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Meeting: Clearwater Library Board.
Chai rnan Koros~' called the regularly scheduled meet ing to
order at 1:40 PN August 21, 1971 in the North Conference
Room, Cleanmter City Hall. I[,he follo\'ling members v/ere
present: HI's. Goss, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Korosy, Dr. Macdonald,
Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Patouillet, Mrs. Pollack, and Mr. fleis.
Mr. Koras:r passed out the library statjstics fot' ,Iune.
A discussion followed of the Library Bill of Ri~htG and
~uidelines for the library boa.rd. Further thour-;ht "sas Gw"';[!:es tad
with action on adopting such documents postponed until th~
next Meeting.
To show its pleasure with its new Library Director and spread
the gooq news. the Board decided on the foll0\1ing: Newspapers
would be ur~ed to write a feature, civic groups woul~ be
approached to invite Nr. Hardaway to meet their members, and
two receptions were planned.
The first, a tea at Schraffts'. planned for Sunday September 12
from 1:00 to ):00 PM to include the City Mana~er, Commissione~s,
,Library employees. Library Board Nembers, and others at
su~~estlon of City Manager and Miss Byers. Spouses to be in~luded.'
'Arrangements by Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Patouillet.
A second reception was planned for t\'10 weel\s later at the
!!lain library to introduce the Director to the public. Sever-al
civ1c ;;-roups to be approached to ussiGt in arrnng'ernent.s.
Mr. Heis volunteered to lay dm-In firound rules for a
Friends of the Library group with hopes that memberships
could be solicited at the public reception of September 26.
There being no further business I l'leeting was ad.1ourned at :3: DOPN.
, .
Respectifully submitted,
D. I. Hacdonald
Acting Secretary.
100 NO. OSCl!.OLA AVE.
~J..E.ARW:ATER. f'LORIDA 33515
June 9, 1972
TOI Mayor-Commissioner Everett Hougen and City Commissioners
Through. Merritt Stierheim, City Manager
SUbjeot. Immediate and long-range plans for Clearwater Library System'
At the April 28, 1972 meeting of the Clearwater Public Library Board,
the recommendations of the board's Long-Range Planning Committee were
approved by nine of the eleven members present, two members being
ThoBO reoommendations oonsist of the following.
1. That planned renovations to the downtown facility be started ae
quiokly as possiblel to inolude all steps shown in the Library
Development Program chart, elIminating Bookmobile project and
Bxterior Renovationl expenditures held to a limit of $J1~.OOO
at this time. (Exterior Renovation was regarded as ultimately
desirable, but lowest on the priority list.)
2. That plans be completed for construotion of a modular branch in
East Clearwater. with provisions inoluded for expansion as required.
This branch could beoome Clearwater's largest library service oenter.
Suggested general looa~ion. On or oonvenient to Gulf-to-Bay,
between Keene Road and U.S. 19.
3. That Bookmobile service be established when funds are available,
serving regional shopping centers and future population centers in
outlying areas and with careful emphasis on service to shut-ins.
4. That a county library system should be an ultimate goal.
S. That a pUblic relations program be organized. Offering the services
of library personnel as speakers to service clubs, neighborhood
civio associations, church groups, etc.. providing programs on books,
musIc, art, etc.. for various age levels to ohurch schools, olubs,
eto., encouraging the use of library facilities by civic and art
groups, clUbs, etc.1 expanding an appreciation of complete library
servioes through newspapers, radio. etc.
6. That the establishment of a program of oooperation between public
sohool and J.C. libraries and the Clearwater library be explored.
The planned renovations to the downtown facility to inolude the
f'ollowlng steps.
a. Hire architect
b. Struotural design and construction
Q. Prooessing Area
d. Elevator
e. Storage Area and partial equipment purchase
(Children's Area)
f. Street level entrance
g, Interior decorating
h. Partial equipment purchase
(for existing adult area)
1, Third floor construction
j, Final equlpment purohase(for third floor)
~t 25.000
k. Construot parking lot
The Library Board 'recommends that the City Commission favorably
consider the above recommendations and have this proposal on the
down~own facility accomplished in the near future.
We realise that of the $470.000 originally noted as part of the
Clearwater Development Plan, only.$250.000 was to be spent on the
downtown library. Since cost of construotion and equipment has gone
up'since the bond issue was passed, we are aSking the City to allocate
a4dl~lonal funds of $63,000 to make possible the recommended expansion
and renovation at the downtown library. (Notel There was no speoific
determination at the ~ime of the bond issue as to what expansion or
renovation was to be aocomplished at the downtown facility.)
Also, we are asking the City Commission to locate and purchase property
in the general area outlined above for the location of the proposed
East branoh lIbrary. Determination of the aotual cost of this property
w111 then define how much additional money will be necessary to build
the branch library buildIng.
Proposed )lans for the East branch library are being studied and pre-
pared now and will be submitted to the City Commission at a later date.
Fred C. Korosy t Chairman
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