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The general meeting of the Clearwater Public Library Board was held Oct.
17th, 1969, and was called to order by the Chairman. Rev. Robert Coleman at
~1~30 P.H.
In the absence of the secretary Mrs. Dorothy Akerman, the Chairman ap-
pointed Mrs. Fran~ Filewicz to serve as secretary pro-tern for the meeting.
Attending members of the Board. beside the Rev. Coleman and Mrs. Filewicz
were; Dr. Macdonald. Mr. David Killeffer. Mrs. Moore, Mr. Korosy, Mrs. Haas-
brouck and the ne\o1 member Mrs. Mary Ann Biggs. Visitors were, Mr. Don Beach-
ler, asst. City Engineer and Mrs. H. Dubendorff, a representative of the
Junior Women's Club of Clearwater.
The Chairman introduced Mr. Don Beachler who presented the items on the
proposed Library expansion and explained to the Board that the expansion
program must be considered for the future growth of the city as well as the
present needs. Information was given as to the findings as related to Mr.
Sessa's survey and contained in the copies sent to each member of the Library
Board. Question and answer period followed which brought to the attention
of the Board that this expansion will cost approximately $300,000.00.
After the departure of Mr. Beachler, the secretary pro-tern read the Min-
utes of the previous meeting which upon a motion made by Mr. Killeffer were
approved as read.
Mr. Killeffer moved that a request be made through the City Manager to
open and convert the unused portion of the Memorial Civic Center for the
expansion of the Beach Branch Library, this was seconded and carried.
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Puge 2 of minutes of Oct. 17th, 1969
Mr. Killeffer moved that we express our sincere thanks to Mr. Beaclller
for the time and effort spent in making the study concerning the expansion
program. The motion carried.
Dr. Coleman reported that a meeting with Miss Byers was held concerning
the employment of two more professional librarians to add to the present
staff, but that all must go through the proper channel and this must be re-
ferred to the Civil Service Board.
Dr. Coleman welcomed the ne\of member of the Board, Mrs. Mary Ann Biggs,
just recently appointed.
Dr. Macdonald moved that a Vice Chairman be elected to replace Mr. Wm.
H. Williams who recently resigned from the Board, he then moved to nominate
Mrs. Frank Filewicz as the Vice Chairman. The nomination was seconded and
carried and Mrs. Filewicz was elected as Vice Chairman of the Clearwater
Public Library Board.
Dr. Macdonald suggested that we wet a schedule to begin implementing the
survey as presented by Mr. Sessa.
Mr. Korosy moved that we reconunent to the City Manager that we proceed
immediately with the expansion of the present building as proposed by the City
Manager, as reported by a letter of Sept. 30th, and made to the Board on Oct.
17th, 1969. Motion carried.
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Page 3 of minutes of Oct. 17th, 1969
Dr. Coleman read a letter from Mrs. Julia Sharpe, Librarian of the Beach
Branch concerning an objection to changing the time of the Great Books Group
meeting at the Beach Branch from 5:00 P.M. to 8:15 PM. The letter stated
that it seemed advisable to request the change to give the regular patrons
ample time to enjoy the use of the library. Letter here-to attached.
Mr. Killeffer moved that ,the time of the meeting of the Great Books dis-
cussion Group shall be not earlier than 8:15 P.M. so to give extra monents to
the Librarian to clear the desk after closing time and that a letter be sent
to Mrs. Bamberg notifying the Group of the requirement of the Clearwater Pub-
lit Library Board. Motion seconded and passed.
Mrs. Biggs recommended that we suggest to the City Manager that in the
expansion, there would be some consideration of constructing a meeting room
to be used by interested people such as the Great Books Discussion Group.
Then Mrs. Biggs introduced the idea of a reserve system of books in the
near future.
Mr. Killeffer reported that $20.77 was paid by a patron for losing some
books of the Wyckman Collection and moved that this money be used to replace
the books. Motion seconded and carried. ,
Mr. Korosy explained, upon a request of the Chairman, the pre-processing
of books by a certain company.
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Page 4 of minutes of Oct. 17th, 1969
Discussion was held concerning micro-filming which could involve at least
one reading machine and requested that Mr. Korosy inquire further as to the
cost of such a system.
Mrs. H. Dubendorff offered on behalf of the CleaTWater Junior Woman's Club
the sum of $1,300.00 to be used in the Childrens Department for whatever the
Board sees fit in making the department more attractive to the Children.
Dr. Macdonald moved that the Board recognize this offer by sending a letter
of appreciation to the President of the Junior Woman's Club of Clearwater, Mrs.
Lawrence Norman, 1481 Hyfield Dr., Clearwater, 33516. Motion seconded and
The meeting adjourned by general consent at 3 P.M.
Frances Filewicz
Secretary pro-tern
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