10/16/1972 ~~~;}~::;..':. ......~...:. .:': ....' .:: :' .' : :. . " .: ( '. . . ~! < ~. c' ~ . )' . . ..... .;"0- " .' ,!)".:' ~(.,: :' , . .>. \ df .. ~: c ~ ".', : ^ . '. 'p ,c c . . '. . .,' , . .. r" ~ ", . ,. -.' ., . .. . . t'. . '. . ~h,"", ?I:;~:l!''''''1 .~:-~., . h, '~'. . . .... c~. I ".' ".,- ".' .~'. r .." . ~ .", .'. ,h '" H..., .. ... . . . ,... .' .. ,,' .:,. .' - . I > ~ +'_ ""~' . . LIBRARY BOARD' . ~ MINUTES DATE . ()eI~~ I~ 1''%11. .. -!--/{)j() " , I, " i'o, ~, ", ~:,;. ~ . L~ . r{: t., l::'~ ~ !.-~i. . . 0;. : t. ~I""' ~q , t. f' ", I,' ~ .' . ~; ;. ~:'.:,~ : CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 16, 1972 7:30 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. BOARD ROOH CLEARWATER FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION PRESENT ABSENT r., Mr. Fred Korosy - Chairman Mrs. Theresa GOBS Mrs. Elizabeth Hasbrouck Mrs. Ruth Johnson Mrs. Jessica Kerr Mrs. Johnie Mae Moore Mrs. Audrey Patouillet Mrs. Rena Pollack Hr. Larry Reis Mr. Elliott Hardaway Secretary GUE~T.: Mr. Merrett R. 'Stierheim, City l1anager n~. Donald MacDonald ~ . ~ ~ , .J'" . r,.... ~D. ~. ,_. ^. , f~' . ~...' . t~. . " t~ ,'. . . ). "r ' d:.. ,.., .. ;.~: . :';'. };. .. . , fr J I , ;' " 1 'i ., The Library Board me't: with "the City Manager Mr. Merrett R. Stierheim, to discuss his letter of August 31, 1972, to the Board'and their re- sponses. The matter involved was the delay in the renovation of the Osceola Library, the anonymous offer of aid in building a new library 'and its location. There was clarification of facts and discussion of the issues and' problema involved. The Board approved the following motions relative to these matters: 1. The Board desires to see action started to renovate the Osceola Library as originally approved by the City Commission. (Moved by Mr. Reis; seconded by Mr. Goss) 2. The Board requests the City Manager to continue communication with the anonymous donor, inform him of the Board's gratitude and interest, and report to him that the Board is working assiduously on the very important matter of a site recommendation. (Moved by Mrs. Pollack and seconded by Mrs. Patouillet) 3. The Board recommends that the Crest Lake site not be considered because of its proximity to the Osceola Library. (Hoved by Mrs. Johnson, seconded by Mrs. Hasbrouck, approved with one dissenting vote) 4. The Board urges the City Commission to allocate annually 15\ of those monies available for capital expansion and improvement to the Library system. These sources of money include but are not restricted to federal and state revenue sharing, utility bonds and general obligation bonds. (Moved by Mrs. G098 and'seconded by Mrs. Patouillet) r')";:," f' " , + .,' " . } ,'< 5. The Board recommends an interim library facility to serve the east part.. of Clearwater. until a permanent facility can be built. (Moved by Mrs. patouillet and seconded by Iirs.,GoBS) Elliott Hardaway Secretary ; ;"::7.:i.;., ' . CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY MINUTES OF THE MEETING SEPTEMBER 15, 1972 1:30 P.M. - 2:30 P.M. CITY HALL BOARD OF PRESENT ABSENT Mr. Fred Korosy - Chairman Mrs. Theresa Goss Mrs. Ruth Johnson Dr. Donald MacDonald Mrs. Johnie Mae Moore Mrs. Rena Pollack Mrs. Audrey Patouillet Mr. Larry Reis Mr. Elliott Hardaway - Librarian Mrs. RiChard Biggs Mrs. Elizabeth Hasbrouck Mrs. Jessica Kerr il 1. Mrs. Pollack suggested that a youth representative be appointed ..\ to the Board to replace Mrs. Biggs who has moved to Tampa. Mr. Hardaway will transmit this recommendation to the City Manager. 2. Mr. Hardaway reported stricter adherence to City Resolution No. 68-92 (August 5, 1968) setting fees for the use of the Library. Winter visitors outside the city limits will be subject to the ten dollar non-resident fee. Visitors within the city limits will be issued ~ card upon payment of a service charge of two dollars. No fee or service charge is refundable. 3. Mr. Korosy informed the Board that the Wickman fund has received $250.00 from Mrs. Wickman, with a promise of continued support, and $25.00 from Mr. Robin Wickman. 