the :itrtlctll1'0. !\f.i an indk:,~jol1 of tl!~: si::-::e of a 50, 000 Sq,l;ll'l~ f\)oL hllild~tq:) if.: \\,uul(11w (~qni\',~,lcnl L..> f1v~: i'1uUi'b of the fif~;e e!li :; to r y Ld1li1:.i 11 tl r: Iii let i 11 ~',i".L C I (! v (,d... nd .L11 del J: en \V ()(I d. T'b l' u pI and :tlll.'ci.1Lillll c!ou:; n01 "d.;c illlo cu!):~id(;J'<ldpll llw f:H:llil;,.l part of the building. could }I.:.: l'ldl i l)\~t: in UIl.; 1..1:~(; ]"1))' a' l'(:adinc hal('ullY uV1:1' .I.he whtCl'. c I ..\(LI..:l' l..h"lducting 1..lh: \)\:i..h1illg f;ite lhl~rt~ would be 93,000 !;'[jual'O ieel or up- lund fur pa }'I;.:ing ~lr~d bcaut:ific.:.l.llOit. i\~;:-';lln'dng thaI. we \\'.:tnlcd p31:kil'l.g .f0l" 100 cars, thit; would r('quii'(~ (nt 300 ~;qtli:ll'C [(:r.'t pl.!1' C<~l' which incJ.udC's both parldlq~ and ltlteriol' circulation} 30,000 SCjll<1l'C' fuel of \'\pland \\bich woultlleav~ td, 000 sqtln~'e feel for lnllJ~~c~lpil1g and it p.trk-1iI,~'l !:letting ~)rO\H';.r.l thu lake. Ii We wa.nt.(.~d p,l:i'idng iur 200 e.:>,J'~;, which appeal's excel,!'d.vc to lne,' t1W!"C would slill be 3/-4 of <~n <ll.:l"C (Jl" 33,000 .;quarc icct for t.he land- scap cu, p2 }');:-l ikc a rea. I . ~ i [ 'I ;'t 1i i'oU will study th~ acrial ~'ou '"ill noLe tllo\l :hi:-; ~;il(: fl'Guls UII C}cvclitnd Stl'~nt, onc oi (Jlll' 111.:dn corridors. ; s n ~LUlll:~'~' tJJl'OW fl'orn Dl'<~w',Sf;~'octl i~ two blocks off (jtllf-to-l)il.~' Blvd. and t\\'o t.hol't b1uc:~H off of E,~lchcl'. I con- sider it a very fine sitC'. M:q,.l CltCOlll'<)gc )'Ull ilicli\'idual1y to l'Ldw the aerial <:lIH.l go out to tho sill' .u{cl l':-::tlnine it a~'",ill'? I dOll't iJelio,,"e LhaL Wl: ('an l'caf:'onably expect George fh:nt tn l,(::'rid:l frOtH llKd.'kl.lLing this properly in- definitel)' and we sbuuld lllake a fina.l decisioll soon. ~(;s....n)~ C 1"5:1 Y , f ~?/t' (/ .... j' ,.., . ~ /,-/ '~J') ./' ,~C;' j . ~".-r~' ,--, M. H. Sticl'hcirn City 1\[~lnagcl' -- :.. cc: The Honorable 1\'[a;ro~" al\d Mcmb~1"~ ot the eil')' Commb;:;i':'11 ../ vMr. Elliot Hal'ua\vay, Mr. George Hunt te" ' ~,~ ':, . . ~7{'. . ., r;' , 'j]<~\ " H, . , ~:'" ~ -t ~I ^ .....";.... 'L ^ . 'II..' t. ~. Cc 1 , ~ : ~. . J I ~l; :IT, .' ',. , . 'W. . ~" . ~ " \' ", I' '. " , . 'I'. . . ~ " '. ,'''1 <, , ',........~. ., .' ;')'Jr :1,1; l'. I" ~ . I "J : ~ . 'r\J: t'.'J')d!"f>l.~ ~"'1' r'\li~.l i{~ ,i,:lt'r'flr-:/ t;(}~,it'.l ill'~;dc)~:j ~i =-i~L~<': : ~.! 'I.' ,j ); ('J"C)'"; V, Chd 1. t'Ud (J SUB~H;C'l' : B~)d:,.,. l)f 1.,l..'tt~...~'J: t.{) (~itf/ (:(J::ilni!)t;~r(Jr~ d:.~ ~"!r>':'t;,(j~~I~ f,dSt: ik1dl".[ 1;Cf:lilli', .. .) l 1. Tl~(' !:'O,U'.J l:!'r~(t.;, '.11) i.1;lIii,,](:i,'1t"t'2 .:;t,lr't 0:1 tnr: t"..:'l':'/,":.i.:.,', r:r e~,;l(" l"'l;.:""':"" ."\,....1 "1. J""'jY~'~"''\'.' P11(::- l.~ ....,.....-1'l11o r.~' ,- -..... \, ~ .'\ l'")t"' ""1" ~ ..' 1 r. I(-~, i . ,,~ <.;e'~ .. d l" L.,,,, y' . ~ ,.' '.~\,'''l.., ,"., .. U.l ,,;I ,:' '.1;,. T)" J '. ,I, ...,:; .. I. ,j "r. ,} r, ; l- tl~~l" ('~:1J ~J "1i"'!'