09/17/1971 "':~,i:~,~,~.. '~~l'. C, . .' .~.' . ~.. . . ~'. . !:' :,c . ..... , ~ I " .\. . " ';rj;; " ~~~.zt~~.l~.:Ll' . :~}1<':.!:~~',)~.,:, '. " LIBRARY BOARD ,1' . MINUTES DATE ~. 111",1 ., j-/tJ!l~ c' ,.' . ~:. c. .J ~~. :#iit \," . "~;'"'\''''' J~.j:..::.." ~ .~ " . ",' . ''':''''l' -?J..<. ' , . , September meeting,of the Clearwater Library Board. <, ',x ~ The September meetinp.; of the Clearwater Libra'ry Boa.rd Nas callAd to ord.er at 1: 35 pr1 or September 17, 1971 by Chairman Korsy. In,addition to the chairman and the Director, Mr. Hardaway, the following members were pr.esent: Mrs. Hasbrouck, Mrs. Johnson, Nrs. Kerr, Dr. Nacclonald, Nrs. Moore, Mrs. Patouillet, and Mr. Heis. Nrs. Patouillet reported. that a reception was planned for the ,director at the library on Sunday September 26, from 2:00~4:00 PM. The publio'will be invited, Mr. Reis will have material available at the reception where guests may sign to receive further information on llPriends of the Library". .; " The Board was polled and opposed the proposition that a portion of the facil! ties at Norninp.;s ide Swim and 'I'ennis Club be' usad for a libr~ry branch. Mr. Hardaway reported on the status of the. Ii brar,y. He presented the Board with a copy of the gnidelines he will present to the architect assigned to the library renovation, Mr. McElmurray. A special board rneetin~ was called for Friday, September 24 at the usual time and place for t~e purpose of meeting with Mr. Hardaway and Mr. ,McElmurray. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned ,at 2:45 PM. ' Respectfully submitted, ~~. D. I. ftJacdonald Acting Secretary