03/17/1971 - Special .1~~~~:::::'.~':, ~.~;..~..~:::...;~. ":,, 1. 'c' ':'i: ,J..:. ~:> . . ..". i. : '.': ~. , . . ~I.. . . ~"I/ " . /t:, " ' . , '. " . < > : c ~ '.' . . .....<.... .... . <'. . 'c' II. '... i. .. " , ' ,\ . e'. . '.' . " I:: " . '.. .' I , t< .' ;' }\~ ',:. ' ~~~~.'.. . , ./t'pt;.c:,' '\-u \..... ..~~ < ..,.; h; '1 '. 'f".., ~," '" . . . . , . c' '. ,.. . ,~ -. ",.... ~ ~. ',H ' . , . " !' 'II LIBRARY BOARD . . MINUTES' DATE ~ ,1119?/ 1- ~ Iv /:2 , . ' . I I I . 1 < . , . , . I '. . '.' . I . I : ~ r I ~ . '. ~ ~ 4 ' "\u~" " , , I . . . .' I r~ . , .~ -, .' .- --. . , - .' . . .. ... SPECIAL MEETINGS OF THE CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES .' ~. -, " ;. " ',' ,,' ',' ?I If,'. :.. ., "" ". ~ On March 17, 1971, a special meeting was held at the Garden Seat Restaurant at 12:00 noon, at which time all the members of the board with the exception of Mary Ann Biggs and Ruth Johnson were present. Meeting was held to interview George Viele regarding position of Library Director. . On March 18, 1971, a special meeting was held at the Garden Seat Restaurant at 12:00 noon, at which time all members of the board were present. Meeting was held to interview Albert DeCaprio for position of Library Director. On March 19, 1971, a special meeting was held at the Garden Seat Restaurant at 12:00 noon, at which time all members of the board were present with the excep- tion of Ruth Johnson. Int~rviewed at this meeting was Robert Smith. Meeting adjourned at 2:00 PM. Another special me~ting was held ~:arch 19, 1971, at 2:30 PM. at the City Hall. All members were present with the exception of Ruth Johnson and LarTY Reis. Mrs. Reeves moved that the board give its recommendation for Library Director to Robert Smith. Motion was seconded by Mrs. Moore and passed unanimously. Dr. Macdonald moved that the board give its recommendation of Albert DeCaprio as second choice for Library Director. Second to the motion was given by Mrs. Reeves, and passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 3:30 PM. .. lOCAL HISTOR"l ronrer/ON ....; ~.', {gJ:'l~~::~~;~'::. < ~ft.. .....' :}.?~:/:"-~,,: 1.1, . '../' c.~,. ;.; ':.: ~ .. .' .' -', .', ".",.'. . '. ~ " ., : :. ~ ."'";'.?" \ :;~', c , ',J:! ':' :';1 ., , "i. L .- ' '."L'> ,: '. :~oi- ' :,.1 ' ..,., ' .:'< , h.: ~~,t'l:i";',,~ '.... '. ". r.;.>'. 'c' i.... ,.<.... .,.,...t~"......., 1 ' L I .i I j' ( .' L r'*') 1 ""il' I., {. " '~'~'.'~JIt.;c' ..--t'-'-~'. . , cl:' ~. ),.' .'. , ',. +' co' ..I .'. ..," ~ ~ ..'~ . '" <' .(~':: '~j,,';'l' ~', : , ; ;~' ..:",~d"I',~~'~:' . "):r~:" ;.~ '. .;~'t ":'<\';'}:~':::'~:~:~~~ i. I' j. i" , ' Page 2 of minutes of Special Meeting March 17, 1971 NOTE: Mr. Merritt Stierheim, City Manager, was notified at 4:30 PM by ph~Je, on March 19, of the above action by the Board of Trustees. From Fred Korosy To Merritt Stierheim, City Manager Miss Sarah Byers Mrs. Richard Biggs Mrs. Elizabeth Hasbrouck Mrs. Ruth E. Johnson Dr. Donald L. Macdonald Mrs. Johnnie Mae Moore Mrs. Alice Reeves Mr. Larry Reis \'......) rOCA[ HISTORY COLLECTION ';I,l .~ . '"I ""/ /. :l~.ri~'.. . ~ C I T Y 0 F C LEA R W ATE R 100 North Osceola Ave. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33515 OFFICE OF LIBRARY DIRECTOR October 20, 1971 ' Miss Sarah Byers 1121 Charles St. Clearwater, Fla. 33515 " Dear Sarah, When I took this position, it was my understanding that you had relinquished it voluntarily, most likely because of illness. ' I also felt that because we had known each other in Florida Library Association that we could work together toward the same aim - better library service for the people of Clearwater. I still hope this will be the case. I realize that this is a time of real readjustment for you, but I want you to know, first, that any changes which I make do not imply criticixm of you. After all~ there are many judgments made by human beings every day on al~ 'sorts of things - such as who caught a forward pass or who was out at first. There is tremendous variability in the human being, and if my judgment is different from yours, this implies no fault on your paTte Second, there are real contributions which you can make to the library service to the community, and I hope you will continue to do those things for which you have a Teal talent. Please recognize that only those persons who have been in library work for these many years in Florida can understand what you have done to hold together a library when few persons on governmental levels recognized that libraries were really of any use. I would like for the situation to remain such that you will receive credit for what you have done, rather than getting into a situation which will demean you, me and the library with which you have been associated for so long. Sincerely yours, w Elliott Hardaway LOCAL HISTORY COLLECTION . ~'. <. :r ~:~.,: ....:;: 'I .~~I}-~,~ ~....\ >o;c'~ " , . , , , , ! . ~ Clearwater, Florida October 29, 1971 Mr. Elliott Hardaway, Director Clearwater Public Library, Clearwater, Florida Dear Mr. Hardaway: Thank your for your letter of Oct. 19th. It was in my mail when I arrived home. The tenor of it, as well as it's omissions, makes it eminently clear that my decision to accept another position is presently the only logical resolution to this complex problem. However laudable you intent might be, or however much we might both endeavor to reconcile our differences, it is more obvious each day that our philosophies, policies, and procedures are so disparate that any effort to function under the same roof would be quite ridiculous, and soon impossible. More specifically, let me refer to your letter. So far as J know now my health is good, and I intended to continue in the Clearwater Library as the reference librarian and as readers advisor. In line \~ith these duties, I hoped to enlarge our sources as well as expand and revise the files. Natu- rally, I supposed that the book collection with which I am so thoroughly familiar, and which has proven to be of great service, would remain essen.. tially inta~t. Since you chose to attack it so destructively and immediately, I was left with only one conclusion. Thank you again for the letter. " Sarah Byers .., LOCAl HISTORV COLlECTION ,. 1'-1"1 "" ,~~ 'f< . , ," CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY - STATISTICS FOR JANUARY 1970 REGISTRATION ............11 Deposit Adult Juvenile Transfer Total - . 'L ~,10 ., MAIN 90 384 26 500 NORTIlEAST 1 11 22 34 BEACH 58 420 7 98 149 420 55 624 ." CIRCULATION Adult Juvenile Total Grand Total MAIN 15,265 2,948 18,213 18,213 NORTIlEAST 349 613 962 962 BEACH 2,763 18,377 263 3,824 3,026 22,201 3,026 22,201 ACCESSION For month, all branches 974 FINANCIAL--RECEIPTS Fines Rental Deposit Non-Rt'ls. Lost!Pd Total MAIN 330.85 141.88 174.00 300.00 8.65 955.38 NORTHEAST 3.75 2.00 10.00 15.75 BEACH 16.90 351.50 24.76 166.64 116.00 292.00 310.00 157.66 8.65 1,128.79 FINANCIAL--DISBURSEMENTS Refund-Deposit Postage Misc. Supplies Total MAIN 25.00 7.86 .50 1. 79 35.15 NORTHEAST .75 .75 17.00 52.90 BEACH 17,00 42.00 7:86 .50 2.54 v lOCAl HISTOR.V COI UCTION ~\. :~.. d ' .