\ (t-~"'''' t......'1 ....fIr.: "t,,]O '1' i r-I ~L -trt,:..:.. (.....:. ,. '.~ o' . ),tj ,l;..r .;".~.' ".; _ .'.. ..I~, t t; .J, a .. n, J .lIe' "I. '.. '.:,j:' 0.'.:.. \, " 1.1 ,j :'~n ~~(d.Qct(~d. ~>i.ncf,~ ~)..::::)t.(~I:)~.;r.:~~, 19'/1,11.';(: oj" 'Lilt: 1):;(;',1(:':[", I jj'<','lr'.' ~!~'~~l in'':I'''':~<J~8d m,jd~c.:u.i..y, ;"H"ticuL:Jf'J.y in 'r:l'" .Lt'(.!':~~; of" r:':Li :J;r"JI' :~~ ,'J:V: ~'e r Q ren i.::~~ ':=; a rv i cr: f;j . '1'1'1'..1 t'en C)'fc1 t io n ,L~; rll; (. .'~ (~rl : 10',,' t r) ~:."c '/:i. d r:: r () r tl1t~ COllt.liltrir1e; fJIJ1r!,l'."'i.J(!"in!r. of u .~.~r'Otl:i.n;.: l.ibrt.lr'~l ~T;I~"'V.!.C(:~~ t.~'lIJ ~,jt(1rl't- inn of GC1ec::ion, buying .:tnd proc('~.',;~:i.l,rl!:, of tlH' 1;'(,'01, ~o,~':ec don for' the East: Libl1iU':/, und support [01' 'th(~ c:-:pl~cto:~d in(:l.'c\'~~,e in library use of an increLl~.dng rwurby popuVrtion t!lu1', ;~!ill b~~ . d' d" , . 1 ' , - 1 HOUGe' ~n con onunlUffiS) nli.~,l ru.:c ..lr:h~Ftri\cnt;:;.: \in\.! .-t:I0.'10l'lild grmrt:h or dO\oJn'toHn and ~n: ~'roundin.7, t1t",~d.:~. q ~ . T!1C DcaI'd t"c'lW:!cts ,thc,; CiTY l'!dn(1).~nr to con t i.ill,:o:~ co:tt::ltlnic.:,;,~t:i(ln .../ith the :1nonYI:10u::: UC.H10l', 1.:1fol:'T:1 him. of the toapd'~.i l:.l",:~tit\ld(? ~,tI1(;. ~_ntercst, dnd y.'cport .to him 1:~!a.t: tho Boax'd is vf():r'y~inr; on tl18 v<..ry important m<1I.'~C1:' of u ~;i.te p(~conuncndatioIl. .. The 1'3O;':1'"d l'(:;c")j,1m'.~nJs that tl1<~ Cl'e:~ t LLl.k(~ ::;i,t:e no t be cons ide t:'i..~d ~),;,!Cl.tUSC 0 r 1. 1: :,; p,'o:d,rni l::t t;o 't:] Ie OSCCOJ.:l Llbr~l.r'y. 'f. 'I'lli..' !3o~u'd )"(;'l.lH~~3t~,; th!:.' ell:; CorrHid..r;::;ion to .:lllocC\.t.:~ imnu~lly lS~:, of thOf3C mOll1.,;?G ,Jvilildb.l(l foT' capital r~:':pr]nsion afl',j in.;)Y'ov(!rnent: to the Li urar.y systcnl. 'I'll''': GC' ::'OUPCC:3 of Jl\on<:;y include! bu tare not pC.:~str'ic,tcd 'to federal a.nd t)tdt,~ r"::V(~nIW ::;lLl:.ir'ini~ , utility boncJo a.nd ~Cl\\.~l"!lll ohli[ation bonds. This pl'Ogr...J.f:1 Hould include cumulH- tion of additional fund:;. for' a lo.lr'gt~ E.:1~,t Libt'.:.n'y. fUtUX'0 (~X- pc.1nsion of this EuTt Li~rar?, fUl'thC2r' lm[)Pcve::ilwn't~; to the O::;ccola Libl"ury lJnd o:":IJunsion of the j'Jol'thcal;;t L,ib1"dt'y. ': I I I 1 \ I I I I ,I l I 1 5. T:l(~ Boa.rd l'eco;nmr..:fL(~:J ..:m i:l t...!!."ir;l fo1Cil it:;, ':'() ~;CL'VU t:t,'.: l:'.l~j l: p..:trt O.C Clc<.1f'~;i'l.t:cr until :1 pCrJ.ldn'lnt liLrtl.!:'Y Ci.Hi l)(~ :)1.I.Llt, pl.,nvidc<! (] ::;Uittll)lc ,:oc..Ttion Cd~l br:: found. . P 1 C dS C r(~ v i C\'l 't hi.:; l:'h'.'l. t I,: 1'i, 11. (; tt1'(\ flll\.:; .:l n.J nil :.~ ': ';l :1'! pr.! C tirill;H; n<.le l..\ C h C1 n ~~(: Li 1;1 \11\1'1' I :!G ir:u;lt.:: d ia t c 1. '! . " ~:!~r~:~:::: ~~ '"~../ ~.:'.~: :.'! !'~.: .1: . ..:~' ~_.:-.j~; ....~.;....~:1~..~~:~~.:.::~1~:-':'f~-)Sf.:.J1:..~y-7:~::Q~~'l:!::;:::.-;'.::...:=T....=l":'::"'~~~.:..~:--=:t~::::;..,::... - ..c....~.:-:'-ey~-:.~ ~:"-"<'.....~+.7:~!t...;:"......:.~