01/17/1964?- g ??
The meeting of the Clearwater Public Library Board was held January 17, 1964
at the office of the Librarian.
It was called to order by the Chairman, Rev. Robert Coleman at 1:45 p.m. In
the absence of the Secretary, Mrs. Frank Filewicz was appointed by the chairman
to serve as Secretary pro-tem.
Those present were: Mr. David Killeffer, Mr. Wm. H. Williams, Miss Byers and
the two members mentioned above.
To a question stated by Mr. Killeffer concerning the order of books for the
Wickman collection, Miss Byers informed the Board members that the books were
ordered and should be in soon.
The check which was donated by Mr. J. M. Wickman, by the time it was cashed,
was out-dated and upon writing to Mr. Wickman, Mr. Killeffer obtained another
check which is now deposited in the bank.
Miss Byers informed the Board members that announcements were placed in all
beach motels with information concerning the library service and the hours on
the beach.
The Chairman reported that there is a bilance of $277.00 in the bank. Miss Byers
announced that the rational Observer and the Barrons were added to the list of
the newspaper copies in the library.
Discussion was held concerning the Friends of the Library Funds, in the bank and
it was suggested to Miss Byers to contact Mr. Herbert Drown, the City Attorney
for his advise as the legal manner of disposition of these funds.
Upon a motion made by Mr. Wm. H. Williams, the meeting was adjourned at 3 p.m.
The next meeting to be held February 21, 1964.
Frances Filewicz
Secretary pro-tem.