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1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Mr. Fred Korosy, Chairman
Mrs. Theresa Goss
Mrs. Ruth Johnson
Mrs. Jessica Kerr
Dr. Donald MacDonald
Mrs. Johnnie Mae Moore
Mrs. Audrey Patouillet
Mr. Larry Reis
Mr. Elliott Hardaway, Secretary
Mrs. Richard Biggs
Mrs. Elizabeth lIasbrouck
Mrs. Reina Pollack
GUEST: Mr. Merrett R. Sticrhcim, City Manager
The minutes of the October 15 meeting were approved.
Dr. MacDonald gave the report of the By-Laws Committee and distributed a draft','for
study and discussion at the December meeting.
~!rs. Johnson reported for the Friends of the Library Committee. The plans for an
organizational meeting on December 5 have been postponed for further preliminary work
and the organizational mee~ing will be in January or February.
Mr. Korosy reported on the meeting of the Planning Committee with City Manager
Stierheim. Mr. Stierheim presented cost data on the Osceola building, roughly some
$240,000, within the allocated bond money. Mr. McElm~y's space conceptual drawing
for the renovation was presented and met with general approval.
Mr. Stierheim presented the proposal for a bookmobile as an interim program until
an East Branch site can be secured. Mr. Paul Bergman's plan for bookmobile stops was
shown and discussed. Dr. MacDonald moved and Mrs. Goss seconded a motion that the Board
approve a motion favoring the bookmobile solution. It was approved almost unanimously.
Mr. Stierheim raised the matter of a book sale for the Library's accumulation of
gifts and everyone was enthusiastic.
Mr. Korosy announced the State Library Trustee workshops in Tampa, November 30, 1971,
10 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. at the Manger Motel.
Mr. Korosy and Mr. Imrdaway raised the question of special accounts for donations.
Mr. Hardaway suggested using the City's escrow fund for this purpose with expenditures
made by the Library.Director upon approval of the Board or Board Committee concerned.
This matter will be considered further.
The next meeting of the Library Board will be held at the Main Library, 1:30 p.m.,
Friday, December 10.
Elliott Hardaway
Attachment: Copy of Bookmobile Estimate
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Int.rct.p.rtman.. corr..pond.ncl Sh..t
TO: M. R. Stiorheim, City Manager
FROM: 1'. A. Bergmann, l'lanning Diroctor ~
COPIES: Elliot Hardaway, Lib~ary Director
SUBJECT: Librnry Study -- 1300k Hobile Sites
DATE: Novembor 17, 1971
The Plsnning Department has rav1e\'H~d the community needs for each library and the implied
book mobile service to serve the broader segment of the community ~nlich cannot walk to
the existing and proposed 11b~nries.
Due to the desire to serve '-lalk-in p.:J.trons, n maximum of one mile radius wao established.
Thio was referenced in other repo~t5 as the ideal m~~imum walking d1stunce. Due to some
problems of locntion, ho~evcr, the original m~ile radiuo was modified to 1 1/4 mile.
Another standard criteria 1s that e. service population for book mobiles should be no leas
than approximately 10,000, with the ideal figure appro==imotely 15,000 and a maximum of
25.0~O. The latter more clearly reflects a different size community with different
densities than Clearwater.
Five bool~ mobile siteG are identified on the nttoched map. One is at Sears Town and
would serve approl:imately 9,000 persona in the expnndcd 1 1/4 mile areD. Another site
is on Gulf-to-Bay in the shopping center t",O blocks cust of Crest Lake \olhich has as its
major tenant the Pantry llrj.dc food chain. This c:ttended service area again encompasses
approxima~y 9,000 people. A third site in at Highland and Sunset Point'Road at tile
shopping center on the southeast cornet'. Its e:~tended service area \vould serve approxi-
mately 10,000 people (This doeG exclude nn lir'e" of overlap "lith Dunedin Library.).. A
fourth site is proposed near the ne", Savings &: 'l.oan on .Sunset 1:'oinl: Road west of U. S. 19.
This site would serve appro"imate1y 4,600 people nt p~escnt. The fifth site would be at
the park acreage in Del Oro near the 'Jatar tank nnd Hould Gerve, in its extended area,
5,500 people.
The East Cle3rwater ~rain Branch is proposed to be located at Uelcher and Druid and
would serve the largest t;ralk-in potentinl in the community; i. e., <:Ipproximately 13,000
peoplp.. (As ~n aside, staff would recommend amendit1l~ the Comprehensive Plan to reflect
the proposed EDst Branch s1 te selection.) The Claaruater beach n ranch , serving all cf
Clearwater Beach ond Island Estntes~ is aSGumed to serve under 6,000 people. Thus no
book mobile iD proposed at the northern end.
All of the above again relates to tJalk-in potronage und tvould cover mOB l: of the present
Clearwater area. Future considerations would, of course, add a book mobile site in
the Greenbriar neighborhood.
All of the figures mentioned were derived from approximate unit count umltiplied by
persons per household. Thus East Clourwater. for example, is derived by a factor of
3; the Palmetto Branch by 3.5; the clearwater Beach Branch by a factor of 2. 1bene
demographic characteristics represent an attempt to relate to a true population
distribution by family si~e and age groupings.
l' Alh bd