01/30/1970 I\t~: ~t~;.,' ': "', c.' :.'" : . ):; :'"0''' " , ; , , , .1 , ,; . , , ~,... ... + ... ~, ,'T:., .'" ,",., i". ....1 . , ... < ,~, ' , , . '., ~ ; .>: , , , ' > . ..' ~ .' .. ',"". <, ~ ... . e LIBRARY BOARD " MINUTES .DATE iUinNAi!-'{ 3~ /9?p 1- 7'73 .. ,.";" :t{' :. ,\ ~ , . ~ . ',' Wol!"'..1......r~' " .'" ~'. ". .. ..' ., I~.) f~ r,'lJ',-t" I The Clearwater Library Board met January 30. 1970. Members present were: Coleman, Haasbrouck. Moore. Biggs, Macdonald) Filewicz, Korosy. Byers and Akerman. Mrs. Dubendorff was also present. Minutes from the last meeting were read and approved. Miss Byers read a letter to the city manager. Mr. Stierheim, concerning microfiom. There is a new type which is entirely different from the roll but not yet available. Space and efficiency have to be considered in buying. There should be another copying machine. A motion was made to recommend to the city commissioners that microfiom be pur- chased to cover most of the material back as far as 1950, including a reader \ and reader printer, Mrs. Filewicz seconded this motion and it was passed. Nothing has been decided by the city commissioners about the building program. There is a chance for expansion of the Wickman memorial by friends of the late David Killeffer. Miss Byers showed plans to the board members and a motion was made by Mrs. Filewicz that the board recommend to the city commissioners that the area be enlarged as suggested using an additional 10 feet of the present chamber of commerce beyond the tentative area. This would give a large 20 feet more of space. Mr. <<Orosy seconded this and the motion passed with no further discus- sion. ~ r()cl\c HISTORY COllrrTlO:-J ;:/~.: ~r '\:. . ~. f ,f II ,\ ';1 ~~~~~~ ~~',', '" ~ ','., " . ~, ., . '",u,' /,.',. \:,'1 i; !':~r~,~ " Page 2 of minutes of January 30, 1970 Mrs. McGraw (Wickman) wishes to have a plaque made for David Killeffer to be paid for by her and placed beside the Wickman plaque. Dr. Macdonald moved that the board accept this generous offer and Mrs. Haas- brouck seconded the motion. It passed. A resolution will be made by the board and copies sent to Mrs. Killeffer, the city manager and kept on file at the library. More will be done on this res- olution later. Miss Byers has been asked about another special collection to be used at the north east branch library. This would be on negroe culture in honor of Edward Allen Henry Jr. A motion to establish this memorial was made by Mrs. Biggs and seconded by Mrs. Moore. The motion passed and the collection authorized. " Mrs. Filewicz moved for adjournment at 2:40 PM. Dorothy B, Akerman secretary ... \' rOCfL' HISTORY COl.LfCTION ~;~, . I"~ , I r~, ' ' " ~~:~j:::.: ~.. 'L". , I ,. . . :'!,";e~ ~ " C I T Y 0 F C LEA R W ATE R POST OFFICE BOX 1348 CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33517 OFFICE OF LIBRARY DIRECTOR Whereas, David H. Killeffer served his community as a member of the Library Board of the City of Clearwater during the past seven years: and Whereas, his dedication was so complete, his efforts 50 suce5sful in all ar- eas of the Board's activities, the Board wishes to express its sense of loss to the family of Mr. Killeffer. During the meetings of the Board, Mr. Killeffer had so comprehensive and sen- sitive a grasp of the many needs and problems, and such unusual ability of expression, both spoken and written, that his contributions toward solutions was inestimable. His efforts were unremitting in bringing to fruition the plans and projects which the Board's actions initiated. His education and experience as a scientist. writer, business man, churchman, and sewman were so wide that he was able to assist in every area. His sponsorship of the Wickman Memorial Collection, in particular, has been such that already the collection has become well known throughout the country. Be it resolved. That the Library Board record its sorrow and sympathy at the passing of its friend and co-worker, and that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minute,:book of the Board in lasting tribute to his memory, and that copies be sent to his family and to the City Commission o~ Clearwater, with the request that it be read in a regular meeting of said Commission. Respectfully submitted Rev. Robert Coleman JT. Chainnan Dorothy B. Akennan Secretary v [a-cAt HISTORY COLLECTION