01/17/1969 1 LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES 4 f? s; E Minutes of Clearwater Library Board Meeting of January 17, 1969 Present were members: Williams, Fleming, Killeffer, Hasbrouck, Moore, Byers and Macdonald, Korosy. The Board was pleased to have as guests six members of the Clearwater Junior Womans' Club. In the absence of Chairman Coleman, Mr. Williams assumed the chair and called the meeting to order at 1:45 P.M. The minutes of the previous meeting were distributed and approved. Library statistics for November and December were passed out. Miss Byers reported that she is preparing her annual survey and prospectus which she will distribute to Board members at the February meeting. Miss Byers reported that she has reached a tentative agreement for the placing and display of Mrs. Flaggs' doll collection in the law library at the Court House under the supervision of the Pinellas Historical Society. Mr. Killeffer made a motion which was approved to allow the dolls to be turned over for this purpose, subject to the approval of Mfrs. Edith Putnam. Mr. Killeffer reported that the senior citizens do not plan a library of their own, but will try to provide a reading room for two to three hours, two to three days weekly. Miss Byers agreed to include in her report for February a list of all written library policies to better inform the new Board members of the library policies. J rOCAT HISTORY COG! £CTION 1-041 Page 2 of minutes of January 17, 1969 Mrs. Harold Dubendorff representing the Clearwater Junior Womens' Club verbally repeated a request made earlier in writing. The Library Board has asked to rec- ommend to the City Commission that a professional survey by a qualified library consultant be made of the existing and future needs of the library. Dr. Macdonald made a motion that this survey be requested. It was seconded, dis- cussed and passed. A copy of this recommendation is to be sent separately to the City Manager, Mayor, and City Commissioners. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. D. 1. Macdonald, M.D. Acting Secretary tnCAL HISTO" COLLECTION