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September meeting,of the Clearwater Library Board.
~ The September meetinp.; of the Clearwater Libra'ry Boa.rd Nas
callAd to ord.er at 1: 35 pr1 or September 17, 1971 by Chairman
Korsy. In,addition to the chairman and the Director, Mr. Hardaway,
the following members were pr.esent: Mrs. Hasbrouck, Mrs. Johnson,
Nrs. Kerr, Dr. Nacclonald, Nrs. Moore, Mrs. Patouillet, and Mr. Heis.
Nrs. Patouillet reported. that a reception was planned for the
,director at the library on Sunday September 26, from 2:00~4:00 PM.
The publio'will be invited, Mr. Reis will have material
available at the reception where guests may sign to receive
further information on llPriends of the Library".
The Board was polled and opposed the proposition that a portion of
the facil! ties at Norninp.;s ide Swim and 'I'ennis Club be' usad for a
libr~ry branch.
Mr. Hardaway reported on the status of the. Ii brar,y. He
presented the Board with a copy of the gnidelines
he will present to the architect assigned to the library
renovation, Mr. McElmurray. A special board rneetin~ was
called for Friday, September 24 at the usual time and place
for t~e purpose of meeting with Mr. Hardaway and Mr. ,McElmurray.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned
,at 2:45 PM. '
Respectfully submitted,
D. I. ftJacdonald
Acting Secretary