4. Mr. Korosy read a copy of the City Managerts letter to the Board members concerning the delay in starting,renovation on the Osceola Library, and the potential donation of a quarter of a million dollars towards a new east library facility. There was discussion on the delay, the tentative gift and the location of the proposed east library. From the discussion Mr. Reis moved and Mrs. Johnson seconded a motion to recommend to the City Manager immediate action on the renovation of the Osceola Library as approved by the City Commission. The motion was passed. Mr. Korosy was authorized to arrange a meeting of the Board with the City Manager to discuss possible locations for the East facility. 5. Mr. Reis moved and Mrs. Patouillet seconded a motion to inform the City Manager of the Board's embarrassing position in not knowing about important information pertaining to the Library until it appeared in the newspaper, and to request that the Board be kept informed currently and up-to-minute on matters of importance to Library development and pOlicy. 6. Mrs. Johnson polled the Board as to membership in the Friends of the Library. Mrs. Patouillet reported on progress and programs of the group. Encl: Resolution #68-92 Elliott Hardaway Secretary , , . t~~;~+~: . '. ~,q ....~'.... ;t:' . 'c'. <' " , c, . '/._ . ".': ,) ,r ,.. . '.' . " , ' , .' . . "1,' , '} . , '~,;i;::"'i'" ", ' :~th.(,:jr ;'T'_i~ . . ..... ". . .-. , ., ~ .,.,,>.~ ,t '," , ~t' '.. L:c..~ , . \ " i , ' LIBRARY BOARD . . . " , . " ~ MINUTES ' , . .' ~ rM';'4~~ /~ if'>>. . I~ ,:.:,':,:. ,DATE " ":', ':", :.'. . i -'j 0 7 7 . ~~,h,~.:.. " 1':~ . . . .:~I ~ CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER l6~ 1972 7:30 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. BOARD ROOM CLEARWATER FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION PRESENT ABSENT Mr. Fred Korosy - Chairman Mrs. Theresa Goss Mrs. Elizabeth Hasbrouck Mrs. Ruth Johnson Mrs. Jessica Kerr Mrs. Johnie Mae Moore Mrs. Audrey Patouillet Mrs. Rena Pollack Hr. Larry Reis Mr. Ellio~t Hardaway - Secretary GUEST: Hr. Merrett R. Stierheim, City Manager Dr. Donald MacDonald The Library Board met with the City Manager Mr. Merrett R. Stierheim, to discuss his letter of August 31, 1972, to the Board and their re- sponses. The matter involved was the delay in the renovation of the Osceola Library, the anonymous offer of aid in building a new library and its location. There was clarification of facts and discussion of the issues and problems involved. The Board approved the following motions relative to these matters: 1. The Board desires to see action started to, renovate the Osceola Library as originally approved by the City Commission. (Moved by Mr. Reis, seconded by Mr. Goss) 2. The Board requests the City Hanager to continue communication with the anonymous donor, inform him of the Board's gratitude and interest, and report to him that the Board is working assiduously on the very important matter of a site recommendation. (Moved by Mrs. Pollack and seconded by Mrs. Patouillet) 3. The Board recommends that the Crest Lake site not be considered because of its proximity to the Osceola Library. '(Moved by Mrs. Johnson, seconded by Mrs. Hasbrouck, approved with one dissenting vote) 4. The Board urges the City Commission to allocate annually 15% of those monies available for capital expansion and improvement to the Library system. These sources of money include but are not restricted to federal and state revenue sharing, utility bonds and general obligation bonds. (f1oved by Mrs. Goss and seconded by Mrs. Patouillet) t>:,.;:-e. ~~~ ',' , ,," '~" ,.....: .:,. ' i. . ~" ~ d, I,"" .' ./>~:t _I,~: . ~., . ".. : ,. .. , :.;'0::::~,,:~,: ,~',.' .' . " ",!J;.d ";.1',- i-C', " , . ,... ~~ .'.. ~ L~' d~.'L, ~ .. ..' ,~ :.! l:~?~: ~""" ",..5: ",...:. , '>J .' / / .\' _ de " . \.'''to .J ' :d' , .' ." .~, I"' ':.. <,.:.., ,':".l'''.,'''H' ~\: ""I} l'~\. ~','."!' '~','.;'T~: .':~.T~'~::<,:.;:,",.,?;:~~.I~':j,~~:~~~ ,~ , ..";' '" ~.,.~' .' . :' - I <. ,r' , ~ \ .", ',' 5. The Board recommends' an interim library facility to serve the east part of Clearwater until a 'permanent facility can be built. (Moved by Mrs. Patouillet and seconded by Mrs. Goss) ~~(j Elliott Hardaway Secretary -2- ",'."'- ' . >,> .